Illustrated Key to the Snakes of the Philippines Author Weinell, Jeffrey L. Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology and Biodiversity Institute, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas 66045; Author Hooper, Errol Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology and Biodiversity Institute, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas 66045; Author Leviton, Alan E. Herpetology Division, Institute of Biodiversity Science & Sustainability, California Academy of Sciences, 55 Music Concourse Drive, San Francisco, California 94118. * Corresponding author; Email: jweine 2 @ gmail. com Author Brown, Rafe M. Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology and Biodiversity Institute, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas 66045; text Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences 2019 2019-09-30 66 1 1 49 journal article 299708 10.5281/zenodo.11512680 ccd739a4-10c3-4700-b27e-459bd82f1676 0068-547X 11512680 Ahaetulliinae Key to Philippine genera. 1a. Pupil horizontally elongated and rectangular ( Fig. 25A ); ventral body scales laterally hinged, and their posterior edges unnotched ( Fig. 26A )........................ Ahaetulla (p. 19) 1b. Pupils may be circular or slightly horizontally elongate ( Fig. 25B ); ventral body scales laterally hinged, and their posterior edges notched Fig. 26B )............................... 2 FIGURE 25. Lateral view of head of (A) Ahaetulla prasina preocularis (KU 347854), (B) Dryophiops rubescens (KU 328516). Note horizontally elongate pupil in Ahaetulla versus rounded pupil in Dryophiops . FIGURE 26. Ventral body scales of (A) Ahaetulla prasina preocularis (KU 349849): ventral body scales hinged, with posterior edge unnotched, (B) Chrysopelea paradisi variabilis (KU 337271): ventral body scales hinged, and posterior edge notched. 2a. Dorsal body scales in 17 longitudinal rows at midbody; last ventral body scale (i.e., the scale immediately before the precloacal scale) divided..................... Chrysopelea (p. 22) 2b. Dorsal body scales in 13–15 longitudinal rows at midbody; last ventral body scale undivided........................................................................... 3 3a. Dorsal body scales in 15 longitudinal rows at midbody; vertebral scales similar in size to other dorsal body scales; black postoocular stripe absent.................... Dryophiops (p. 23) 3b. One of the following combinations of characters true: (1) dorsal body scales in 13 longitudinal rows at midbody, vertebral scales similar in size to other dorsal body scales; (2) dorsal body scales in 15 longitudinal rows at midbody, vertebral scales much larger than other dorsal body scales, and a black postocular stripe present........................ Dendrelaphis (p. 23)