A New Species, New Synonymy, And Additional Records Of Gyrophaena (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Aleocha- Rinae) From The Palaearctic Region Author Glotov, S. V. text Zoodiversity 2022 56 5 373 384 http://dx.doi.org/10.15407/zoo2022.05.373 journal article 10.15407/zoo2022.05.373 2707-7268 7427934 2058514E-087B-4209-AEE2-445FDD12EF7B Gyrophaena ( Gyrophaena ) kaunshanchiensis Pace, 2007 Pace, 2007: 107 . M a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d. Russia : Primorsky Kray (Primorye Territory), Lazovskiy District, Lazo Village, Lazovka Valley , ( 133°54'01" E , 43°22'43" N ), 2 exs, 20.VIII.1999 , leg. J. Sundukow (cSch) . Redescription. Measurements (in mm): length of antenna: 0.68; maximal head width (including eyes): 0.54; head length 0.26; maximal width of pronotum: 0.61; length of pronotum (measured along its midline): 0.44; length of elytra at suture: 0.48; maximal width of elytra (combined width of each elytron when elytra closed along suture): 0.80; total length of body (from anterior margin of labrum to posterior margin of tergite VIII): 2.7. Coloration: head dark brown; pronotum brown; elytra yellow, with slightly darkened posterior angles; abdomen brown, abdominal tergites VI and VII dark brown; mouthparts, antennae and legs yellow. Head strongly transverse, 2.1 times as wide as long, vertex with 11 or more sparse, small, round, distinct punctures on each side; microsculpture indistinct. Antennae: antennal segment I long, strongly widened towards apex; segment II long, narrower and shorter than segment I; segment III narrower and shorter than segment II; segment IV small and short; segments V–X each slightly elongate, almost of quadrate shape, and slightly widened apicad. Pronotum strongly transverse, 1.39 times as wide as long and 1.13 times as wide as head; posterior angles and posterior margin of pronotal disc rounded; in middle and lateral sides of pronotal disc with sparse, scattered, small, rounded punctures, in middle with 2 longitudinal rows of 5 moderately large, round, distinct punctures each; microsculpture indistinct or absent. Elytra 1.31 times as wide as pronotum; with dense and fine punctuationfine punctuation; microsculpture dense and distinct; with sparsely distributed fine setae. Abdomen: abdominal tergites, each, with relatively dense, fine punctuation and dense and distinct microsculpture; posterior margin of each abdominal tergite medially with one row of round, small punctures. Male: posterior margin of tergite VIII with wide incision bordered by 2 short, wide, apically weakly pointed, inward curvedappendages and medially with 2 short and thin appendages ( fig. 1 , 2 ). Aedeagus ( fig. 2 , 3 ). D i s t r i b u t i o n. Russia ( Primorsky Kray ) ( first record ), Taiwan ( Pace, 2007 ).