Rissoidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda) from northeast Atlantic seamounts Author Gofas, Serge text Journal of Natural History 2007 2007-06-04 41 13 - 16 779 885 http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00222930701298085 journal article 10.1080/00222930701298085 1464-5262 5229647 Schwartziella peregrina n. sp. ( Figure 59 ) Type material Holotype MNHN 9727 (sh., 6.28× 2.12 mm ) and nine paratypes MNHN 9785 (sh., 5.90×2.10 to 6.60× 2.40 mm ) from Seamount 2 sta. DW152, in MNHN . Type locality Meteor seamount, 30 ° 02.09N , 28 ° 22.19W , 470 m . Material examined Meteor— Seamount 2 sta. DW136, 1 sh. (5.80× 1.84 mm ); DW143, 16 sh. (5.15×1.85 to 6.37×2.00 mm); DW152, the type material. Etymology From Latin peregrinus , a wanderer or pilgrim, alluding to the remote geographical origin. Description Shell very slender, solid, up to 6.6× 2.4 mm . Protoconch of 1.5 quite convex whorls, smooth. Teleoconch with ca 7.5 quite convex whorls; body whorl rounded. Surface with strong, opisthocline, slightly flexuous axial ribs (ca 14 on the penultimate whorl), equivalent in size to the interspaces; and a complex spiral microsculpture of longitudinal slots which are offset along the growth lines. Aperture piriform, channelled at both ends. Outer lip opisthocline, strongly thickened externally, inside smooth, with a sharp edge. Inner lip slightly thickened, appressed. Figure 59. Schwartziella peregrina n. sp. (A) Holotype (sh.) from Meteor seamount, DW152 (470 m), actual size 6.28 mm; (B) protoconch of a paratype, same locality; (C) microsculpture of teleoconch whorl. Scale bars: 100 Mm (B); 50 Mm (C). Remarks There are many species of Schwartziella in the Cape Verde Islands (see Rolán and Luque 2000 ) and a few on the mainland of West Africa (see Gofas 1999 ), but S. peregrina differs in being much more slender than any of them.