Nematode-induced demasculinisation of Dolichopus males (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) Author Kahanpää, Jere text Zootaxa 2008 1689 51 62 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.180614 549e79e9-bf81-4d14-9633-8af319a5c9dd 1175-5326 180614 Dolichopus popularis Wiedemann, 1817 Dolichopus popularis Wiedemann, 1817 : 70 Dolichopus aemulus Loew, 1859 : 9 Demasculinised males examined: Coll. JK — Finland , 1ɗ Ab:Korppoo, Jurmo (66469:31977), 20.vii.2005 , J. Kahanpää, id jka-05-02711, collected with several normal specimens of D. popularis . Dolichopus aemulus is close to D. popularis , from which it differs by the broader face and the narrowly feathered and weakly compressed apical segments of the mesotarsus ( Fig. 1 ). The 5th mesotarsal segment is dark, not white as in D. popularis . The hypopygium is somewhat smaller than normal for D. popularis , but without obvious morphological differences. D. aemulus has been recorded from Sweden and the former Czechoslovakia ( Negrobov 1991 ). Ringdahl (1928 , 1949 ) classified D. aemulus as a gynandromorphic form of D. popularis . Parent (1938) , Negrobov (1991) , and Grichanov (2004) treated D. aemulus as a valid species, although Grichanov (2002) had earlier expressed doubt about its validity. Yang et al. (2006) , following Meuffels (1978) , placed D. aemulus in synonymy with D. popularis . The only Finnish specimen was dissected and found to be parasitised. This supports the placement of Dolichopus aemulus Loew, 1859 as a junior synonym of D. popularis .