Systematics, biogeography and host-plant relationships of the Neotropical jumping plant-louse genus Russelliana (Hemiptera: Psylloidea) Author Serbina, Liliya Author Burckhardt, Daniel text Zootaxa 2017 4266 1 1 114 journal article 33062 10.5281/zenodo.575325 f4033cfe-28b4-434e-a577-bf51193b4df6 1175-5326 575325 6202B24C-50CC-4EF1-A54E-8BAD122606DD Russelliana solanicola Tuthill, 1959 ( Figs 10 H, 15C, 20B, 25B, 29B, 33I ) Russelliana solanicola Tuthill, 1959 : 12 . Material examined. Published records (for details see Serbina et al. 2015 ). Argentina : Catamarca , Córdoba , La Rioja , Río Negro , Salta , Tucumán . Bolivia : Chuquisaca , Taipina , Tarija . Brazil : Minas Gerais , Paraná , São Paulo . Chile : I Region (Iquique, Tamarugal), II Region ( El Loa , Tocopilla), III Region (Chañaral, Copiapó, Huasco), IV Region (Elqui, Limarí), V Region (Petorca, Quillota, San Felipe de Aconcagua , Valparaíso ) , Region Metropolitana ( Santiago ), VI Region (Cachapoal), VII Region (Cauquenes, Talca), VIII Region (Ñuble), IX Region (Malleco) . Peru : Ancash , Arequipa , Cusco , Huánuco , Lima , Moquegua , Tacna . Uruguay : Brisa de la Pinta ( BMNH , CASC , FSCA , MHNG , NHMB , dry, on slide, 70 % ethanol). Additional material. Argentina : 1 ♀ , Province Catamarca , Punta Balasto , 220 m , 26–28.xi.1983 ( L. E. Peña ) ( MHNG , dry) ; 1 ♂ , same but Province Jujuy , La Quiaca , 3442 m , 17.ii.1951 ( E. S. Ross & A. E. Michelbacher ) ( CASC , dry) ; 8 ♂ , 25 ♀ , 1?, same but Province La Pampa , Puelén , 9.xi.1987 ( L. E. Peña ) ( MHNG , dry, on slide) ; 2 ♀ , 1 immature, same but Province Mendoza , above Villa Vicencia , 50 km NW Mendoza , 1800 –2200 m, 18.i.1997 , low scrub ( D. Burckhardt ) #15 ( NHMB , dry). Bolivia : 2 ♀ , Department Cochabamba , Province Chapare , 20 km E Sacaba , 17°25.1'S 65°53.9'W , 3450 m , 24.iii.2001 ( A. Freidberg ) ( NHMB , dry). Brazil : 1 ♀ , State São Paulo , Rio de Janeiro , 19.i.1969 , beach area ( C. W. & L. B. O’Brien ) ( CASC , dry). Chile : 1 ♂ , 3 ♀ , V Region , Province San Felipe de Aconcagua , Termas de Jahuel , 1000 m , 21.i.1997 , Helenium aromaticum , Acacia caven steppe with some planted exotic trees ( D. Burckhardt ) #17(1) ( NHMB , dry) ; 1 ♀ , Region Metropolitana , Province Santiago , Quebrada de la Plata , Fugdo , Rinenada , Kaipa , 33°32'S 70°47'W , 510 m , 25.i.1966 ( M. E. Irwin ) ( CASC , dry) ; 1 ♂ , IX Region , Malleco , Angol , 29.i.1951 ( E. S. Ross & A. E. Michelbacher ) ( CASC , dry). Peru : 1 ♂ , Region Ayacucho , Huanta , 8.iii.1951 ( E. S. Ross & A. E. Michelbacher ) ( CASC , dry) ; 1 ♂ , 3 ♀ , Region Junín , Province Chupaca , Chupaca , , Daucus carota (R. Orihuela) ( NHMB , 70 % ethanol). Description. Coloration. Head including genal processes pale yellow, genae pale yellow to brown, vertex often pale to dark brown in the middle; clypeus pale to dark brown. Eyes pale yellow to brown, ocelli yellow to orange. Antenna pale to dirty yellow, segments 4–8 with dark brown apices, segments 9–10 entirely dark brown. Pronotum pale yellow, often with pale to dark brown dot in the middle; mesopraescutum pale yellow with two yellow to dark brown patches along the fore margin; mesoscutum pale yellow with four broad pale to dark brown longitudinal stripes and often, in the middle, with one narrow yellow to brownish longitudinal stripe; mesoscutellum pale yellow along the margin, pale to dark brown in the middle. Metanotum yellow to dark brown. Forewing with pale to dark brown veins, becoming darker towards apex, and colourless to greyish membrane with indistinct brown patches along the veins Cu and Cu1b, at apices of veins R1, Rs, M1+2, M3+4, Cu1a and often between bifurcation of vein M and apical part of cell r1. Legs yellow to brownish, with slightly darker distal tarsal segments, meracanthus of metacoxa pale yellow. Abdomen brown. Male terminalia brown to dark brown. Female terminalia dirty yellow to brown; proctiger dark in apical half. Females generally slightly lighter, with ventrally lighter abdomen. Structure. Head, in profile, strongly inclined from longitudinal body axis at 90°. Vertex subtrapezoidal with indented foveae, anteriorly produced into transverse lobe on either side of mid-line, with raised hind margin around lateral ocelli, covered with microscopical setae; genal processes conical, slender, subacute apically, distinctly shorter than vertex, covered