Rissoidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda) from northeast Atlantic seamounts Author Gofas, Serge text Journal of Natural History 2007 2007-06-04 41 13 - 16 779 885 http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00222930701298085 journal article 10.1080/00222930701298085 1464-5262 5229647 Crisilla ovulum n. sp. ( Figures 21 , 22 ) Type material Holotype MNHN 9710 (spm., 1.40× 0.94 mm ) from Seamount 1 sta. DW60, in MNHN ; 34 paratypes MNHN 9765 and SMNH 6742 (2 spm., 1.34× 0.88 mm and 32 sh., Figure 21. Crisilla ovulum n. sp. (A, B) Paratype from Josephine seamount, DW61 (200–205 m), actual size 1.38 mm; (C) protoconch; (D) microsculpture on subsutural area of third whorl; (E, F) shells from Seine seamount, DE80 (250– 256 m), actual size 1.24 and 1.34 mm; (G) protoconch, same shell as (E); (H, I) shells from Seine seamount, DE72 (165 m), actual size 1.36mm; (J) protoconch, same shell as (H); (K) microsculpture, same locality. Scale bars: 100 Mm. Figure 22. Crisilla ovulum n. sp. (A) Holotype (living specimen) from Josephine seamount, DW60 (240–255 m), actual size 1.40 mm; (B) detail of head and propodium; (C) detail of opercular lobes and metapodium. 1.08×0.74 to 1.50× 0.95 mm ) from Seamount 1 sta. DW61 (36 ° 409N, 14 ° 169W, 200– 205 m ) in MNHN and SMNH. Type locality