T. africana
T. turneri
1) |
Frontal triangle with a narrow black median line |
Frontal triangle only black between the ocelli |
extending its full length and connected to the black |
marking on ocellar prominence |
2) |
Scutum yellow with three black longitudinal vittae, |
Scutum yellow with a linear black median vitta, which
broadsometimes anteriorly fused, extending back to begin- |
ens into a prescutellar triangle and continues as a tongue for |
ning of prescutellar declivity and sometimes with a |
quite half length of scutellum |
faint indication of a narrow supra-alar vitta |
3) |
Katepisternum black on its full height |
Katepisternum black only on a narrow dorsal line, extending |
more weakly downwards on hind margin |
4) |
Wing veins pale throughout |
Apex of R1 black |