On some species of the Quedius obliqueseriatus group, with notes on Q. nivicola (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Staphylininae) Author Assing, Volker text Linzer biologische Beiträge 2016 2016-12-19 48 2 1137 1148 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5354480 0253-116X 5354480 Quedius ( Raphirus ) boluensis KORGE , 1971 ( Map 1 ) Quedius ( Sauridus ) boluensis KORGE, 1971: 49 f. Quedius ( Sauridus ) deuvei COIFFAIT, 1978a: 170 f. T y p e m a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d: Holotype 6 [aedeagus missing]: "leg. H. Korge, Anatolia bor. / Abant-Geb. 1100-1500 m / 6 - Holotypus Quedius ( Sauridus ) boluensis Korge " (MNB). Paratype : " Anatolia bor., W. Heinz leg. / Bolu dagl. bei Mengen 900 m , 21.7.1963 / - Paratypus Quedius ( Sauridus ) boluensis Korge " (MNB). Map 1 : Distributions of Quedius boluensis (black and grey circles) and Q. smetanai (white and grey circles;?: doubtful record from Kars), based on examined and on literature records. A d d i t i o n a l m a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d: Turkey : B o l u 16, 7 km S Bolu , 40°40'N , 31°38'E , 930 m , oak forest, sifted, 29.III.2010 , leg. Assing (cAss) ; 16, Bolu - Yığılca , 40°51'N , 31°39'N , 1060 m , 29.IV.2012 , leg. Brachat & Meybohm (cAss) ; 1♀ , 11 km S Bolu , 40°40'N , 31°38'N , 1080 m , 30.IV.2012 , leg. Brachat & Meybohm (cAss) ; 366, Abant mountains near Bolu , pitfall trap , 29.IV.-20. V .1976 , leg Korge ( MNB ) ; 1♀ , forest between Bolu and Yiğilca , 1100 m , 15.VII.-26.VIII.1972 , leg. Heinz ( MNB ). Z o n g u l d a k 2♀♀ , ca. 15 km W Devrek , 41°14'N , 31°52'E , 700 m , beech forest with rhododendron undergrowth, litter sifted, 26.III.2010 , leg. Assing (cAss). K a s t a m o n u: 16, pass N Çambaşı , 1700 m , leg. Korge ( MNB ) ; 16, 1♀ , W-Yaraligöz, S Çatalzeytin , 1300-1700 m , 25.VII.1970 ( MNB ). S i n o p: 1♀ , 25 km S Sinop , W Lala , 41°44'N , 35°01'E , 215 m , oak forest with undergrowth, sifted, 31.III.2009 , leg. Assing (cAss) ; 16, 1♀ , ca. 30 km S Ayancık , Çangal Dağı , 41°47'N , 34°40'E , 820 m , beech forest, sifted, 1.IV.2009 , leg. Assing (cAss) ; 1♀ , ca. 30 km S Ayancık , Çangal Dağı , 41°49'N , 34°39'E , 920 m , beech forest, sifted, 1.IV.2009 , leg. Assing (cAss) ; 16, S Ayancık , Çangal Dağı , 1100 m , 26.VII.1970 , leg. Heinz ( MNB ) ; 16, Dranaz Dağı near Sinop , 1250 m , 27.VII.1970 , leg. Heinz ( MNB ). S a m s u n: 1♀ , 20 km S Samsun , NE Asarcık , 41°07'N , 36°17'E , 840 m , Quercus - Carpinus forest with rhododendron, litter sifted, 20.VII.2008 , leg. Assing (cAss). O r d u: 266, 1♀ , ca. 30 km SW Ordu , 1 km NE Gölköy , 40°43'N , 37°37'E , 1050 m , beech forest with rhododendron and Ilex undergrowth, sifted, 13.VII.2008 , leg. Assing & Schülke (cAss, MNB ) ; 866, 10♀♀ , road Ünye - Akkuş , 18 km NE Akkuş , 40°56'N , 37°07'E , 920 m , mixed deciduous forest with dominant Fagus , litter sifted, 15.VII.2008 , leg. Assing & Schülke (cAss, MNB ) ; 16, 1♀ , Akkuş , 1400 m , leg. Heinz ( MNB ) ; 16, between Ulubey and Gölköy , 900-1100 m , 5.