Annotated type catalogue of the Orthalicoidea (Mollusca, Gastropoda) in the Museum fuer Naturkunde, Berlin Author Breure, Abraham S. H. Naturalis Biodiversity Center, P. O. Box 9517, 2300 RA Leiden, the Netherlands text ZooKeys 2013 2013-03-25 279 1 101 journal article 1313-2970-279-1 ED3DFF9E63233556F47FFFBEB35AFFBA 578213 Bulimulus (Scutalus) stelzneri Dohrn, 1875 Figs 15A, 15i Bulimulus (Scutalus) stelzneri Dohrn 1875 : 202. Type locality. "republica Argentina: Cerro de Chepe". Label. "Sierra de Catamarca", in ( Dohrn's ?) handwriting. Dimensions. "Long. 23-28, lat. 14-20 (...) mill."; figured specimen herein H 27.9, D 16.8, W 6.0. Type material. ZMB 34734, one possible syntype; ex Doering. Remarks. Dohrn did not mention on how many specimens his description was based, but the range of measurements indicate that he had several specimens at hand. Moreover, he mentioned "Ich erhielt dieselbe in einigen Exemplaren von meinem Freunde Dr. A. Stelzner mit einer groesseren Suite argentinischer, von ihm gesammelter Land- und Suesswasser-Conchylien . Da die andere unbeschriebenen Arten Manuscriptnamen von Herrn Dr. Doering in Cordova fuehren , so steht wohl deren Publikation in Baelde zu erwarten" ( Dohrn 1875 : 203). These sentences make clear that Stelzner, Doering and Dohrn were in regular contact and transfers of material (with unpublished names) did occur. The type locality is likely Cerro de Chepes, Prov. La Rioja (teste Miquel 1993 : 164), although there is also a Cerro Chepe in Prov. San Juan. Doering's material has a very general locality that, however, falls within the distribution range of the species. It is therefore possible that Doering's material was part of the original series and the specimen is thus considered a possible syntype. The current systematic position is after Miquel (1993) . Current systematic position. Bulimulidae , Bostryx stelzneri (Dohrn, 1875).