Thirty-one new species of the spider genus Leclercera from Southeast Asia (Araneae, Psilodercidae) Author Chang, Wan-Jin Author Li, Shuqiang text ZooKeys 2020 913 1 87 journal article 1313-2970-913-1 575D3DC1CBF44E99816D0F68F931F927 2AC899BE84CE53E0B7461D63DA3F0A03 Leclercera zanggaensis sp. nov. Figs 40 , 56L , 58 Types. Holotype : ♀ (IZCAS), China, Tibet Autonomous Region, Xigaze, Dinggye County, Chentang Town, Zangga Village, 27°51.6307'N , 87°25.4768'E , elevation ca 2219 m, 14.VIII.2017, X. Zhang, Z. Bai leg. Etymology. The species name is an adjective referring to the type locality. Diagnosis. Females of L. zanggaensis sp. nov. can be distinguished from other congeners by the presence of right-angled, stalked spermathecae (Fig. 40A ) (vs. the absence of right-angled, stalked spermathecae in congeners), and the external genitalia is distinctly depressed medially (Fig. 40B ) (vs. the absence of indented external genitalia in congeners). Figure 40. Leclercera zanggaensis sp. nov., female paratype. A Endogyne, dorsal view B female epigastric area, ventral view C female habitus, dorsal view D female habitus, ventral view. Abbreviation: SP = spermatheca. Description. Female. Total length 3.12; carapace 1.09 long, 1.09 wide; abdomen 2.03 long, 0.80 wide. Carapace round and brown, with median dark brown longitudinal band (Fig. 40C ). Chelicerae brown (Fig. 56L ). Clypeus dark brown medially. Endites dark brown, light brown basally. Labium dark brown. Sternum with dark brown heart shape. Abdomen elongated, antero-dorsum with pairs of dark brown longitudinal spots, posteriorly with dark brown horizontal stripes (Fig. 40C ), antero-ventrally with elliptical external genitalia region, posterior with complex dark brown spots. Legs uniformly brown; measurements: I 13.11 (3.75, 0.31, 3.80, 3.75, 1.50), II-III missing, IV 13.40 (3.75, 0.40, 4.00, 3.75, 1.50). Epigastric area (Fig. 40B ): linear light brown patch with distinct indented slit. Endogyne (Fig. 40A ): a pair of right-angled, stalked spermathecae, with slightly downward curving blunt ends, vertical parts five times shorter than horizontal parts. Male . Unknown. Distribution. Known only from the type locality (Fig. 58 ).