Bees of the genus Lasioglossum (Hymenoptera: Halictidae) from Greater Puerto Rico, West Indies Author Gibbs, Jason text European Journal of Taxonomy 2018 2018-02-01 400 1 57 journal article 10.5852/ejt.2018.400 12c52018-f40f-455c-9e93-836808d3b087 2118-9773 1165021 EFE95F68-5FA1-4D95-A911-A8BCAFAFCEEF Lasioglossum ( Dialictus ) gundlachii ( Baker, 1906 ) Figs 4F , 21–23 Chloralictus Gundlachii Baker, 1906: 268 (syntype, ♀, deposited at AMNH, examined). Lasioglossum gundlachii Alayo 1973: 199 (catalogue); 1976: 19 (catalogue). — Rodríguez Velázquez & Mestre Novoa 2002: 9 (distribution). Dialictus gundlachii Moure & Hurd 1987: 102 (catalogue). — Moure 2007: 850 (catalogue). Dialictus gundlachi Eickwort 1988: 236 (distribution, biology, incorrect subsequent spelling; see ICZN (1999) article 33.4.). Lasioglossum ( Dialictus ) gundlachii Danforth 1999: 380 (phylogeny). — Danforth et al . 2003: 25 (phylogeny). — Genaro 2004: 178 (distribution); 2007: 249 (distribution). — Genaro & Franz 2008: 6 (distribution). — Engel 2011: 66 (taxonomy). — Gibbs 2011: 90 (taxonomy). — Gibbs et al . 2012b: 930 (phylogeny). Lasioglossum ( Dialictus ) mestrei (misdet.) – Genaro & Franz 2008: 6 (distribution). Diagnosis Both sexes of L . gundlachii can be recognized by the metapostnotum with incomplete carinulae reaching from anterior margin to midlength, posterior half of surface smooth, mesopleuron relatively smooth, with distinct sparse punctures and mesoscutal punctures sparse between parapsidal lines. Female L . gundlachii have T1 with acarinarial fan nearly absent, only visible as small lateral patches of subappressed setae. Male L . gundlachii can be recognized by long lateral setae on posterior metasomal sterna, which protrude in horn-like tufts, distinctly visible when examining the metasoma in dorsal view. Lasioglossum mestrei also has incomplete carinulae on the metapostnotum, but it has a much larger head, denser mesoscutal punctures and metallic reflections on the metasoma. Etymology Baker (1906) named this species after Dr. Juan Gundlach. Material examined CUBA : Artemisa : 1 ♀ , Cabanas , 5–13 Sep. 1913 , s. coll. ( AMNH ) ; 2 ♀♀ , LagunaAriguanabo , Jul. 1955 , Zayas and Alayo leg. ( LACM ). Cienfuegos : 1 ♂ , Ciego Montero , Palmira , Dec. 1967 , P. Alayo leg. ( LACM ) . – Guantanamo : 2 ♀♀ , El Imbano , Cuchillas de Baracoa , May 1998 , R. Fernández de Arcila leg. ( LACM ) ; 4 ♀♀ , Guantanamo Bay Naval Base , 19.8993° N , 75.1193° W , 5 May 2010 , S. Droege and S. Brady leg. ( NMNH ) ; 3 ♀♀ , Guantanamo Bay Naval Base , 19.9166° N , 75.1408° W , 6 May 2010 , S.W. Droege leg. ( NMNH ) ; 26 ♀♀ , Guantanamo Bay Naval Base , 19.9126° N , 75.2118° W , 14 Jun. 2011 , S.W. Droege leg. ( NMNH ) . – Havana : 30 ♀♀ including syntypes , 6 ♂♂ , s. d., Baker leg. ( AMNH ); 5 ♀♀ including syntypes , s. d., Baker leg. ( CUIC ) . – Matanzas : 1 ♂ , Sto. Tomás, P. de Zapata , s. d., J.C. Bruner and