A revision of the genus Metallolophia Warren (Lepidoptera, Geometridae, Geometrinae) Author Han Author Galsworthy, A. Author Xue text Journal of Natural History 2005 2010-12-06 39 2 165 195 http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00222930310001657865 journal article 10.1080/00222930310001657865 1464-5262 5214608 Metallolophia subradiata (Warren) ( Figures 14, 15 , 47, 58, 72) Terpna subradiata Warren, 1897: 388 . Holotype , [Peninsular Malaysia ]: Penang (BMNH). Metallolophia subradiata : Prout, 1912a: 38 ; Prout, 1932: 54; Holloway, 1996: 203 , Figures 146, pl. 5: 18. Description Length of fore wing: 23 mm ; 25 mm . Frons and terminal half of palpus greyish brown; third segment of female palpus moderately elongate. Antenna very weakly lamellate or serrate in male, simple in female. Abdominal crests very weak, without metallic glossy sheen. Wings rather broad, inner margin of hind wing in both sexes slightly elongate, outer margin weakly crenulate. Fore wing pale brown mixed with dense dark purplish streaks and irregular greenish irroration; a large pale area below costa from antemedian to postmedian line; discal spot reniform, with centre pale greenish and ring black; antemedian line zigzag; postmedian line dentate. Hind wing darker than fore wing, tinged with red brown near base and becoming greyish brown or greenish towards outer margin; discal spot white-centred, ring inconspicuous. Underside pale, the yellow area from base extending to middle of wing, sometimes even to the dark subterminal band on the hind wing; discal spot and small streak proximally to it on fore wing underside dark purple; a large but pale streak on the fold; hind wing underside with discal spot absent in male and very weak in female. Male genitalia ( Figure 58 ). Socii thick and short. Valva broad at proximal half, abruptly narrowing beyond the middle point; terminal part of central basal lobe very broad, semicircular, much more weakly sclerotized. Saccular process stick-like, thin and long, only very slightly expanded at the tip. Female genitalia ( Figure 72 ). Ductus bursae short and narrow, gradually merging with corpus bursae, total length of both about 1.8 times that of apophyses posteriores. Specimens examined Malaysia : HOLOTYPE : 1♀ , Penang 1896, coll. Curtis ( BMNH ). 1 , Sarawak, Gunong Mulu National Park , R.G.S. Exped. 1977–78 ( J. D. Holloway et al.), Site 25, 900 m , April 1978 , Sarawak , grid reference 427550 ( BMNH ). Indonesia : 11 „„ , Sumatra , 150–180 m , November 1967 –1973, coll. E. Diehl ( ZSM ); 1 , northern Sumatra , Gunung Malayu vic., Aek Tarum, 150 m , 20 November 1982 , coll. Dr Diehl , in coll. Sommerer ( ZSM ); 1 , northern Sumatra (Simalungun), ‘Holzweg 2’, 1050 m , 28 km SW Siantar , 98 ° 599E, 2 ° 469N, 1 June 1986 , coll. Dr E. W. Diehl , in coll. Sommerer ( ZSM ); 1♀ , northern Sumatra , 10 km N of Prapat Ainoli Forest , 1400 m , 14 July 1979 , [coll.] B. Turlin ( ZSM ). Distribution Malaysia : peninsular Malaysia , Sarawak ; Indonesia : Sumatra , Borneo and Sulawesi .