Descriptions of two new genera and six new species of ghost-moths (Lepidoptera Hepialoidea: Hepialidae) from south-eastern and southern Brazil Author Mielke, Carlos G. C. 0000-0003-0091-0840 Caixa postal 1206, 84.145 - 000 Carambeí, Paraná, Brazil. & Research Associate, McGuire Center for Lepidoptera & Biodiversity, Gainesville, FL 32611, USA. & cmielke 1 @ uol. com. br; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0003 - 0091 - 0840 Author Grehan, John R. 0000-0002-3119-1140 Research Associate, McGuire Center for Lepidoptera & Biodiversity, Gainesville, FL 32611, USA. & calabar. John @ gmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 3119 - 1140 Author Koike, Ricardo M. 0000-0002-6330-6416 Estrada das Canjicas, 2500, 07424 - 000, Arujá, São Paulo, Brazil. & ricardokoike. jp @ gmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 6330 - 6416 text Zootaxa 2021 2021-08-13 5020 3 561 580 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.5020.3.7 1175-5326 5224139 CCF5FB8C-2552-4299-B0AF-8673230E7609 Agripialus variabilis sp. n. ( Figs 2–4 , 21 , 29 , 32 , 37 , 52 ) Type material . Holotype ( Figs 2a–b ): Brazil – SC [ Santa Catarina ], Urubici , Santa Bárbara , 1360 m , 25.- 27.XII.2019 , 28° 8’30.70’’ S , 49° 38’6.84’’ W , C. Mielke & E. Joerke leg./ 41.065 Col. C. Mielke / HOLOTYPUS , Agripialus variabilis C. Mielke, Grehan & Koike, 2021 / ( DZUP ) . Paratypes ( 7♀ ). BRAZIL . Paraná : 2♀ , Curitiba : 4.II.1975 ( CGCM 15.404 ( MGCL )) ; 18.II.1975 , V. O. Becker leg . ( CGCM 15.746 ( CGCM )) . Santa Catarina : 1♀ , São Bento do Sul , Rio Natal , 4.IX.1999 , A. Rank leg . ( CGCM 7261 ( CGCM )) ; 2♀ , same locality and collector as the holotype , 1.–3.II.2019 ( CGCM 38.744 ( CGCM ), CGCM 38.764 ( DZUP )) ; 1♀ , São Joaquim , 22–24.I.1983 , 1400 m , V. Becker leg . ( CGCM 15.036 ( CGCM )) . Rio Grande do Sul : 1♀ , 28–31.I.2000 , São José dos Ausentes , Silveira , 1200 m , A. Moser leg . ( CGCM 3.652 ( CGCM )) . Diagnosis . Distinguished from its most similar species by differences in the shape of the subrectangular subanal plate, particularly the narrow lobate dorso-posterior corner, and the narrower (by about half) ductus bursae ( Fig. 52 ). Description . Male . Unknown. Female ( Figs 2–4 , 21 , 29 , 32 , 37 , 52 ). Head . Antenna with ~42 antennomeres. Basal and distal labial palpomeres equal in length, second segment one and a half to two times longer. Thorax . Forewing length: 15–22 mm , wingspan: 35–45 mm . Wing ornamentation as shown in Figs 2–4 . Genitalia ( Fig. 52 ). Dorsal plates connected by thickened membranous cuticle or by a narrow sclerotised bar. Dorsal plate subrectangular with shallow convex lateral edge; shallow dorsal, ventral, and medial edges with lobe shaped dorsal corner. Lamella antevaginalis weakly sclerotized, in some cases with a ventrally oriented anterior tip. Subanal plate slightly sclerotised, subrectangular. Ductus bursae length subequal to corpus bursae. Geographical distribution . Known from southern Brazil in eastern Paraná , Santa Catarina and northeastern Rio Grande do Sul at altitude ranging from 800 to 1400 m ( Figs 58 , 62 ) . Host plants . Unknown. Etymology . The proposed specific name alludes to variation in the ornamentation of the forewing dorsally ( Figs 2a, 3–4 ). It is treated as an adjective in the nominative singular.