J. Acuña leg. ( NMNH ) . – Pinar del Rio : 1 ♀ , Cerro Cabras , 11 Sep. 1913 , s. coll. ( AMNH ) ; 2 ♀♀ , Guane , 24–26 Sep. 1913 ( AMNH ) ; 2 ♀♀ , Pinar del Rio , 9–24 Sep. 1913 ( AMNH ); 1 ♀ , San Vicente, Nov. 1955 , N.L.H. Krauss leg. ( SEMC ); 1 ♀ , Vinales , 7 km N , 16–22 Sep. 1913 , s. coll. ( AMNH ); 3 ♀♀ , Vinales , 24 km N , 16–22 Sep. 1913 , s. coll. ( AMNH ) . – Santiago de Cuba : 1 ♂ , Cristo , 3 Oct. 1915 , s. coll. ( AMNH ) . – Villa Clara : 1 ♀ , Manicaragua , Jan. 1971 , Grillo leg. ( LACM ) . DOMINICAN REPUBLIC : Barahona : 1 ♂ , Ciénaga, road towards Cachote , Hg and UV lights, night collection, 18°03ʹ45ʺ N , 71°08ʹ45ʺ W , 720 m , 7 Jun. 2008 , Franz lab leg. ( UPRM ); 1 ♀ , 2 ♂♂ , Upper Paraiso Valley , 29 Mar. 1978 , L. Masner leg. ( SEMC ). Dajabon : 1 ♀ , Villa Anacaona , 3 Jun. 1986 , R. Miller and L.A. Stange leg. ( FSCA ). El Seibo : 5 ♀♀ , 1 ♂ , El Seibo , 17 km N , 28 May 1985 , R. Woodruff and L. Stange leg. ( FSCA ). Espaillat : 1 ♀ , Moca , Tobacco, 30 Apr. 1935 , G. Russo leg. ( NMNH ). Hato Mayor (?): 1 ♂ , San Lorenzo , 24–26 Jun. 1915 , s. coll. ( AMNH ). La Altagracia : 2 ♀♀ , Nisibon , near cacao planting , flight trap , 5–7 May 1978 , G.B. Fairchild leg. ( FSCA ); 1 ♀ , 1 ♂ , Nisibon , Malaise trap , 8–10 Jun. 1976 , R.E. Woodruff and E.E. Grissell leg. ( FSCA ); 1 ♀ , Rio Chacon, nr. El Naranjo , 6 Jun. 1986 , R. Miller and L.A. Stange leg. ( FSCA ). La Romana : 1 ♀ , 11 Jun. 1976 , E. E. Grissell leg. ( FSCA ). La Vega : 2 ♀♀ , 1 ♂ , Cordillera Central , Loma Casabito , 15.8 km NW of Bonao , 19°02′12′′ N , 70°31′08′′ W , 1455 m , evergreen cloud forest, E slope, yellow pan, 28 May 2003 , J. Rawlins et al. leg. ( CMNH ); 13 ♀♀ , Jarabacoa , 17 Jul. 1986 , G.C. Eickwort leg. ( CUIC ); 1 ♀ , Jarabacoa , 6 km SE , El Saito , 31 May 1986 , R. Miller and L.A Stange leg. ( FSCA ). Pedro Sanchez : 2 ♂♂ , [no locality], tobacco field, 11 Jun. 1976 , E. E. Grissell leg. ( FSCA ). Pedernales : 3 ♀♀ , Cabo Rojo headquarters, 26 Jul. 1985 , G.C. Eickwort leg. ( CUIC ). Peravia : 1 ♀ , Arroyo Canas , 650 m a.s.l. , Malaise trap , 8 Aug. 1980 , A. Norrbom leg. ( CMNH ); 1 ♀ , Colonia , 25 Mar. 1978 , L. Masner leg. ( SEMC ). Puerto Plata : 4 ♀♀ , Pico Isabel de Torres , 22 Jul. 1986 , G.C. Eickwort leg. ( CUIC ) ; 1 ♀ , Playa Cofresi , 30 Dec. 1984 , L.A. Stange leg. ( FSCA ) ; 1 ♀ , Playa Dorada , 28 Dec. 1984 , L.A. Stange leg. ( FSCA ); 1 ♀ , Sosua , 25 Mar. 1985 , M. Alfenito leg. ( CUIC ) . – San Cristobal : 11 ♀♀ , 1 ♂ , Malaise trap , 16 Jun. 1986 . C. Nunez leg. ( FSCA ) ; 7 ♀♀ , 1 ♂ , Malaise trap , 19 Jun. 1986 . C. Nunez leg. ( FSCA ). – San Pedro de Macoris : 1 ♀ , near San Pedor de Macoris , 16 Jul. 1917 , H. Morrison leg. ( NMNH ). Fig. 21. Lasioglossum gundlachii ( Baker, 1906 ) , ♀. A . Face. B . Lateral habitus. C . Dorsal habitus. Scale bars = 1 mm. HAITI : Ouest : 1 ♀ , Damien , 25 Nov. 1929 , J.G. Myers leg. ( NHMUK ) ; 1 ♀ , Kenscoff , 1450 m a.s.l., 14 Dec. 1929 , J.G. Myers leg. ( NHMUK ) ; 1 ♀ , Leogane , 10 Aug. 1977 , A. Pauly leg. ( CUIC ); 1 ♀ , Val. Riv. Froide , 1925, W.A. Hoffman leg. ( NMNH ) . – Sud : 1 ♀ , Camp-Perrin , 1925, W.A. Hoffman leg. ( NMNH ) . PUERTO RICO : Adjuntas : 1 ♀ , [no locality], 8–13 Jun. 1915 , s. coll. ( AMNH ) . – Aibonito : 1 ♀ , [no locality], 1–3 Jun. 1915 , s. coll. ( AMNH ) . – Arecibo : 1 ♂ , [no locality], 1–4 Mar. 1914 , s. coll. ( AMNH ) ; 1 ♀ , 1 ♂ , 24–26 Jun. 1915 , s. coll. ( AMNH ) . – Barceloneta : 1 ♀ , [no locality], ex Barbieria pinnata , 21 Feb. 1933 , Mills , Faxon and Anderson leg. ( NMNH ) ; 1 ♀ , [no locality], 15 Nov. 1932 , Anderson , Faxon and Mills leg. ( NMNH ) . – Bayamón : 4 ♀♀ , [no locality], ex Margarita sp., 29 Apr. 1934 , Anderson and Lesesne leg. ( NMNH ) . – Cayey : 2 ♀♀ , Beatriz , 5 Nov. 1992 , Snelling and Torres leg. ( LACM ) . – Corozal : 1 ♀ , 1 ♂ , [no locality], 1 Jan. 1920 , G.N. Wolcott leg. ( NMNH ) . – Guaynabo : 1 ♀ , 18.36° N , 66.11° W , Malaise trap , 20–21 May 1996 , J.A. Torres leg. ( LACM ) ; 1 ♀ , same collection data as preceding, 29–31 May 1996 ( LACM ); 1 ♀ , same collection data as preceding, 6 Jun. 1996 ( LACM ); 1 ♀ , same collection data as preceding, 7–8 Jun. 1996 ( LACM ). Isabela : 1 ♀ , [no locality], ex Coriandrum sativum , 7 Apr. 1948 , L.P. Martorell leg. ( NMNH ) . – Jayuya : 2 ♂♂ , [no locality], 6 Jan. 1915 , s. coll. ( AMNH ) . – Luquillo : 2 ♂♂ , Balneiro de Luquillo , 10 May 1985 , G.C. Eickwort leg. ( CUIC ) ; 1 ♂ , same collection data as preceding, 14 May 1985 ( CUIC ) ; 1 ♀ , 1 ♂ , Balneiro de Luquillo, in nest #2 , 14 May 1985 , G.C. Eickwort leg. ( CUIC ) . – Manatí : 1 ♀ , 1 ♂ , Tortogueros Lake , 20 Nov. 1925 , s. coll. ( AMNH ) ; 1 ♀ , [no locality], 5 Mar. 1914 , s. coll. ( AMNH ); 1 ♀ , [no locality], 6 Apr. 1929 , S.T. Danforth leg. ( NMNH ) . – Mayagüez : 3 ♀♀ , [no locality], 15–16 Feb. 1915 , s. coll. ( AMNH ) ; 3 ♀♀ , [no locality], 21–23 Jun. 1915 , s. coll. ( AMNH ); 1 ♂ , Finca Alzamora , 8 Dec. 1981 , D.S. Green leg. ( FSCA ). Orocovis : 1 ♀ , [Barros, no locality], 4 Jun. 1915 , s. coll. ( AMNH ) ; 1 ♀ , Bosque Estatal Toro Negro Cordillera Central , 5 May 2008 , J.A. Genaro leg. ( JAGC ) . – Peñuelas : 1 ♀ , [no locality], Sep. 1960 , M. Santiago leg. ( JAGC ) . – Ponce : 1 ♀ , Vasquez , sun, 18°07.4616′ N , 66°38.2638′ W , elevated bee bowl, 13 Jan.–10 Feb. 2015 , S.G. Prado leg. ( NCSU ) ; 2 ♀♀ , same collection data as preceding, 17 Jun.–15 Jul. 2014 ( NCSU ); 1 ♀ , same collection data as preceding, 9 Sep.–7 Oct. 2014 ( NCSU ) ; 6 ♀♀ , same locality as preceding, Malaise trap , 17 Jun.–15 Jul. 2014 , S.G. Prado leg. ( NCSU ) ; 6 ♀♀ , same collection data as preceding, 15 Jul.–12 Aug. 2014 ( NCSU ); 2 ♀♀ , same collection data as preceding, 12 Aug.–9 Sep. 2014 ( NCSU ) ; 8 ♀♀ , same collection data as preceding, 9 Sep.–7 Oct. 2014 ( NCSU ) ; 2 ♀♀ , same collection data as preceding, 7 Oct.