A Generic Classification of the Thelypteridaceae Author Fawcett, Susan Author Smith, Alan R. text 2021 BRIT Press Fort Worth, Texas, USA book 10.17348/jbrit.v15.i2.1206 14111022 Amauropelta subg. Parathelypteris (H. Ito) S.E. Fawc. & A.R. Sm. , comb. nov. Thelypteris sect. Parathelypteris H. Ito in Nakai & Honda, Nov.Fl. Jap . 4:127.1939 .— Parathelypteris (H.Ito) Ching Thelypteris subg. Parathelypteris (H.Ito) R.M.Tryon & A.F.Tryon TYPE : Amauropelta glanduligera (Kunze) Y.H. Chang [= Aspidium glanduligerum Kunze, Analecta Pteridogr. 44. 1837]— Thelypteris glanduligera (Kunze) Ching Amauropelta glanduligera (Kunze) Y.H. Chang Etymology. —Gr. para , beside + Thelypteris . A genus similar to, but distinct from, Thelypteris . Diagnosis. —Plants of temperate, or subtropical montane East Asia , winter-deciduous with thin, branching long-creeping rhizomes, x = 27, 31. In addition to biogeographical distribution, the members of this genus can usually be distinguished from the other subgenera of Amauropelta by proximal pinnae typically abruptly- or little reduced. Biogeography and ecology. —This clade includes about six species, of continental East Asia , Taiwan , Japan , and south to the Philippines . Recent studies have demonstrated remarkable cytological complexity among its species ( Nakato et al. 2002 ), with diploids, triploids, tetraploids, hypotetraploids, hexaploids, and hyperhexaploids known from the A. angustifrons complex.