with moderately long setae. Forewing oblong-oval, narrowly rounded apically; vein C+Sc weakly curved, pterostigma long, vein Rs almost straight apically; vein M about as long as either of veins M1+2 and M3+4; surface spinules very dense, present in all cells, leaving no spinule-free stripes along the veins, irregularly spaced; radular spinules covering triangular areas along the margin of cells r2, m1, m2 and cu1. Metatibia with 7 apical spurs. Terminalia. Male. Proctiger tubular; sparsely covered with moderately long setae. Subgenital plate short, subglobular; with relatively densely spaced moderately long setae and with long setae along ventral margin. Paramere irregularly subtrapezoidal, curved with median convexity apically; with hook-shaped apico-anterior process on short pedicel, apically sclerotised median tooth and bulged apico-posterior lobe; both process and lobe of subequal length; outer face sparsely covered with moderately long setae mostly in apical half, inner face densely covered with short to moderately long setae. Distal segment of aedeagus moderately elongate, weakly expanding towards apex; with moderately long anterior process, one apical, horn-shaped, and one apico-posterior tubercles, the latter being curved forward; lateral lobes long, dilated towards apex which is concave.—Female. Proctiger cuneate, pointed apically; dorsal margin, in profile, sinuous, with subapical indentation; densely covered with short setae. Subgenital plate cuneate, with short apical process; sparsely covered with moderately long setae, dorsal margin with few bristles. Host-plants. Polyphagous, confirmed hosts are Alternanthera ficoidea (L.) Sm. ( Amaranthaceae ), Baccharis lycioides J.Rémy , B. zoellneri F.H.Hellw. ssp. minor F.H.Hellw. , Helenium aromaticum (Hook.) L.H.Bailey , Parthenium hysterophorus L., Xanthium spinosum L. ( Asteraceae ), Escallonia rosea Griseb. (Escalloniaceae) , Brugmansia arborea (L.) Steud., Datura sp. and Solanum tuberosum L. ( Solanaceae ); likely but unconfirmed hosts are Beta vulgaris L. ( Amaranthaceae ), Baccharis neaei DC., Flaveria bidentis (L.) Kuntze, Helianthus annuus L., Tagetes erecta L., T. minuta L. ( Asteraceae ), Acnistus arborescens (L.) Schltdl., Capsicum annuum L., C. baccatum L., Cestrum auriculatum L'Hér. , Datura stramonium L., Fabiana imbricata Ruiz & Pav. , Lycium chilense Bertero , Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. , Nicotiana glutinosa L., Nolana cf. sedifolia Poepp. , Solanum americanum Mill. , S. chilense Dunal , S. corymbosum Jacq. , S. peruvianum L., S. pinnatum Cav. and S. valdiviense Dunal (Solanaceae) . Distribution. The species is native to the Andes Region (Central and Western Argentina , Bolivia , Far Northern–Southern Chile and Peru ) and presumably was introduced into eastern South America (Eastern Argentina , Southern Brazil , Uruguay ) ( Tuthill 1959 ; Burckhardt 1987 ; Serbina et al. 2015 ). Comments. The collections of Russelliana solanicola from the MHNG and NHMB include a large number (few hundreds) of dry and slide mounted specimens, and those preserved in 70 % ethanol. Some specimens assigned to R. solanicola in Serbina et al. (2015) belong to other closely related species, R. brevigenis sp. nov. , R. caunda sp. nov. and R. didyma sp. nov. For more details on the locality data, see the descriptions of R. brevigenis sp. nov. , R. caunda sp. nov. and R. didyma sp. nov. Russelliana solanicola resembles R. chorizanthis , disparilis , nigra , rutila and similis ; see comments under R. chorizanthis . R. solanicola differs from R. disparilis and nigra in a median convexity of the apical margin of the paramere, from R. disparilis and similis in the presence of surface spinules in the apical part of the forewing membrane, and from R. nigra and rutila in a colourless forewing membrane. It differs from R. chorizanthis in a shorter female terminalia, and from R. disparilis in a smaller apico-posterior lobe of the paramere and an apically subacute anterior process of the distal segment of the aedeagus. Russelliana tetraglochin sp. nov. ( Figs 10 I, 15D, 20C, 25C, 29C, 34A) Material examined. Holotype : Chile : V Region , Province Los Andes , El Juncal , 2200 m , 24.xii.1998 , Tetraglochin alatum , alpine scrub with low bushes ( D. Burckhardt ) #6(3) ( NHMB , dry). Paratypes : Argentina : 2 ♂ , 8 ♀ , Province Mendoza , Mendoza