-15.VII.1977 , leg. Korge ( MNB ) ; 16, Ulubey , 5.VII.1977 , leg. Korge ( MNB ) ; 16, 15 km S Gölköy , Harçbeli Geçidi , 40°35'N , 37°38'E , 1610 m , beech forest with rhododendron, litter and mushrooms sifted, 22.VII.2008 , leg. Assing (cAss). G i r e s u n: 1♀ , ca. 30 km S Giresun , 40°39'N , 38°27'E , 830 m , beech & hazelnut forest, sifted, 28.VII.2006 , leg. Assing (cAss) ; 1♀ , ca. 40 km S Giresun , N Kümbet , 40°34'N , 38°26'E , 1520 m , spruce forest with rhododendron, 29.VII.2006 , leg. Assing (cAss) ; 16, ca. 30 km S Giresun , 40°36'N , 38°27'E , 1250 m , spruce forest with rhododendron, sifted, 29.VII.2006 , leg. Schülke (cAss). G ü m ü ş h a n e: 1♀ , ca. 50 km SW Trabzon , NE Kürtün , 40°44'N , 39°13'E , 1430 m , spruce forest with rhododendron, near stream, sifted, 27.VII.2007 , leg. Schülke ( MNB ). T r a b z o n: 16 [slightly teneral], ca. 50 km S Trabzon , 20 km S Maçka , Altındere Milli Park , 40°40'N , 39°40'E , 1560 m , spruce forest with rhododendron, sifted, 26.VII.2006 , leg. Assing (cAss) . C o m m e n t: The original description of Q. boluensis is based on a male holotype from "Abant-Gebirbe bei Bolu " and two female paratypes from "Bolu-Gebirge bei Mengen" ( KORGE 1971 ), that of Q. deuvei on a male holotype and a female paratype from "Drannaz Dag" ( COIFFAIT 1978a ). The latter was synonymized with the former by SOLODOVNIKOV (2004) . SOLODOVNIKOV (2004 , 2005 ) provided additional records from Bolu , Zonguldak , Kastamonu , Sinop , Ordu , Gümüşhane , and Trabzon provinces. He also reported one female from Borçka in Artvin province , but this record is zoogeographically implausible and most likely refers to Q. smetanai or Q. walteri . The confirmed distribution of Q. boluensis is confined to the Pontic Mountains from Bolu in the west to Trabzon in the east ( Map 1 ) and parapatrically borders on that of Q. smetanai . In one locality in Trabzon (Altındere Milli Park), one male of Q. boluensis was collected together with two males and one female of Q. smetanai (see grey circle in Map 1 ). For characters distinguishing Q. boluensis and Q. smetanai see the comment in the section on Q. smetanai . Size, coloration, and other external characters of Q. boluensis are subject to remarkable intraspecific variation. The pronotum may be uniformly reddish, reddish with a diffuse and oblong darker spot on either side of the midline, or blackish-brown with reddish margins. The colour of the abdomen ranges from reddish to blackish-brown with narrowly reddish posterior margins. The palisade fringe at the posterior margin of tergite VII may be complete (though very narrow), reduced to indistinct rudiments, or completely absent. Considering that, like the type material (see also KORGE 1971 ), all the examined specimens are micropterous and have a blackish head, it appears noteworthy that SOLODOVNIKOV (2004) states on p. 229 that "in Q. boluensis head and pronotum [are] never black" and that SOLODOVNIKOV (2005: 7) seems to suggest that the specimens examined by him earlier are not micropterous: "Unlike other examined material on Q. boluensis ..., these two specimens ... have shortened wings".