Rissoidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda) from northeast Atlantic seamounts Author Gofas, Serge text Journal of Natural History 2007 2007-06-04 41 13 - 16 779 885 http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00222930701298085 journal article 10.1080/00222930701298085 1464-5262 5229647 Benthonellania fayalensis ( Watson, 1886 ) ( Figure 56 ) Rissoa fayalensis Watson 1886 , p 589 , Plate 44 Figure 7 . Type material Holotype (sh., 1.60× 0.93 mm ) from Challenger sta. 75, in BMNH (1897.2.9.1896). Type locality Off Fayal , Azores (38 ° 389N, 28 ° 28.59W , 819–910 m ) . Material examined Ampère— Victor Hensen VH 97 sta. 97, 5 sh. (1.44×1.00 to 1.90× 1.14 mm ); sta. 104, 2 sh. (1.48×0.94 to 1.70× 1.04 mm ). Figure 56. Benthonellania fayalensis ( Watson, 1886 ) . (A) Shell from Ampère bank, Victor Hensen sta. VH97/97 (800 m), actual size 1.90 mm; (B) protoconch of another shell, same locality; (C) detail of microsculpture, same as (A). Scale bars: 100 Mm (B); 50 Mm (C). Remarks The specimens collected on Ampère seamount agree well with the specimens from the type locality and nearby (see Bouchet and Warén 1993 , p 680–681), so that this is the first unambiguous report of the species outside the Azores. The reservations expressed previously regarding the assignment to Benthonellania also apply here but, in the absence of data on the living animal the generic placement by Bouchet and Warén (1993) will be respected. The specimens from Ampère seamount and those from the Monaco station cited in Bouchet and Warén were examined under SEM for microsculpture. The former do not show a Porosalvania microsculpture, only very tenuous spiral lines of slit-like pores on some parts of the shells ( Figure 56C ), and the latter are too corroded by acidic glass to conserve any kind of microsculpture.