A revision of the genus Pseudoechthistatus Pic (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae, Lamiini)
Bi, Wen-Xuan
Lin, Mei-Ying
journal article
Taxon classification Animalia Coleoptera Cerambycidae
Pseudoechthistatus chiangshunani
sp. n.
Figures 11, 12, 25, 35, 46, 53, 64, Map 1
Holotype: male,"Yunnan Prov., Zhengyuanxian / Jiujiazhen, Qianjiazhai / 2012.V.6 2600 m", "
/ E101°15.060 ' / leg. Ling-Zeng Meng "(IZAS, IOZ(E) 1905352). Paratypes (16 males, 9 female): 1 male, "Yunnan Jingdong", "
Paraleprodera opsiptera
n. sp. / det. Chen Shi-Xiang 19" (IZAS, IOZ(E) 1905346); 1 male, "Yunnan Jingdong", "Jingdong Wuliangshan / 1800-2430 m. /
.III." (IZAS, IOZ(E) 1905217); 2 males,
3 / Yunnan, Zhenyuanxian, Jiujiaxiang / leg. Ji-Shan Xu & Jian-Xiong Zhang", "
/ Alt. 2160 m" (MHBU); 1 female, "CHINA. Yunnan, Yongde / Yalianxiang, Damaidi / 2175m 2012.V.8 / leg. Xiao-Dong Yang" (CCCC); 4 males, 1 female, "CHINA. Yunnan,
/ Manwanzhen, Shuibatoucun / Dahebadi 2103 m 2015.X.15 / leg. Bin Liu" (CLB); 1 female, ditto except "2113 m 2015.X.21" (CLB); 5 males, 3 females, ditto except "1950 m 2016.II.20-29 / local collector" (CLB); 1 male, 1 female, ditto except "1960 m 2016.I.23 / leg. Zi-Chun Xiong" (CZDY); 1 male, 1 female, ditto except
(CZDY); 1 male, 1 female, ditto except
Male. (Fig. 11). Body length 16.0-24.3 mm, humeral width 4.9-7.9 mm. Body brownish black; head and pronotum covered with yellowish, tawny and brown pubescence, ventral surface with tawny pubescence forming small spots sparsely scattered throughout. Head with four tawny vittae on basal half of occiput behind upper eye lobes. Antennal scape, pedicel and basal one-fifth of 3rd antennomere sparsely annularted with light yellowish pubescence, remainders with fine brown pubescence. Pronotum with two longitudinal tawny bands on each side of disk and other two longitudinal bands on lateral margins, the discal bands slightly longer than half of pronotal length. Scutellum densely clothed with tawny pubescence, slightly sparse along middle. Elytron with pubescence predominantly reddish brown, with tawny pubescence forming the subbasal annular marking, a short discontinuous transverse band at basal one-third near suture and a few small spots scattered near humerus and along suture, with light yellowish pubescence forming the middle band and the preapical stripe; the middle band narrow, moderately oblique, nearly interrupted at middle, zigzaged near suture, hardly reaching suture; the preapical stripe narrow, well developed. Legs (Fig. 35) clothed with sparse light brown and dense light yellowish pubescence of which the lighter one forming small spots moderately scattered.
Body elongate, oblong oval. Head (Fig. 25) with frons sparsely and coarsely punctured; lower eye lobe 1.2 times as long as width, 0.6 times as long as gena. Antennae ca. 1.6-1.7 times as long as body length, surpassing elytral apex at base of 6th antennomere; 3rd antennomere ca. 1.8 times as long as scape, ca. 1.3 times as long as 4th antennomere; coarsely punctured on scape to 3rd antennomere; scape to 4th antennomere fringed beneath. Pronotum slightly longer than width at base, lateral spine developed, thickened at base with acute apex; metasternum ca. 1.5 times as long as mesosternal length. Elytra ca. 1.6 times as wide as pronotal base, 1.8 times as long as humeral width; subparallel-sided in basal two-thirds, slightly widened at basal half, then moderately convergent toward subacute apices; disk moderately and deeply punctured, moderately granulated near humerus to behind basal one-third, becoming indistinct subapically; subbasal tubercle strongly developed and raised, ca. 1.4 times as wide as scutellar width. Hindwings (Fig. 46) developed, ca. 1.4 times as long as elytral length. Legs long and slender, metafemora almost exceeding elytral apices.
Male genitalia (Figs 53, 64). Tergite VIII (Fig. 53a) transverse, slightly emarginated apically and straight sided, length 0.8 times as long as width. Tegmen (Fig. 53
) with lateral lobe subparallel-sided toward rounded apex. Median lobe (Fig. 53
) with apex rounded in antero-dorsal view. Endophallus (n = 4, Fig. 64) slightly longer than triple length of median lobe, the length of MT ca. 3.0 times as long as the length of BPH, the length of CT+PB slightly longer than the length of BPH; MPH strongly
at apical two-fifths, PB cylindrical at basal one-fourth, basal swelling (bs) of CT moderately swollen anterolaterally; APH moderately swollen, slightly wider than the maximum width of PB at base, obliquely truncated in lateral view, with apical bubble
bb) provided with a pair of short rod-like sclerite subapically; small spicules evenly distributed on basal half of apical bulb and apical half of PB.
Female (Fig. 12). Body length 20.7-22.1 mm, humeral width 6.2-7.0 mm. Almost identical to male in general appearance. Antennae 1.2 times as long as body length, apical three antennomeres surpassing elytral apex; scape to 7th antennomere fringed beneath; humeri slightly constricted; elytron longer in proportion to body length; legs comparatively short, metatibiae exceeding elytral apices at basal half.
This new species is similar to
Pseudoechthistatus sinicus
sp. n., but is distinguishable by having the hindwings fully developed, punctures on elytra distinct and deeper, and APH of endophallus swollen. It resembles
Pseudoechthistatus holzschuhi
but differs in having antennae (at least 3rd to 4th antennomeres) without yellowish annulations, 3rd antennomere fringed beneath (fringed only at basal half in
Pseudoechthistatus holzschuhi
), punctures and granules on elytra more developed, elytra wider (compare with its length), humeri constricted in female. It can be distinguished from
Pseudoechthistatus birmanicus
by the longer 3rd antennomere, deeper elytral punctures, smaller elytral granules and narrower median band on elytra, and the subbasal tubercle of elytron not so close to elytral base.
The new species is dedicated to the late Shu-Nan Chiang (1914-2013), an entomologist specialized in the taxonomy of Chinese
(Map 1). China: Yunnan.