–4 Nov. 2014 ( NCSU ); 3 ♀♀ , same locality as preceding, ground bee bowl, 17 Jun.–15 Jul. 2014 , S.G. Prado leg. ( NCSU ) ; 1 ♀ , Vasquez , shade, 18°07.447′ N , 66°38.230′ W , ground bee bowl, 17 Jun.–15 Jul. 2014 , S.G. Prado leg. ( NCSU ) . – Rio Grande : 1 ♀ , El Verde Field Station, Road 186, REU Project , 12 Jun. 2007 , Carballo-Fumero leg. ( JAGC ) ; 1 ♀ , El Yunque , Jun. 1935 , L.F. Martorell leg. ( NMNH ). Guaynabo : 1 ♀ , Sonadora , 18 Nov. 1992 , J.A. Torres leg. ( LACM ) . – San Germán : 1 ♀ , [no locality], 23 Dec. 1962 , P. and P. Spangler leg. ( NMNH ) . – Santa Isabel : 1 ♀ , Gomez , 17°59.705′ N , 66°25.063′ W , 23 Jan. 2013 , S. Prado leg. ( NCSU : CCDB-22788 A 12) ; 1 ♀ , NW River , 18°0.017′ N , 66°26.115′ W , 13 Mar. 2013 , S. Prado leg. ( NCSU : CCDB-22788 B 01); 2 ♀♀ , SE River , 17°58.547′ N , 66°25.063′ W , 13 Mar. 2013 , S. Prado leg. ( NCSU ). Toa Baja : 1 ♀ , Toa Baja , 2 Aug. 1985 , J. Torres leg. ( LACM ) . – Trujillo Alto : 1 ♀ , 29 Jun. 1986 , J.A. Torres leg. ( LACM ) . – Utuado : 1 ♀ , 26 Mar. 1986 , J.A. Torres leg. ( LACM ) . – Yauco : 1 ♀ , Montana , sun, 18°07.996′ N , 66°49.002′ W , ground bee bowl, 10 Oct.–5 Nov. 2014 , S.G. Prado leg. ( NCSU ) ; 1 ♀ , same collection data as preceding, 15 Jan.–12 Feb. 2015 ( NCSU ) ; 2 ♀♀ , 1 ♂ , Montana , same locality as preceding, net (9:30–10:50 am), 10 Jun. 2014 , S.G. Prado leg. ( NCSU ) ; 1 ♀ , Vega , 18°07.724′ N , 66°53.386′ W , net (9:30–11:15 am), 4 Jun. 2014 , S.G. Prado leg. ( NCSU ) ; 3 ♀♀ , 2 ♂♂ , same locality as preceding, net (10:30–11:30 am) 19 Jun. 2014 , S.G. Prado leg. ( NCSU ) ; 6 ♀♀ , same locality as preceding, ground bee bowl, 20 Jun.–18 Jul. 2014 , S.G. Prado leg. ( NCSU ) ; 2 ♀♀ , same collection data as preceding, 12 Sep.–10 Oct. 2014 ( NCSU ); 1 ♀ , same locality as preceding, elevated bee bowl, 20 Jun.–18 Jul. 2014 , S.G. Prado leg. ( NCSU ) ; 1 ♀ , same collection data as preceding, 15 Aug.–12 Sep. 2014 ( NCSU ); 1 ♀ , same collection data as preceding, 12 Sep.–10 Oct. 2014 ( NCSU ); 1 ♀ , Villa Cecilia , 18°08.371′ N , 66°49.230′ W , elevated bee bowl, 15 Jan.–12 Feb. 2015 , S.G. Prado leg. ( NCSU ); 2 ♀♀ , same collection data as preceding, 12 Feb.–Mar. 12 2015 ( NCSU ); 2 ♀♀ , same collection data as preceding, 23 May–20 Jun. 2014 ( NCSU ); 1 ♀ , same collection data as preceding, 15 Aug.–12 Sep. 2014 ( NCSU ); 3 ♀♀ , same collection data as preceding, 12 Sep.–10 Oct. 2014 ( NCSU ); 1 ♀ , same locality as preceding, net (9:15–10:45 am), 4 Jun. 2014 , S.G. Prado leg. ( NCSU ) . Fig. 22. Lasioglossum gundlachii ( Baker, 1906 ) , ♂. A . Face. B . Lateral habitus. C . Dorsal habitus. D . Dorsal view of metasomal apex. Scale bars = 1 mm. Distribution Cuba , Hispaniola ( Dominican Republic and Haiti ), Puerto Rico ( Fig. 23 ). Taxonomic notes Two other species in the region belong to the gundlachii species group: L . liguanense ( Sandhouse, 