Morphological phylogeny and taxonomic revision of the former antlion subtribe Periclystina (Neuroptera: Myrmeleontidae: Dendroleontinae) Author Machado, Renato Jose Pires Author Oswald, John David text Zootaxa 2020 2020-06-16 4796 1 1 322 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.4796.1.1 1175-5326 3896810 66DD1FEB-6BDE-4AEB-8A7B-96594371E9C5 Riekoleon proctus (New, 1985) , new combination ( Figs. 162–164 ) D25F0F66-0B84-4D31-9242-2BD4534205C1 Austrogymnocnemia procta New, 1985:16 (OD); New 1996:68 (cat); Stange 2004:100 (cat); Oswald 2018 (cat). Diagnosis. Legs elongate; wings narrow and with numerous brown marks; tibial spurs absent; pronotum with short black setae; male ectoproct ventrally elongate with a tubular posteroventral lobe. Description. Lengths: forewing: 20–22 mm ; hind wing: 18–21 mm . Head ( Figs. 163 a–b): Labrum pale with central area dark in most specimens, set with a line of elongate setae. Clypeus pale with a thin central longitudinal dark brown line, and margin between clypeus and frons dark brown; set with few elongate pale setae. Frons with ventral margin pale, remaining areas dark brown (dorsal margin curved and ventral medially excavated); covered with short white setae. Gena pale. Vertex entirely dark brown except for a transverse pale line in anterior view; covered with short black setae. Ocular setae absent. Antennae clubbed; elongate, about twice longer than pronotum; distance between antennae wider than scape width; scape mostly pale, pedicel and most of flagellomeres brown with a pale ring at distal margin, three to four subapical flagellomeres pale, and apex entirely dark brown; torular membrane pale; flagellomeres almost as long as wide at base, but apical ones much wider than long; all segments set with short black setae. Mandibles pale, with tip dark. Palpi , maxillary and labial pale with distal segments brown; apical labial palpomere fusiform, palpimacula opening oval-shaped, located medially. Thorax ( Fig. 163b ): Pronotum longer than wide; posterior margin wider than anterior; subapical furrow present; mostly pale except for some dark brown areas: lateral margins, two small marks on posterior half, and thin longitudinal line medially; beset with short black setae and few long black setae on borders. Mesonotum mostly dark brown with pale areas as follows: two lateral rounded spots on prescutum and two large marks around central area, in some specimens the medial area of scutellum pale; covered with short black setae. Metanotum mostly dark brown, except for irregular pale areas mostly around midline, covered with few short black setae. Pterothoracic pleura mostly dark brown with some irregular pale marks, mainly at ventral sclerites; covered with white setae but some black setae at dorsal sclerites; Miller’s organ present. Wings ( Fig. 163c ): Rather narrow with tip acute; anterior Banksian line present in both wings, posterior absent; veins mostly dark brown, but some veins intercalated with white spots, beset with short black setae. Male pilula axillaris present. Forewing membrane mostly hyaline but with numerous irregular brown marks at end of prefork area and near pterostigma, which is white; CuA fork located near RP origin; four to five presectoral crossveins with the distal ones connected by irregular longitudinal crossveins; subcostal veinlets simple; posterior area thinner than prefork area. Hind wing membrane mostly hyaline except for a wide subapical brown line, some irregular brown marks distal to pterostigma, and posterior margin brown infuscated apically; MP fork located near RP origin; subcostal veinlets simple; one presectoral crossvein. Legs ( Figs. 163 a–b): All pairs of legs , femur elongate (> 3.5x length of coxa); tibia slightly longer than femur but twice longer than tarsi; tibial spurs absent; T3 and T4 about same size, T2 slightly longer than T3, T1 slightly longer than T2, and T5 about twice longer than T1; claws shorter than half of T5 length; coxa, trochanter, and femur set with short white setae, with scattered long setae; femur, tibia and tarsi set with black setae, and scattered long black setae. Proleg sense hair absent; tibia with antennal cleaning setae ventroapically; coxa externally dark brown but internally pale, trochanter brown, femur mostly brown, with internal pale marks specially at base, tibia brown with two pale rings, both on basal half; tarsi dark brown. Mesoleg with colour pattern similar to proleg, except for femur mostly pale with apex and part of dorsal surface brown. Metaleg with femur and tibia slightly longer than in other legs; colour pattern similar to mesoleg, except for tibia pale with tip and internal surface midline dark brown. Abdomen: Mostly black with scattered pale marks, mainly on sternites medial and lateral areas, and tergites proximal halves. Beset with short black setae. Male Terminalia ( Figs. 164 a–d): Ectoproct with posteroventral margin extended, in lateral view; set with elongate black setae. 9 th sternite short, with posterior margin elongate medially in ventral view; covered with elongate black setae. Gonarcus broad in lateral view and circular in posterior view. Mediuncus absent. Paramere elongate longitudinally, fused basally and with tip acute and curving upwards. FIGURE 163. Riekoleon proctus : a) head, anterior; b) head and thorax, dorsal; c) wings, dorsal. Female Terminalia ( Figs. 164 e–f): Ectoproct posterior margin rounded covered with thin elongate setae. Lateral gonapophyses rounded, much smaller than ectoproct, with few elongate setae, and few short and thickened setae ventrally. 7 th sternite small, with distal margin rounded in ventral view; covered with long black setae. Pregenital plate trapezoid, with anterior margin narrow and distal broad in ventral view; hidden beneath 7 th sternite in ventral view. Posterior gonapophyses broad, long, covered with many long black setae and with many cavisetae apically. 9 th tergite with a broad membranous digitiform process. Anterior gonapophyses a small plate covered with long setae. Ventral membrane gonapophyseal plates present. Distribution ( Fig. 162 ). Australia : NSW*, QLD. Known from sparse records in eastern Queensland and New South Wales . Adult activity period. Records for December and February. Biology. Unknown, larva unknown. Name-bearing type . Austrogymnocnemia procta : Holotype (by original designation), male, QMBA, examined. Type locality: Australia , Queensland (state), Brisbane (city). From original description: “ Holotype , , Queensland , Brisbane, 15.xii.1928 (QM)”. Condition: good; terminalia dissected. Additional material examined ( 4♂ , 2♀ ). AUSTRALIA : New South Wales : Pillaga Scrub : 30:56S–149:23E, 10.ii.1997 , M.S. & B.J. Moulds ( 1♂ , AMSA ) ; Queensland : Brisbane : 2.xii.1928 , Coll. Esben-Petersen ( 1♀ , ZMUC ) ; Mount Moffat National Park : Top Moffat Camp , 13–15.xii.1987 , M.V., Monteith , Thompson , Yeates ( 3♂ , 1♀ , QMBA ) . FIGURE 164. Riekoleon proctus : male : a) terminalia, lateral; b) genitalia, posterodorsal; c) genitalia, lateral; d) 9 th sternite, ventral; female : e) terminalia, lateral; f) terminalia, ventral. Scale bars = 0.5 mm. Comments. New (1985b) originally described R. proctus in Austrogymnocnemia , but noted that the male genitalia (females were unknown) were unusual for that genus and that its posteroventrally-lobed ectoproct suggested that it might belong in a distinct genus. With the description of its female here, it is clear that R. proctus belongs in Riekoleon . The male and female terminalia are almost identical to other species of the convergens species group, including the elongate male ectoproct. Other external characters, such as the shapes of the wings, pronotum and legs, also support transfer of this species to Riekoleon . For phylogenetic relationships see Fig. 4 .