A checklist of rheophytes of Cameroon Author Kuetegue, Felix Author Sonke, Bonaventure Author Ameka, Gabriel K. text PhytoKeys 2019 121 81 131 http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/phytokeys.121.29924 journal article http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/phytokeys.121.29924 1314-2003-121-81 B21D393FFFFBFC4EFF96FFA7FFF98263 3484962 Anubias barteri Schott, Prodr. Syst. Aroid. 159 (1860) Type. Equatorial Guinea, Fernando Po (Bioko), Barter 2045 (K). Description. Hardy herb with thick creeping rhizome, prostrate; strongly rooted; green, lush, narrow shaped leaves 7-30 x 3-15 cm. Specimens examined. Fenda, 60 km southeast of Kribi, 22 Jan 1962, R. Letouzey 4120 (YA); Nyon River, 49 km southwest of Eseka, 12 Mar 1965, A. J. M. Leeuwenberg 5136 (YA); road from Ebone to Yabassi at mile 10, 27 Dec 1967, P. Bamps 1636 (YA), Nguti-Kombon, bank of Kombon River, 5°13'N , 9°33'E , 13 Dec 2010, F. Kuetegue 239 (YA). Habitat. Rocky beds of swift-flowing streams and rivers, or wet shrubby and bushy bank of rivers and streams; in rainforest. Distribution. Cameroon (Fig. 8 ), Congo, Cote d'Ivoire , Gabon, Guinea, Liberia, and Nigeria. Conservation status in Cameroon. Anubias barteri is listed on http://www.iucnredlist.org as Least Concern (LC) in central Africa in 2007 by Ghogue (2010a) . The species was not assessed by Onana and Cheek (2011) . The taxon is currently known from 16 localities. The extent of occurrence of A. barteri is about 7,600 km2 and has an area of occupancy of about 64 km2. The habitat is mainly threatened by urban development, road constructions and hydroelectric dams already built or at project stage. Despite the threats, and the fact that the habitats are under pressure, the species does not appear to qualify as threatened under the IUCN red list criterion ( IUCN 2017 ). Though human pressure is expected to increase the loss of habitat and reduce area of occupancy and extent of occurrence (EOO), it is not expected that this will be significant. It is possible that the EOO was underestimated because only specimens with geographical coordinates were used to estimate the EOO. Based on these observations, A. barteri is assessed here as Near Threatened. IUCN Red List Category: Near Threatened (NT).