1924 ) from Jamaica and L . flaveriae (Mitchell, 1960) from southern Florida . The Puerto Rican material of L . gundlachii seems to have less dense punctation on the mesoscutum than do specimens examined from Cuba . It is possible that L . gundlachii is a senior synonym of L . flaveriae , a species known only from southern Florida and the Bahamas ( Gibbs 2011 ). Gibbs (2011) noted differences in microsculpture between L . flaveriae and “Jamaican specimens of L . gundlachii ”. It is evident from examination of additional West Indian material that the Jamaican specimens examined by Gibbs (2011) were in fact L . liguanense . There are also species present in Central America (e.g., Belize ) and Mexico that have close affinities to the gundlachii group (J. Gibbs, unpublished data), suggesting that this species complex may have colonized the Caribbean from this region rather than from Florida . The description of the species L . albitarsatum (Ashmead, 1896) , from Bahía Honda, Cuba , seems to match either L . gundlachii or L . mestrei . Lasioglossum albitarsatum has priority over both names. The type material of L . albitarsatum is evidently lost and the uncertainty in application makes it a nomen dubium . Biology Eickwort (1988) illustrated a nest of L . gundlachii from the same “grassy upper beach area of Luquillo Beach, Puerto Rico ”, where nests of L . ferrerii were also found. The nest was less deep than that of L . ferrerii , reaching a maximum depth of approximately 11 cm . The nest was of similar construction, with eight cells attached to the primary burrows by short lateroids. Three multi-female nests were excavated. In two nests, there was a single reproductive female and a single worker. The third nest contained four inseminated females. Based on his observations, Eickwort (1988) concluded that L . gundlachii formed eusocial or semisocial nests, or occasionally communal ones. Lasioglossum gundlachii has been recorded visiting the following flowers: Barbieria pinnata (Pers.) Baill. (Fabaceae) , Coriandrum sativum L. ( Apiaceae ) and Margarita sp. ( Euphorbiaceae ). DNA barcodes Two specimens were sent for sequencing, but efforts on only one of these were successful (BOLD Process ID: BOWGF3194-14). The sequence is identical to a GenBank sequence (Accession: AF103965 ) of L . gundlachii from Puerto Rico for the 417 bp in common ( Danforth 1999 ). There is also a short fragment of CO1 available from L . flaveriae in Florida (n= 1) with a maximum overlap of 531 bp between the Florida sequence and the Puerto Rican sequences (n=2). These sequences show less than 0.8% sequence divergence between the regions, which is within expected levels for a single species. Additional study of the gundlachii group through its range is warranted to better understand the taxonomy and historical biogeography of the group. Another species in this group, L . liguanense , is endemic to Jamaica .