A new species of Danothrips from Southwestern China (Thysanoptera: Thripidae)
Xie, Yonghui
Zhang, Hongrui
journal article
Danothrips salicis
Figs. 1–8
Female macroptera.
Body including legs uniformly yellow, antennal segments I–II yellow, III and VIII pale yellow, apex of IV & V and apical half of VI brown, VII light gray brown (
Fig. 8
); inner apex of tarsi dark brown; fore wing including clavus pale brown with sub-basal and apical areas pale (
); ocellar crescents red; major setae pale to yellow, but fore wing setae dark brown; ovipositor dark yellow (
Fig. 1
Head wider than long, with transverse striate sculpture dorsally on posterior fourth; ocellar setae pair I absent, pair II small, pair III situated near the outside margins of ocellar triangle; postocular setae not arranged in a single row (
Fig. 5
), setae I situated just behind the posterior ocelli, setae II in front of transverse sculpture lines, setae I–IV minute and much shorter than pairs V and VI. Antenna 8-segmented, segment I without dorso-apical setae, III & IV with sense cone forked, segment IV with dorsal microtrichia, V with two simple sense cones, VI without pedicel, VIII longer than VII (
Fig. 8
). [In one female specimen (
Fig. 1
), the right antenna is deformed with segment III unusually small and only seven segments developed.]
Pronotum wider than long, with surface smooth except for a few faint transverse lines near posterior margin, 10–12 small discal setae; four pairs of posteromaginal setae; two pairs of long posteroangular setae, inner one longer than outer pair; anterolateral margins with a deep depression (
Fig. 6
); prosternal ferna clearly divided, probasisternum without setae. Mesonotum transverse, median and submedian setae close to or at posterior margin, CPS present anteromedially. Metanotum with transversely striate sculpture but longitudinally striate laterally; median setae situated far behind anterior margin, CPS present (
Fig. 7
); metaepimeron each with two short stout setae. Meso- and metasternal furca without spinula. Fore wing first vein with 10 setae, 1+3+
3 in
basal half and 1+1+
1 in
distal half; second vein with 4 setae; clavus with 5–6 marginal setae and 1 discal seta, apical setae longer than subapical (
Fig. 3
Danothrips salicis
sp. n.
Fore wing.
Abdominal tergite IX of male.
Mesonotum and metanotum.
Abdominal tergites completely sculptured with transverse striate; tergite II with 4 lateral marginal setae; VIII with small stippled area near spiracle, a group of microtrichia ahead of the spiracle, no posteromarginal comb; tergite IX with two pairs of CPS; tergite X split longitudinally in distal 1/3; sternites and tergites without posteromarginal craspeda; pleurotergites with 1–3 discal setae, sternites with no discal setae.
Measurements (
female in microns). Body length 1440. Head, length 116; width across eyes 160. Ocellar setae III length 19. Pronotum, length 130; maximum width 219; posteroangular setae length, inner 60, outer 33. Metanotum median setae length 13. Fore wing length 779. Antennal length 324; segments III–VIII length 50, 66, 38, 56, 11, 16.
Male macroptera.
Body paler and smaller than female (
Fig. 2
), median short thorn-like setae on tergite IX dark brown (
Fig. 4
). Abdominal sternites without pore plates; tergite IX with two pairs of short thorn-like setae arranged almost transversely, the anterior pair sub-equal to posterior pair, a cluster of 5–7 wart-like tubercles caudad of anterior setae (
Fig. 4
Specimens examined.
Yunnan Province
Puer City
River National Forest
, from
(Zhang Hong-Rui), in collection of
Agricultural University,
. Paratypes: 7 females, 5 males, collected with holotype.
The species is named after the plant on which it was collected.
This new species seems to be closely similar to the
D. moundi
that is known only from a single male (
Bhatti 1980
), but can be distinguished as follows: fore wing apical pale band of
D. moundi
is considerably longer than in
D. salicis
;male tergites II–VIII without posteromarginal craspedum, II–VI laterally without stout teeth, IX with median two pairs of stout setae arranged transversely and anterior pair of short thorn-like setae subequal to posterior pair; hypandrium on either side without stout thorn-like setae; sternites II–VIII without irregular scallop-like projections on posterior margin. Moreover, in the arrangement of the postocular setae this new species is similar to the following species. From the Indonesian species
D. theifolii
Sakimura 1974
Bhatti 1978
) it differs because that has the fore wing uniformly pale with the clavus not gray-shaded, and abdominal tergite X of the female is without a longitudinal split. It is distinguished from
D. trifasciatus
Sakimura 1975
because that lacks the split on tergite X and has the fore wing with three grayish brown bands.