Type designations for Neotropical water beetles in the genus Hydrochus Leach 1817 (Coleoptera: Hydrochidae) Author Perkins, Philip D. text Zootaxa 2019 2019-11-27 4701 2 149 167 journal article 24789 10.11646/zootaxa.4701.2.2 2254e402-c6b6-4b90-95d8-587e979af76f 1175-5326 3557927 69045F2D-1E16-427B-939E-9F0A6D047D05 Hydrochus pumilio Knisch Figs. 7 , 13B Hydrochous pumilio Knisch 1920: 59 . The RBINS kindly provided three syntypes of Hydrochus pumilio Knisch , which are part of the Orchymont/Knisch types collection. The syntypes are conspecific males. Two of the males had been skillfully dissected by a prior worker, who removed the abdomen of each. The genital segments were in the abdomen, but mysteriously not the male genitalia, which were not otherwise with the specimens. Pol Limbourg (RBINS) very kindly did a very careful search for microslide mounts with the missing male genitalia, but was unable to find any. The third male, nonskillfully dissected by a prior worker, is in four pieces, but did have the male genitalia with the specimen. One of the complete, good male specimens was selected to serve as lectotype , and has been so labeled, and habitus and label images provided herein ( Figs. 7 , 13B ). The male genitalia figured is from the fragmentary paralectotype ; the male genitalia from this paralectotype is in a glass microvial attached to the pin of the lectotype . The non-lectotype syntypes have been labeled paralectotypes . Lectotype labels ( Fig. 13B ): “[male symbol] // Paraguay Dr. Drake 188 // Coll. Kraatz // det. Kniž Hydrochous pumilio det. Kniž n. sp. Type // coll. A. Kniž TYPUS // TYPE // HABITUS/ GENIT. DIGITAL IMAGES captured 2019 P.D. Perkins // [red] LECTOTYPE Hydrochus pumilio Knisch desig. P. D. Perkins.