Order Rodentia - Family Muridae Author Wilson, Don E. Author Reeder, DeeAnn text 2005 The Johns Hopkins University Press Baltimore Mammal Species of the World: a Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (3 rd Edition), Volume 2 1189 1531 book chapter 0-8018-8221-4 10.5281/zenodo.7316535 Leopoldamys edwardsi (Thomas 1882) [Leopoldamys] edwardsi ( Thomas 1882 ) , Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1882: 587 . Type Locality: China , mountains of W Fujian (probably Kuatun). Vernacular Names: Edward's Leopoldamys . Synonyms: Leopoldamys garonum (Thomas 1921) ; Leopoldamys gigas (Satunin 1903) ; Leopoldamys hainanensis ( Xu and Yu 1985 ) ; Leopoldamys listeri (Thomas 1916) ; Leopoldamys melli (Matschie 1922) . Distribution: NW India (W Bengal, Arunachal Pradesh , Meghalaya , and Nagaland ; Agrawal, 2000 ; Ellerman, 1961 ); N Burma ( Anthony, 1941 ; Ellerman, 1961 ), S and C China (to S Anhui , including Hainan Isl; G. M. Allen [1940] Liu et al. [1985] , Wang [2003] , Wu et al. [1996] ), N Laos ( Ellerman, 1961 ; Osgood, 1932 ), N and C Vietnam ( Dang et al., 1994 ; Lunde et al., 2003 b ; Osgood, 1932 ), and isolated montane population in N Thailand (Phu Kadeung Plateau, Loei Province ; J. T . Marshall, Jr., 1977 a ). Range (excluding ciliatus and milleti ) mostly extracted from Musser (1981 b ) , Corbet and Hill (1992) , and specimens examined in AMNH , BMNH , FMNH , IEBR , MVZ , RMBR , and USNM . Conservation: IUCN – Lower Risk (lc). Discussion: Requires taxonomic revision. Association of the synonyms with L. edwardsi essentially derives from Osgood’s (1932:311) suggestion, which has yet to be tested by careful systematic study. Osgood included the Malayan and Sumatran ciliatus (including setiger ), along with the S Vietnam milleti , as forms of L. edwardsi , but we list them as separate species. In addition to the synonyms assembled by Osgood (1932) and Musser (1981 b ) , Xu and Yu (1985) described hainanensis from Hainan Isl. Those specimens have significantly smaller external, cranial, and dental measurements than characterize other samples of L. edwardsi and if adults may represent a separate species. Phallic morphology described by Yang and Fang (1988) in context of assessing phylogenetic relationships among Chinese murines. Ecological relationships with species of Bandicota , Mus , Maxomys , Niviventer , and Rattus in S Yunnan reported by Wu et al. (1996) . A large series (in AMNH and IEBR ) collected between 200 and 1200 m in the N Truong Son Range along the N Vietnam-Laos border in Hà T «nh Province of Vietnam resembles L. edwardsi in pelage coloration but approaches L. sabanus in relative tail length and other features. Comparison of their mtDNA cytochrome b sequences with sequences from L. sabanus and L. edwardsi taken farther north in Vietnam isolates the Hà T «nh sample as a separate species for which no name is currently available (J. L. Patton, in litt., 1999). How this population phylogenetically is related to samples now identified as L. edwardsi from N Laos and Thailand as well as NE India and N Burma requires systematic resolution. Fossils identified as L. edwardsi come from early Pleistocene to Recent cave sediments in the Sichuan-Guozhou region of S China ( Zheng, 1993 ) .