On some species of the Quedius obliqueseriatus group, with notes on Q. nivicola (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Staphylininae) Author Assing, Volker text Linzer biologische Beiträge 2016 2016-12-19 48 2 1137 1148 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5354480 0253-116X 5354480 Quedius ( Raphirus ) smetanai KORGE , 1971 ( Map 1 ) Quedius ( Sauridus ) smetanai KORGE, 1971: 47 ff. Quedius ( Sauridus ) horsti COIFFAIT, 1978b: 222 . T y p e m a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d: Holotype 6: " Anatolia bor., leg. H. Korge / Tal v. Ardeşen: Ilica, 28.VII.1967 / 6 - Holotypus Quedius frater Korge / Quedius frater Korge never published but publishes as Q. smetanai Korge / Holotype Quedius smetanai Korge, A. Solodovnikov rev. 2004" (MNB). Paratypes : 16: " Anatolia or., leg. H. Korge / Ilica, Tal v. Ardeşen, 28.VII.1967 / Quedius frater Korge , Paratypus " ( MNB ); 16, 1♀ : " Anatolia bor., W . Heinz leg. / Pass s. Ikizdere , 1400 m , 27.VIII.1966 / Quedius frater Korge , Paratypus " ( MNB ) ; 266, 1 ♀ [16, 1♀ teneral]: Anatolia bor., Korge & Heinz leg. / Tal v. Ardesen (Ayder), 1000- 16000 m [sic], 2.VIII.1965 / Quedius frater Korge , Paratypus " ( MNB ); 16: " Anatolia bor., W . Heinz leg. / Tal v. Ardesen, Ilica, 1600-2000 m , 25.VIII.1966 / Quedius frater Korge , Paratypus " (MNB); 1♀ : " Çamlik bei Rize 1750 m / 23.V.1964 - As. m., leg. H. Korge / Quedius frater Korge , Paratypus " (MNB). A d d i t i o n a l m a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d: Turkey : T r a b z o n:16, 1♀ , ca. 50 km S Of , S Uzungöl , 40°36'N , 40°17'E , 2050 m , moss and roots of grass and herbs near rocks, sifted, 4.VIII.2006 , leg. Assing (cAss) ; 1♀ , ca. 50 km S Of , S Uzungöl , 40°36'N , 40°17'E , 2050 m , gravel, ferns sifted, 4.VIII.2006 , leg. Assing (cAss) ; 266, 1 ♀ , ca. 50 km S Trabzon , 20 km S Maçka , Altındere Milli Park , 40°40'N , 39°40'E , 1560 m , spruce forest with rhododendron, sifted, 26.VII.2006 , leg. Assing & Schülke (cAss, MNB ), 1♀ , ca. 50 km S Of , S Uzungöl , 40°36'N , 40°18'E , 1870 m , spruce forest, 4.VIII.2006 , leg. Assing (cAss). R i z e: 1♀ , ca. 50 km S Ardeşen , Çat , 40°52'N , 40°56'E , 1240 m , Alnus forest , sifted, 3.VIII.2006 , leg. Assing (cAss) ; 366, 2 ♀♀ , 32 km SSE Ardeşen , SE Ayder , 40°56'N , 41°09'E , 1730 m , mixed forest ( Alnus , Picea ) with undergrowth ( Rhododendron , Rubus ), sifted, 10.VII.2008 , leg. Assing & Schülke (cAss, MNB ) ; 16, 1♀ , 50 km SSE Rize , W Sivrikaya , 40°41'N , 40°39'E , 2050 m , primary Abies forest , litter and dead wood, 1.VIII.2006 , leg. Assing & Schülke (cAss, MNB ) ; 16, 1♀ , 40 km SSE Rize , 4 km E Ikizdere , 40°47'N , 40°36'E , 750 m , mixed forest with chestnut, alder, beech, rhododendron, sifted, 1.VIII.2006 , leg. Assing & Schülke (cAss, MNB ) ; 1♀ , 32 km SSE Ardeşen , SE Ayder , 40°56'N , 41°09'E , 1730 m , mixed forest ( Alnus , Picea ) with undergrowth ( Rhododendron , Rubus ), sifted, 10.VII.2008 , leg. Assing (cAss) ; 3♀♀ , 30 km SE Rize , 40°54'N , 40°46'E , 900 m , stream bank, rhododendron litter, 2.VIII.2006 , leg. Schülke ( MNB ) ; 16, ca. 30 km SW Hopa , Çağlayan Dere river valley, ca. 41°09'N , 41°22'E , 1800-1900 m , 26. VI .1998 , leg. Solodovnikov (cAss) ; 266, 3 ♀♀ , valley of Ardeşen , Ayder , 1400-1800 m , 1.VIII.1970 , leg. Korge & Heinz ( MNB ) ; 16, 2♀♀ , valley of Ardeşen , Ayder , leg. Heinz ( MNB ) ; 266, pass S Ikizdere , 1400 m , 19.VIII.1978 , leg. Heinz ( MNB ) ; 2♀♀ , Ayder , 1500 m , 22.-24.VII.1992 , leg. Heinz ( MNB ) ; 266, pass S Ikizdere , 1400 m , 27.VIII.1966 , leg. Heinz ( MNB ) ; 1♀ , Ovit pass S Ikizdere , 1400 m , 19.-21.VII.1987 , leg. Heinz ( MNB ) ; 1♀ , 20 km SW Kaptanpaşa , Ligovi , 1400 m , 24.-25.VII.1992 , leg. Heinz ( MNB ). A r t v i n: 16, Karçkal Yaylaşı , Otingöl , 1800-2300 m , 19.VIII.1972 , leg. Heinz ( MNB ). K a r s: 1♀ , N Kars , 2000 m , 29.VII.1965 , leg. Korge & Heinz ( MNB ) . C o m m e n t: The original description of Q. smetanai is based on material from "Ilica (bzw. Ayder) im Tal südlich Ardeşen 1000-1600 m ", "Ikizdere südlich Rize , 1400 m ", and "Çamlik südlich Rize , 1700 m ", and one female of slightly different coloration from "Hochebene nördlich von Kars , 2000 m " ( KORGE 1971 ). The type material is labelled as Quedius frater , a name that Korge evidently subsequently discarded and replaced with Q. smetanai , without changing the labels. The specimen from Kars was not labelled as a type by Korge. The record is rather far away from the confirmed distribution of Q. smetanai (see question mark in Map 1 ) and requires verification. As can be inferred from the records known at present, the distribution of Q. smetanai is adjacent to, and much more restricted than, that of Q. boluensis ( Map 1 ). In Altındere Milli Park to the south of Trabzon , both species were found together (see grey circle in Map 1 ). Quedius smetanai is easily distinguished from Q. boluensis not only based on the different morphology of the aedeagus, particularly the somewhat spoon-shaped paramere (see figure 12 in KORGE 1971 ), but also by external characters such as the punctation pattern of the head (puncture near postero-dorsal margin of eye accompanied by additional non-setiferous in Q. boluensis , without such punctures in Q. smetanai ) and the coloration. In Q. boluensis , the pronotum always has the margins broadly reddish, whereas in Q. smetanai it is practically completely black. Moreover, the elytra are uniformly reddish in Q. boluensis , while in Q. smetanai they have a dark spot on either side of suture or they are more extensively blackish. Like Q. boluensis , Q. smetanai is subject to pronounced intraspecific variation. In most of the specimens examined, the elytra are reddish with an oblong infuscate spot on either side of the suture. Some specimens from Rize , however, have the elytra nearly completely black, with only the humeral angles and the postero-lateral angles narrowly paler.