A review of the genus Anelastes Kirby, 1819 (Coleoptera: Eucnemidae) of the Palaearctic fauna Author Kovalev, Alexey V. text Zootaxa 2019 2019-10-07 4683 1 97 119 journal article 25298 10.11646/zootaxa.4683.1.5 4a0c9ed4-01bb-401d-9921-377dcc91e543 1175-5326 3474707 FD42DA3D-8379-43C0-8F77-4062B878C678 Anelastes alius sp. nov. ( Figs 4, 5 , 16 , 27, 28 , 41 , 50, 51 , 59 , 71, 72, 74 ) Type material. Holotype , : ALGERIA : Oran Province : “ Oran ” [p] // “ Janson coll. ex / Desbrochers / des Loges. / 1903–130” [p] ( BMNH ). Differential diagnosis. The new species is similar to the Nearctic Anelastes californicus and A. desertorum in overall proportions, complete lateral carinae of pronotum, comparatively long antennae and tarsi, as well as general shape of aedeagus with penis straight posteriorly. However, both species differ from A. alius sp. nov. in the subrectilinear lateral carinae of pronotum as well as in narrowing and subacute penis apex in lateral view; also A. californicus differs from the new species in its thinner antennae, large hook-shaped apical tooth of parameres and thinner tubular flagellum; Anelastes desertorum has antennal proportions similar to those in the new species and flagellum constricted apically like that in A. alius sp. nov. , but differs from the latter in the somewhat sparser granulation of integument and in minute, thin and very dense denticles on ventral margin of parameral apices. Among Palaearctic congeners the new species resembles A. barbarus (especially smaller specimens of the latter) in the similar antennal proportions, complete lateral carinae of pronotum and long tarsi, but the latter differs from the new species in the more transverse pronotum, having sides more sinuate at posterior angles, which are obliquely subtruncate at apex, as well as in the more elongate elytra and somewhat sparser granulation of integument; the aedeagus of A. barbarus is very distinct. The aedeagus of A. alius sp. nov. is somewhat similar to that in A. abbreviatus sp. nov. , but the penis of the latter is slightly curved posteriorly in an S-shape and the denticles at ventral margin of the paramere are longer and more acute. FIGURES 6–10. Anelastes barbarus . Fig. 6. Lectotype, male. Fig. 7. Labels of lectotype. Fig. 8. Male from Maroc (Oued Iquem). Fig. 9. Male from France (“Corse”). Fig. 10. Male from Uzbekistan (Nanay). Scale bar = 2.0 mm. Description of holotype . Body length 7.2 mm . Coloration uniformly ferruginous; body integument dull, with dense, decumbent yellowish setae. Head 0.75 times as wide as pronotum; integument with dense to very dense granulation. Distance between inner edges of antennal insertions 0.4 times as great as that between mandibular bases ( Fig. 16 ). Eyes moderately large and slightly convex ( Figs 16 , 41 ). Antennae comparatively long, moniliform ( Fig. 27 ), reaching posterior quarter of pronotum. Antennomere 3 elongate, thickened apically, 1.6 times as long as wide and 1.4 times as long as antennomere 4. Antennomeres 4–8 strongly thickened apically, 1.0–1.1 times as long as wide. Antennomeres 9–10 1.1 times as long as wide. Antennomere 11 1.4 times as long as antennomere 10. Orifices of sensory cavities of antennomeres 9–11 strongly transverse, slit-like ( Fig. 28 ). Pronotum 1.2 times as wide as long at midline, widest about at midlength, sides slightly convex and scarcely sinuate before posterior angles; disc moderately convex, with distinct median groove in posterior half of pronotum. Lateral carinae complete and slightly bent anteriorly ( Fig. 41 ). Posterior angles short, scarcely divergent and round- ed at apex. Integument with granules dense at middle and becoming denser towards sides and apex; interspaces between granules at middle 1–2 times as wide as granules. Prosternum with moderately dense granules, interspaces between granules at middle 1–3 times as wide as granules; prohypomera granulated somewhat finer. Elytra 2.2 times as long as wide combined and about three times as long as pronotum, subparallel-sided and widest about midlength. Elytral striae distinctly impressed, with strong, coarse and dense punctures. Interstriae subequal and subflattened; integument with fine and moderately dense granulation; interspaces between granules 1–2 times as wide as granules. Granulation of metaventrite and visible portion of metepisterna somewhat finer than and as dense as those on prosternum. Legs moderately long; tarsi long and slender; metatarsus 0.9 times as long as metatibia ( Figs 50, 51 ). Abdominal ventrites at middle with granules sparse, becoming denser on ventrite 5; interspaces between granules 2–4 times as wide as granules. Ventrite 5 as in Fig. 59 . Tergite VII (pygidium) semielliptical and rounded at apex. Sternite 9 slightly notched at apex. Aedeagus as in Figs 71, 72, 74 . Female. Unknown. Etymology. The epithet is a Latin adjective meaning “another”, “different”, “alter”. Distribution. Algeria ( Oran Province ).