Turbinicarpus boedekerianus sp. nov. (Cactaceae), a new species from Nuevo León, Mexico Author Nitzschke, Stefan Schopenhauerstrasse 11, 53842 Troisdorf, Germany Author Iamonico, Duilio text Phytotaxa 2019 2019-02-01 391 2 159 162 http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.391.2.12 journal article 10.11646/phytotaxa.391.2.12 1179-3163 13724202 Turbinicarpus boedekerianus García-Mor., Gonz. -Bot., Matuszewski, Nitzschke & Iamonico, sp. nov. Type :― MEXICO : Nuevo León , Municipio de Aramberri, Norte de La Soledad, 1650 m , matorral xerófilo rosetófilo, 15 March 2014 , García 2493 ( holotype ITCV !, isotypes GBH !, HFLA !). Fig. 1 Diagnosis :― Turbinicarpus boedekerianus is morphologically similar to T. schmiedickeanus subsp. schmiedickeanus ( sensu Donati & Zanovello 2005 , and García-Morales et al. 2014b ) from which it differs by the following characters: ocher conic-pyramidal tubercles with an ochraceous waxy layer; a single almost straight and grooved spine and the white to pale pink tinged flowers, whereas T. schmiedickeanus s.s. has glaucous-green tubercles without waxy layer; three central slightly tortuous or incurved without groove spines and pink to magenta tinged flowers. Description :―Plants simple, depressed, from 20−40 mm wide and 10−25 mm tall, tubercles glaucous green to ocher, conic-pyramidal, rounded, triangular in cross section or with four edges, the ones of the upper side less angled, strongly keeled ventrally and concave dorsally in lateral view, apically acute, with reddish tingle and with a layer of waxy cells at the middle upper area of the tubercles, from 5−7 mm high and 5−8 mm wide at base, arranged in 8 and 13 spiral series; root napiform, with a main root and smaller fibrous branching at the end, from 3 to 5 cm long and 1−3 cm diameter. Areoles oval or semi-triangular in shape, 1.5−2.5 mm long and 1.0− 1.5 mm wide, with white felt when young, particularly abundant on the apex of the areole. Spine single, acicular, straight, erect, rarely slightly curved or sinuated from the upper half, papery, with the cuticle cracked, 10−15 mm long and 1 mm wide at the base and slender at the apex, flattened in the abaxial and adaxial sides, grayish white or dark gray on the new spines, distinctly channeled abaxially. Flowers funnel-shaped, 20−30 mm wide and 20−25 mm long, white with the middle vein rose or pale magenta; external perianth segments 8−11(−12), linear-lanceolate, arranged in 2 series: 3−4 segments very short, appearing at the upper walls of tube, linear, acute, 2−4 mm long and 1−2 mm wide, brown-reddish colored with the edges whitish; the rest 6−8 external segments longer, lanceolate, acuminate, with the margins entire, 5−15 mm long and 2−3 mm wide at the middle, white to pale pink with middle vein brown to dark brown colored; internal perianth segments 8−12, lanceolate, acuminate, 15−20 mm long and 2−3 mm wide, white or pale pink with the middle vein pink to pale magenta colored; tube 3−4 mm long and 2−4 mm diameter, obovoid, green, with reddish tingle in part of the ovary; ovary walls thin, 1 mm thick; style pale pink, with the upper half darker colored, 10−15 mm long; stigma lobes 4−6, pale green, fimbriated, from 1−2 mm long and 0.6−0.8 mm wide; stamens 80−120, sensitive, inserted in several series, from 4−15 mm long, pale pink, with the apical half pink; anthers yellow, 0.6−1.0 mm long and 0.3−0.5 mm wide, channeled. Fruit globose to oblong, 3−4 mm wide and 3−5 mm long, reddish-brown colored to red, dehiscent. Seeds usually reniform, 0.9−1.0 mm long and 0.7−0.8 mm diameter, black dull colored, slightly constricted on the hilum-micropylar region, visibly more constricted on one side, the peripherical border keeled, border expanded around the hilum, testa cells polygonal, heteromorphic, smaller towards the edge of the micropylar thread, with convex relief, cells areolate, formed by low slightly flattened to convex domes; hilum large, basal, impressed, micropyle adjoining but separated by a sclerified band, the hilum-micropylar internal walls oval to obovoid. FIGURE 1. Turbinicarpus boedekerianus : A. Reproductive plant (scale bar: 1 cm); B. Vegetative plant (scale bar: 1 cm); C. seed (scale bar: 0.5 mm). Etymology:— The specific epiteth is dedicated to the German botanist Friedrich Bödeker, who discovered the first Turbinicarpus species. Distribution:— Turbinicarpus boedekerianus is only known from the type locality where no other Turbinicarpus taxa occur. Habitat:— The new species grows in cracks of big flat limestone rocks and surrounding areas of xerophytic rosetophilous scrubland vegetation. Phenology:— Flowering time December− February; fruiting time March− early May. Conservation status: —We are able to apply IUCN criteria B (geographic range) and C (small population) (IUCN 2016). The known AOO is about 1 km 2 , and only one population exist. By the application of the criterion B2a, Turbinicarpus boedekerianus can be assessed as critically endangered (CR). By the application of the criterion C, we counted less than 1000 mature individuals. Accordingly, the new species can be assessed as vulnerable (VU) according to the C2a. Adopting the maximum parsimony, we here assess Turbinicarpus boedekerianus as Critically Endangered (CR). Additional specimens revisited:MÉXICO . Nuevo León , Municipio de Aramberri, Camino La Trinidad-Rancho el Tigre, 1650 m , Matorral desértico rosetófilo de Agave-Hechtia . 07 July 2007 , Barba-Platas 1036a (CFNL!). La Trinidad- Puentes, 1700 m , rocky hillside, 26 February 2009 , Hinton et al. 29083 (GBH!).