Valley , Punta de Vacas , 2400 m , 30.xii.1995 , Tetraglochin alatum , subalpine/alpine scrub ( D. Burckhardt ) #28 ( MHNG , NHMB , dry) ; 5 ♂ , 9 ♀ , 2 immatures, same but above Villa Vicencia , 50 km NW Mendoza , 1800 –2200 m, 18.i.1997 , Tetraglochin alatum , low scrub ( D. Burckhardt ) #15(6) ( MHNG , on slide, 70 % ethanol). Chile : 2 ♂ , 6 ♀ , V Region , Province Los Andes , Río Blanco to Portillo , route 60, Aconcagua Valley , 32°50'S 70°08'W , 2200–2400 m , 23.xi.1992 , Mulguraea scoparia [ Diostea scoparia ], alpine scrub ( D. Burckhardt ) #12 ( MHNG , dry) ; 12 ♂ , 24 ♀ , 5 immatures, 1?, same but km 10 Portillo to Río Blanco , 2300 m , 23.xii.1995 , Tetraglochin alatum (D. Burckhardt) #18(3) ( BMNH , MHNG , NHMB , dry, on slide, 70 % ethanol) ; 18 ♂, 15 ♀, 7 immatures, same as holotype (D. Burckhardt) #6(3) (NHMB, dry, on slide, 70 % ethanol). Description. Coloration. General colour of body yellow. Head including genal processes whitish to pale yellow, sometimes orange; clypeus pale yellow to orange. Eyes yellow, ocelli red. Antenna yellow to brownish, segments 3–8 with dark brown apices, segments 9–10 entirely dark brown. Pronotum pale to bright yellow, often of same colour as vertex and distinctly paler than mesonotum, sometimes with bright yellow dot in the middle; mesopraescutum pale yellow with two bright yellow to orange patches along the fore margin; mesoscutum pale yellow with four broad and, in the middle, one narrow bright yellow to orange longitudinal stripes; mesoscutellum pale yellow along the margin, bright yellow in the middle. Metanotum pale to bright yellow. Forewing membrane with pale yellow to brownish veins and yellow to brownish membrane, both becoming slightly darker towards apical part. Legs pale to bright yellow, sometimes with orange femora, meracanthus of metacoxa pale to bright yellow. Abdomen and terminalia pale yellow to orange. Female proctiger dark in apical third; subgenital plate with dark apex. Structure. Head, in profile, moderately to strongly inclined from longitudinal body axis (45–90°). Vertex subtrapezoidal, flat with indented foveae, anteriorly produced into transverse lobe on either side of mid-line, with slightly raised hind margin around lateral ocelli, covered with microscopical setae; genal processes conical, relatively slender, subacute apically, shorter than vertex, covered with short setae. Forewing oblong-oval, narrowly rounded apically; vein C+Sc weakly curved, pterostigma long, vein Rs almost straight apically; vein M about as long as either of veins M1+2 and M3+4; surface spinules absent; radular spinules covering triangular areas along the margin of cells r2, m1, m2 and cu1. Metatibia with 4–6 apical spurs. Terminalia. Male. Proctiger tubular; sparsely covered with moderately long setae mostly in posterior part. Subgenital plate short, subglobular; with sparsely spaced long setae. Paramere narrowly lamellar with constricted base, weakly sinuous apically, posterior margin curved; with short anterior process lacking pedicel and apically sclerotised median tooth; outer face sparsely covered with moderately long setae mostly in posterior part, inner face sparsely covered with short setae. Distal segment of aedeagus moderately elongate, weakly expanding towards apex; with anterior process slightly directed upwards, situated almost in the middle of distal segment and with one short and one horn-shaped apico-posterior tubercles; lateral lobes moderately long, dilated towards apex which is concave.—Female. Proctiger cuneate, pointed apically; dorsal margin, in profile, almost straight; sparsely covered with relatively short setae in apical half. Subgenital plate subglobular, with short apical process; sparsely covered with moderately long setae in apical part, dorsal margin with a bristle. Host-plant. Tetraglochin alatum (Gillies ex Hook. & Arn.) Kuntze (Rosaceae) . Distribution. Argentina ( Mendoza ), Chile (V Region). Derivation of name. Named after its host Tetraglochin . Comments. Russelliana tetraglochin resembles some Adesmia feeding species in a narrowly lamellar paramere bearing an apico-anterior process lacking a pedicel, and in a distal segment of the aedaegus bearing two small apico-posterior tubercles. It differs from most of Adesmia -feeders in the absence of a brown pattern on the forewing membrane, and a subglobular female subgenital plate.