Nematode-induced demasculinisation of Dolichopus males (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) Author Kahanpää, Jere text Zootaxa 2008 1689 51 62 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.180614 549e79e9-bf81-4d14-9633-8af319a5c9dd 1175-5326 180614 Dolichopus fraterculus Zetterstedt, 1843 Dolichopus fraterculus Zetterstedt, 1843 : 510 Dolichopus micropygus Wahlberg, 1850 : 216 syn. nov. Dolichopus brachyurus Zetterstedt, 1859 : 5015 syn. nov. Demasculinised males examined: Coll. JK — Finland , 2ɗ Obb: Tervola, Yrttijänäk (7346833:3407825),–2.viii.2004 , J. Salmela & J. Ilmonen; 1ɗ Obb: Tervola, Ruuttulampi 2 (7347464: 3409770),– 2.viii.2004 , J. Salmela & J. Ilmonen; 1ɗ Obb: Tervola, Karhakkamaanjänkä (7346254: 415785),– 2.viii.2004 , J. Salmela & J. Ilmonen. Dolichopus micropygus was described from one male collected from northern Sweden . It has not been reported from other countries to date ( Negrobov 1991 , Pollet 2006 ). D. micropygus differs from D. fraterculus by the small hypopygium, simple legs, broad face and a punctiform or absent pterostigma ( Wahlberg 1850 ). Ringdahl (1949) classified D. micropygus as a gynandromorphic form of D. fraterculus . Grichanov (2002) has also expressed doubt about the validity of this species. Parent (1938) , Negrobov (1991) and Yang et al. (2006) treated D. micropygus a valid species. Three of the four males examined were parasitised; the fourth has an exit scar in the pleural membrane. D. micropygus Wahlberg is here synonymised with D. fraterculus Zetterstedt, 1843 . Dolichopus brachyurus was described by Zetterstedt from a male from Swedish Lapland (Lapponia). It has not been found elsewhere. According to Zetterstedt (1859) , the male genitalia of D. brachyurus are small with unusually small cerci, and the pterostigma is absent ( stigmate nullo ) as in D. consimis and D. cruralis . Parent (1938) treated D. brachyurus as a valid species. Ringdahl (1949) was unable to find the type specimen of D. brachyurus . The holotype has since been found in the Zoological Museum, University of Lund and D. brachyurus was synonymised with D. micropygus ( Grichanov 2002 , Grichanov 2006b ). Since D. micropygus is here found to be a junior synonym of D. fraterculus , D. brachyurus Zetterstedt, 1859 must also synonymised with D. fraterculus Staeger, 1842 .