Revision of the South American species of Austrothaumalea Tonnoir (Diptera Thaumaleidae) Author Pivar, Robert J. 0000-0003-2642-0524 The University of Tennessee, Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology, 2505 E. J. Chapman Drive, 370 Plant Biotechnology Building, Knoxville, Tennessee, 37996, U. S. A. & robertjpivar @ gmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0003 - 2642 - 0524 Author Sinclair, Bradley J. 0000-0001-6413-1606 Canadian National Collection of Insects and Canadian Food Inspection Agency, K. W. Neatby Building, C. E. F., 960 Carling Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K 1 A 0 C 6. bradley. sinclair @ canada. ca; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 6413 - 1606 Author Moulton, John K. 0000-0001-8760-3274 The University of Tennessee, Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology, 2505 E. J. Chapman Drive, 370 Plant Biotechnology Building, Knoxville, Tennessee, 37996, U. S. A. & jmoulton @ utk. edu; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 8760 - 3274 text Zootaxa 2020 2020-09-24 4853 4 509 526 journal article 8413 10.11646/zootaxa.4853.4.2 0ffa72e0-c3b8-4c3c-8b64-a39dab962daa 1175-5326 4411060 948793DC-3873-4C14-8239-E30ED790E56A Austrothaumalea setipennis Edwards stat. rev. ( Figs 3E , 4D , 5D , 6C , 7C , 8 , 9A ) Austrothaumalea setipennis Edwards, 1930: 113 . Other references: Stone, 1966: 1 (catalogue); Arnaud, 1977: 284 (distribution); Theischinger, 1986: 316 (phylogenetic discussion). Oterere setipennis (Edwards) : McLellan, 1988: 575 (new combination). Other reference: Sinclair, 2008b: 11 , 12 ( capricornis species group). Type material examined. Holotype : , minuten pinned with abdomen mounted in resin, labelled: “Bariloche./ 29.xi.1926 .”; “ Austrothaumalea / setipennis Edw./ F.W. Edwards / det. 1930.”; “ Argentina :/ Terr. Rio Negro ./ F. & M. Edwards. / B.M. 1927 – 63.”; “HOLO-/ TYPE [white label with red margin]”; “ NHMUK010210691 ” ( BMNH ). Recognition. This species is recognized by the presence of macrotrichia on wing vein M 1 (unique among South American species) and the rod-shaped paramere. Redescription. Male. n = 4. Length 2.5–2.7 mm . Colouration ( Fig. 3E ). Head dull, brown; pronotum, postpronotum, postpronotal lobe and lateral margins of prescutum brown; prescutum and mesoscutum shiny, primarily yellow, with three yellowish-brown, longitudinal vittae ending in postscutal spot; pleura yellowish brown; two lateral brown spots above scutoscutellar suture; scutellum yellowish brown, sometimes with dark speckles; mediotergite shiny, mainly yellow, slightly darker anteriorly; katepisternum yellow; paratergite dark brown; remaining pteropleuron yellowish brown to brown; posterior basalare yellow; halter yellowish; legs yellow, tarsi darker; abdomen brown, hind margins of tergites whitish; terminalia pale brown. FIGURE 6. Ventral views of female Austrothaumalea terminalia. A, A. apicalis ; B, A. chilensis ; C, A. setipennis stat. rev. ; D, A. spatulata . Abbreviations: c, cercus; gen fk, genital fork; hypct, hypoproct; hyp vlv, hypogynial valve; lat arm, lateral arms; spthc, spermatheca.. Scale bars = 0.1 mm. Head . Eyes above antennae broadly joined, slightly exposing frons above antennae. Flagellomeres 1–3 expanded, subquadrate; 1 as long as 2 and 3 combined; flagellomeres 4–10 thin, cylindrical, becoming progressively more elongate. Vertex clothed in golden setae of uniform length, with sparse long, black orbital setae. Thorax . Pronotal setae longer than scutal setae. Scutum clothed dorsally in