A taxonomic review of the genus Parancistrocerus Bequaert (Hymenoptera: Vespidae: Eumeninae) from the Indian subcontinent with the description of three new species Author P. Girish Kumar Author J. M. Carpenter Author P. M. Sureshan text Halteres 2016 7 1 36 156 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.192283 c1f56f9c-98ae-4dd9-9990-e87d4ce20c4a 2348-7372 192283 10. Parancistrocerus rhipheus ( Cameron, 1904) Odynerus rhipheus Cameron, 1904 : 308, female, “Darjeeling” (BMNH); Meade-Waldo, 1910 : 103 (in subgenus Ancistrocerus ; notes on type; related to A . assamensis ). Ancistrocerus rhipheus ; Giordani Soika, 1941 : 235. Parancistrocerus rhipheus ; Giordani Soika, 1994 : 136 (key), 156 (key), 172; Gusenleitner, 2011 : 1359 (Laos). Diagnosis : Female: T1 slightly wider than long, subquadrate and strongly carinate at base; front face of T1 without median vertical carina on its upper half; S2 strongly and sharply lowered at base, then wide and almost entirely depressed; T2 approximately as wide as long, slightly wider at base than at apex, apical margin very slightly reflexed; clypeus as wide as long; tempora well developed, in dorsal view appearing about as long as upper lobes of eyes; pronotal carina present only laterally up to humeri; mesepisternum with epicnemial carina well developed; posterior face of propodeum oblique, entirely concave; clypeus with dense punctures, medium thickness, interspaces on average less than diameter of punctures; punctures on frons and vertex slightly smaller, bigger and thicker; punctures of dorsal face of propodeum big, irregular, shallow and flat bottomed, interspaces slightly carinate; posterior face of propodeum smooth, finely wrinkled; T1 thickly punctured, with punctures much bigger than those of mesosoma, interspaces mostly carinate; punctures of T2 equally large, but much more widely spaced, only at apex with slightly thicker punctures; punctures of S2 similar to those of T2, but considerably more spaced. Colour description : Body black with red markings. Red portions: spot on frons above interantennal space; mark on tempora; band on pronotum; small spot on mesepisternum; parategulae; apical band on T1 which narrowed at sides; relatively wide regular bands on T2 and S2. Legs and tegulae completely black. Wings infumate, especially along coast. Distribution : India: West Bengal; Laos. Remarks : No specimens were available for our studies, hence the description was taken from Giordani Soika (1994) .