Catalogue of Geadephaga (Coleoptera, Adephaga) of America, north of Mexico Author Bousquet, Yves Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada text ZooKeys 2012 2012-11-28 245 1 1722 journal article 1313-2970-245-1 FFFF52503A0AFF882450FFB66D45FF8E 578462 Genus Panagaeus Latreille, 1802 Panagaeus Latreille, 1802: 91. Type species: Carabus cruxmajor Linnaeus, 1758 by monotypy. Etymology. Uncertain, possibly from the Greek pan - (all, the whole) and agaios (admirable, enviable), alluding to the overall beautiful coloration of the adult, or from the Greek panagios (very saintly, very pious), alluding to the cross-shaped color band on the elytra of the species Latreille had before him [masculine]. Diversity. Fourteen species in temperate and tropical areas of the Nearctic (three species), Neotropical (four species), and Palaearctic (eight species) Regions arrayed in two subgenera: Panagaeus (Palaearctic Region) and Hologaeus (Western Hemisphere). Identification. Ogueta (1966a) reviewed the Western Hemisphere species and provided a key for their identification.