short, black setulae; notopleural, supra-alar and postsutural setae long, black. Pteropleuron bare. Fore- and mid legs with tarsi simple, hind leg with tarsomere 4 bilobed. Wing . Wing length: 2.8–3.3 mm . Lightly infuscate throughout, slightly darker where R 4+5 meets apex; apex rounded; C and posterior wing margin with fringe of microtrichia; Sc incomplete; R 1 and R 1 (+R 2+3 ) without weakenings or depigmented gaps; R 1 (+R 2+3 ) and M 1 with uniseriate, dorsal row of microtrichia along entire length, remaining veins bare; R flexed into cell br; R 2+3 crossvein strong, situated toward apex of R 1 (+R 2+3 ); bend in R 4+5 well-defined; R 4+5 and M 1 running parallel toward margin; M 1 and M 2 straight; M 4 slightly sinuous; CuA with basal spur shorter than crossvein m-cu. Abdomen . Abdominal sternite 1 narrow, spectacle-shaped; sternite 2 with slender median sclerite and lightly sclerotized posterior trapezoid, few setae on posterior margin; sternites 3–7 rectangular, weakly sclerotized, setae restricted to posterior half; sternite 8 crescent-shaped, with a few setae, weakly sclerotized, arched slightly into preceding sternite. Terminalia ( Figs 4D , 5D ). Epandrium broadly elongate-oval from ventral aspect; apical third slightly tapered; posterior margin broad and rounded; lacking pointed posterolateral processes. Hypandrium broad in ventral view, nearly subequal to basal width of gonostylus; narrowest at midpoint, anterior margin not concave. Gonocoxite broadest basally, tapered at midlength toward apex, inner margin smooth. Gonostylus nearly same length as gonocoxite, anterior three-quarters curved inward; nearly same width throughout, gently tapered to distinct tooth at apex. Parameres distally fused, three-quarters length of epandrium, rod-shaped, broadest medially; slowly tapered toward apex, projected ventrally. Gonocoxal plate formed of two lateral, sclerotized arms terminating in pectinate, sawlike structure; short, about half-length of gonocoxite; plate broad basally; basally not fused to hypandrium. Cercus weakly sclerotized, situated along median line of epandrium. Female. n = 2. Similar to male except as follows: Length : 2.5–2.8 mm . Abdomen : Tergites 8–9 noticeably more sclerotized than preceding segments; only anterior margin of sternite 7 well-sclerotized. Terminalia ( Figs 6C , 7C ): Hypogynial valve not projected beyond tergite 9; posterior margin rounded with cleft in ventral view; densely setose. Tergite 9 rectangular in lateral view, wider than tergite 8, lacking lateral projections. Sternite 9 (genital fork) connected anteriorly, then divided into two thick arms ending before cleft of hypogynial valve; lateral arms extended beyond hypogynial valve, nearly meeting along midline, triangular in lateral view. Cercus rounded, projected slightly posteroventrally; bearing numerous setae. Three spermathecal ducts arising near cleft of hypogynial valve, only two terminating in irregularly rounded, weakly sclerotized spermathecal receptacles. Immature Stages. Unknown. Additional Material Examined. CHILE : Region IX ( Araucanía ): Rte. 71, 15-XII-2016 , 38°13′20.3″S 71°44′41.1″W , elev. 1047 m , seep, J.K. Moulton & R . J. Pivar ( 1♀ ); Region XI ( Aysén ): Coihaique-Aysén Rd. , 6-II- 1985 , J.A. Downes ( 3♂ , 1♀ , CNC ) . Distribution. Known from the Andes of southern Chile , this species holds the southern-most record of thaumaleids in South America ( Figs 8 , 9A ). Remarks. The holotype date label reads “ 28.xi-1.xii.1926 ”, where ‘8’ has a 9 written over it in pencil, and ‘- 1.xii.’ is scratched out.