A revision of Antarctic and some Indo-Pacific apodid sea cucumbers (Echinodermata: Holothuroidea: Apodida) Author O’Loughlin, P. Mark Author VandenSpiegel, Didier text Memoirs of Museum Victoria 2010 2010-12-31 67 61 95 https://museumsvictoria.com.au/collections-research/journals/memoirs-of-museum-victoria/volume-67-2010/pages-61-95/ journal article 10.24199/j.mmv.2010.67.06 1447-2554 12212210 5A8C650E-A34A-4072-A797-0A75D218DD7C Kolostoneura griffithsi sp. nov. Figures 1b , 2b ; table 2 Material examined. Holotype . South Orkney Is , 60.99°S 46.83°W , 506 m , BAS stn PB–EBS–3, 18 Mar 2006 , NMV F168634 . Diagnosis. Taeniogyrinid species 12 mm long; 10 peltato-digitate tentacles, 3–4 pairs of digits per tentacle; no ossicles in body wall; tentacle rods present, some with central hub, some with bifurcate ends, 96–112 µ m long; solid calcareous ring, plates lack anterior projections/teeth, posterior margin slightly concave; single polian vesicle; madreporite with short curved canal, close to water ring; gonad tubules not present; lacking ciliated funnels. Colour (preserved). Dark purple-red flecking on grey to off-white semi-translucent body wall. Distribution. Antarctica , Scotia Sea, South Orkney Is, 506 m . Etymology. Named for Huw Griffiths (British Antarctic Survey), in appreciation of his role in the BAS BIOPEARL expeditions and the collection of specimens studied here. Remarks. Kolostoneura griffithsi sp. nov. exhibits the diagnostic characters of the type species of Kolostoneura Becher, 1909 , except that it has fewer tentacle digits, has calcareous ring plates that are not transversely elongate, and lacks ciliated funnels. However, Mortensen (1925) noted that ciliated funnels were sometimes scarce or absent along the mesentery in the material that he examined.