A revision of the Neotropical genus Coptoborus Hopkins (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Scolytinae, Xyleborini) Author Smith, Sarah M. https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5173-3736 Department of Entomology, Michigan State University, 288 Farm Lane, East Lansing, Michigan 48824, USA camptocerus@gmail.com Author Cognato, Anthony I. Department of Entomology, Michigan State University, 288 Farm Lane, East Lansing, Michigan 48824, USA text ZooKeys 2021 2021-06-16 1044 609 720 http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.144.62246 journal article http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.144.62246 1313-2970-1044-609 66F01A49D32448A8AC2669BF3374894C C96ED07B505A52A8ADA354E1F70BB7C0 Coptoborus barbicauda sp. nov. Figure 2A-C, M Type material. Holotype , female, French Guiana: Amazone Nature Lodge, 30 km SE Roura on Kaw Rd., 18-23-IV-2007, J.E. Eger, 4.55954°N , - 52.2072°W , 300 m, UV light trap (NMNH). Diagnosis. 2.0 mm (n = 1), 2.22 x as long as wide. This species is distinguished by the elytral apex attenuate and entire and not produced, declivital interstriae 2 convex, declivital interstriae 1-3 denticulate, posterolateral margin of declivity with interstriae 3 and 9 joining, forming a carina and continuing submarginally to apex, stout form, declivity weakly convex, and declivital interstriae 1 with two rows of erect scale-like setae. Similar species. C. bettysmithae , C. capillisoror , C. hansen , C. schulzi , C. subtilis , C. trinity , C. uhura . Description (female). Holotype 2.0 mm, 2.22 x as long as wide. Body uniformly light brown, antennae and legs lighter. Head : epistoma smooth. Frons dull, finely punctate, setose; each puncture bearing a long, erect hair-like seta. Eyes broadly and moderately emarginate. Submentum narrow, triangular, slightly impressed. Antennal scape short and thick, much shorter than club. Pedicel shorter than funicle. Club circular, flat, type 3; segment 1 corneous, subconvex on anterior face, occupying basal ~1/3; segment 2 broad, convex, corneous; segments 1 and 2 present on posterior face. Pronotum : 0.9 x as long as wide. In dorsal view basic and parallel-sided, type 2, sides parallel in basal 2/5, rounded anteriorly; anterior margin with two serrations. In lateral view tall, type 2, disc flat, summit pronounced, at midpoint. Anterior slope with densely spaced, broad coarse asperities, becoming lower and more strongly transverse towards summit. Disc subshiny with dense, minute punctures, some longer hair-like setae at margins. Lateral margins obliquely costate. Elytra : 1.3 x as long as wide, 1.5 x as long as pronotum. Scutellum minute. Elytra attenuate, parallel-sided in basal 3/4, then acutely rounded to apex, apex entire. Disc smooth, shiny; strial punctures large, deep, each bearing a recumbent seta the length of a puncture; interstriae flat, minutely, moderately punctate, unarmed, each puncture bearing a long, erect bristle-like seta. Declivity steeply rounded, occupying ~1/3 of elytra, shagreened, shiny, declivital face weakly convex; striae not impressed, strial punctures larger, deeper than those of disc, each puncture bearing a recumbent seta as long as two punctures; interstriae flat, uniformly denticulate along their entire lengths, denticles confused, spaced by four widths of a denticle, setae erect, scale-like, as long as interstriae 1 width; interstriae 1 with an additional row of shorter erect scale-like setae. Posterolateral margin with interstriae 3 and 9 joining, forming a granulate carina and continuing submarginally to apex. Legs : protibiae obliquely triangular, broadest at apical 1/4; apical 1/2 of outer margin with five large, socketed denticles, their length longer than basal width. Meso- and metatibiae flattened; outer margin evenly rounded with nine large, socketed denticles. Etymology. L. barba = beard, caudus = tail. In reference, to the appearance of unkempt beard stubble (setae and granules) on the declivity. Noun in apposition. Distribution. French Guiana. Biology. Unknown. Figure 2. Dorsal, lateral, frontal and declivital view of Coptoborus barbicauda holotype, 2.0 mm ( A-C, M ), C. bellus , 2.1-2.3 mm ( D-F, N ), C. bettysmithae holotype, 2.4 mm ( G-I, O ), C. brevicauda holotype, 2.4-2.6 mm ( J-L, P ). All photographs by SMS.