New species of the genus Lebinthus (Orthoptera, Grylloidea, Eneopterinae, Lebinthini) from Indonesia and the Solomon Islands Author Robillard, Tony text Zootaxa 2010 2386 25 48 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.193757 f5264fb5-5a22-4e24-82c4-b697afddd24f 1175-5326 193757 Lebinthus kolombara n. sp. ( Figs. 1 D, 3E, 4E, 9D–F) Type material. Holotype male: Solomon Islands : Western Province: Kolombangara [Is], base camp, 1 mi inland from Kuzi, by Kolombara r [river], 2-IX-1965 ( BMNH ). Type locality. Solomon Islands , Kolombangara Island . Etymology. Species named after the Kolombara river near the type locality in Kolombangara Island , Solomon Islands . Distribution. Solomon Islands , Kolombangara Island . Diagnosis. Species of small size, close to L. lifouensis in shape, male FW venation and genitalia; colouration dark brown and black face, and two lateral yellow lines on head dorsum and dorsal disk of pronotum; harp without a distinctive rounded area. Description. Size small. Colouration mostly dark brown and black. Head dorsum brown with 6 wide dark brown longitudinal bands. Eyes well protruding. Fastigium wider than long, setose and slightly carenated posteriorly to yellow median ocellus. Scapes and antennae yellowish brown. Cheeks black, except a yellow line posterior to eyes, and margin below eyes yellow ( Fig. 3 E). Face, including mouthparts, black except a horizontal yellow line between scapes, 2 yellow spots above epistomal suture and one at base of labrum; clypeus ventral margin yellow. Palpi yellow, apex dark brown. Pronotum: Dorsal disk slightly trapezoidal, straight posteriorly; dark brown, with a very thin median yellow line, lateral margins yellow. Lateral lobes black except for a yellow spot on ventral margin ( Fig. 3 E). Legs: Median coxae black with a vertical yellow line; fore and median legs orange brown; hind femora orange brown with striated brown patterns on outer face, 3–5 faint dark spots on each ventral edge; hind tibiae dark brown. Both apical and basal parts of tarsomeres III-1 dark brown. Hind tibiae with 6 inner and 7 outer spines above spurs and 3 inner and 5 outer spines between spurs. Tarsomeres III-1 with 4 spines on dorsal outer edges. Abdomen homogeneously dark brown. Male : FW setose, not reaching abdomen midlength. FW colouration: Cells and veins homogeneously brown, not translucent. FW venation ( Fig. 1 D): 1A angle wide (>100°). CuP missing. Harp wide, almost flat, with one transversal harp vein slightly bisinuated, without a distinctive rounded area. Distal part of CuA slightly curved inwards, around the median fold. Diagonal vein prolonged posteriorly by a strong transverse vein fused to MP. Longitudinal veins very strong at apex. Mirror (d1) little differentiated. Posterior venation faintly expressed; apical field restricted to a few cells in E alignment. Lateral field homogeneously brown; with 7 strong longitudinal veins including MA, R and 5 more ventral veins; latero-dorsal angle made by MP; R without bifurcating veins; distal part of MA very weak. Subgenital plate short but longer than wide, not indented ( Fig. 4 E). Male genitalia ( Fig. 9 D–F): close to that of L. lifouensis but wider. Pseudepiphallic sclerite triangular, slightly convex dorsally; anterior apex straight; posterior apex with individualized lophi, setose. Pseudepiphallic parameres large, trilobate and close together. Ectophallic arc complete and wide, at midlength between pseudepiphallic parameres and anterior apex. Ectophallic fold short and wide, with a M-shaped preapical sclerotization. Endophallic sclerite Y-shaped with short lateral arms; endophallic apodeme made of a long and wide median crest, not disconnected from membrane. Female: unknown. Measurements. see Table 1 . Habitat and life history traits. unknown. Behaviour. unknown.