Eight new species of Lemodes (Lagriomorpha) (Coleoptera: Anthicidae: Lemodinae) from Indonesian New Guinea, with a revised key to the species Author Young, Daniel K. text Zootaxa 2011 2824 1 20 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.207426 c62571a2-698d-4708-81ac-cb9397db30d6 1175-5326 207426 Lemodes ( Lagriomorpha ) schawalleri , NEW SPECIES ( Figs. 11–13 ) Description. Length 8.2-9.0 mm (n=4). Dorsal and ventral surfaces, legs, and antennae moderately densely covered with short, mostly retrorsely decumbent setae, dorsum and elytra also with a few, longer, semierect to erect setae. Adult female (Dorsal habitus: Fig. 11 ). Head and mouthparts coppery-orange; mandibles rufopiceous, at least in part. Dorsal surface of head ( Fig. 12 ) confusedly, shallowly, moderately coarsely punctate, lateral and ventral aspects with punctures less coarse, cranial neck more coarsely punctate. Compound eyes small, finely-faceted, scarcely protruding. Tempora well-developed, approximately 1/3 again as long as the dorso-longitudinal length of compound eye, broadly rounded, but not produced, posteriorly. Antennae with basal portion of 1st segment amber to coppery-orange, distal bulb of 1st antennomere rufopiceous to black, antennomeres 2–9 black, antennomeres 10– 11 creamy yellowish; antennae densely covered with stout, semierect and erect setae, the latter scattered along length of terminal antennomere but limited to subapical aspects of remaining antennomeres. Terminal segment of maxillary palpus ( Fig.12 ) somewhat expanded apically, weakly securiform, apical width a little more than 2X basal width. Thorax with pronotum ( Fig. 13 ) coppery-orange; ventral surfaces of thorax orangish; pronotum hourglassshaped, slightly wider anterad the middle, densely covered with coppery-orange setae, coarsely, punctate with surface finely punctate between the larger, circular punctures; prothoracic coxal cavities widely open externally; scutellum coppery-orange, subquadrate, slightly convex, finely punctate, densely clothed in retrorsely decumbent, coppery-orange setae; mesosternum, metasternum and mesothoracic episterna with scattered, large, shallow punctures; mesothoracic episterna meeting anteromesad the mesosternum. Legs coppery-orange, tarsi slightly darker; paired, dorsal tibial carinae scarcely evident and proximally, only; tibial spurs short, stout; penultimate tarsomere slightly dilated, bilobed; tarsal claws simple. Elytra coppery-orange in basal and distal quarters, metallic blue-violet to metallic blue-green in middle half, with anterior margin of dark pigmentation nearly straight across elytra; elytra elongate, 2.5X longer than width across sub-basal humeral area, covering abdomen, margins subparallel along much of length; elytral surface rather coarsely, shallowly, confusedly punctate, surface between punctures smooth to sparsely punctulate. Metathoracic wings fully developed. Ventral surface of abdomen unicolorous, orange; abdomen with apical margin of 6th ventrite (= 8th sternite) entire. Adult male. Unknown. Types . Holotype (Ψ, SMNS) [card-mounted] [First label]: [NEW GUINEA ]: Irian Jaya: Manok-// wari, Anggi. Gn. Disbehey// 29.8.1991 2000–2150m // leg. A. RIEDEL; [Second label]: HOLOTYPE :// Lemodes // ( Lagriomorpha )// schawalleri // Young. Paratopotypes (3 ΨΨ: 2 ΨΨ SMNS, 1 Ψ DYCC) [each specimen card-mounted] [First label – data identical to those of the holotype ]: [NEW GUINEA ]: Irian Jaya: Manok-// wari, Anggi. Gn. Disbehey/ / 29.8.1991 2000–2150m // leg. A. RIEDEL; [Second label – SMNS specimens]: PARATOPOTYPE:// Lemodes // ( Lagriomorpha )// schawalleri // Young; [Second label – DYCC specimen]: Auto-Montaged// digital image(s)// per D. K. Young; [Third label – DYCC specimen]: PARATOPOTYPE:// Lemodes // ( Lagriomorpha )// schawalleri // Young. Distribution. As detailed above, L. schawalleri is presently known only from the type locality, presumably near the Anggi Lakes: Gigi (- 1.366743° S , 133.894701° E ) and Gita (- 1.393074° S , 133.957869° E ) in the mountains at the eastern end of the Yogelkop Peninsula, 60 km SSW of Manokwari, Province of West Papua , Indonesian New Guinea . Diagnosis. Both L. schawalleri ( Fig. 11 ) and L. securiforma ( Fig. 14 ) have a similar metallic blue-violet to metallic blue-green elytral vitta. The terminal maxillary palpomere is weakly securiform in L. schawalleri ( Fig. 12 ) and strongly so in L. securiforma (Fig., 15). Pronotal shape (hourglass-shaped in L. schawalleri , Fig. 13 , campanulate in L. securiforma , Fig. 16 ), and abdominal color (orangish in L. schawalleri and black in the case of L. securiforma ) also serve to easily distinguish the two species. Within the subgenus Lagriomorpha , a somewhat similar elytral color pattern is demonstrated by Lemodes isatabua Telnov ( Fig. 31 ), presently known solely from the Solomon Islands . Among other features, the tibial carinae, well-developed in L. isatabua ( Fig. 32 ) and poorly so in L. schawalleri , readily separate the two species. Etymology. The specific epithet, schawalleri , is a patronym based on the family name, “Schawaller.” I am pleased to name this species in honor of fellow coleopterist, Dr. Wolfgang Schawaller, Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde, Stuttgart, Germany .