New or interesting records of Carabid beetles from Europe, Madeira, northern Africa, Turkey, from the Near East, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, and Pakistan, with nomenclatorial and taxonomic notes (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Bembidiini, Brachinini, Cyclosomini, Elaphrini, Harpalini, Lebiini, Nebriini, Platynini, Author Wrase, DW text Linzer biologische Beiträge 2009 2009-08-30 41 1 901 935 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5276330 0253-116X 5276330 Apristus reticulatus SCHAUM 1857 A z e r b a i j a n: Abşeron : Dzangi, 50 km W Baku , 8.VI.2007 , K. Orszulik leg. (13, 1♀ , cWR). - Astara : Astara , 8.V.2007 , K. Orszulik leg. (13, cWR). - Lerik : Allar-Lerik, 23.V.2007 , K. Orszulik leg. ( 1♀ , cWR). G e o r g i a: Mzcheta-Mtianeti : Transcaucasus, Tbilissi , Tbilissi lake, 23.VII.1985 , Wrase leg. (233, cWR). Mzcheta near Tbilissi , 4.-23.VI.1987 , Wrase & Schülke leg. (13, 1♀ , cWR). Same data but: 12./ 13.VI.1987 (13, 1♀ , cWR). Arakhlo near Bolnissi, Khrami river, 27.VI.1986 , Wrase & Schülke leg. (233, 1♀ , cWR). G r e e c e: Dodekánissa:Ródos, Laerma, Lardos env., 28.VI.2007 ( 2♀♀ )/ 3.VII.2007 ( 2♀♀ ), K. Orszulik leg. (cWR). Kalathos, Lindos env., 1.VII.2007 , K. Orszulik leg. (13, cWR). I s r a e l: North District: Upper Galilee, 3 km W Ma’ala Gamla, ca - 200 m (stony bank of sluggish stream), 32°53.469’N / 035°39.608’E , 22.IV.2006 , Wrase leg. [5A] (1 spcm., cWR). Upper Galilee, Ha Khula Valley, Ma’agar Einan lake, 73 m , 33°05.137’N / 035°34.730’E (shore, gravel, sandy/loamy soil), 1./ 2.V.2006 , Th. Assmann leg., Wrase leg. [23A] (about 30 spcms., cASSM, cWR). L e b a n o n: North Province: Zgharta City, right tributary of Nahr Abou Ali river, bank, 80 m , 34°23’32’’N / 35°53’42’’E , 28.V.2006 , D. Frenzel leg. (13, cWR). Widely distributed, from Balkan Peninsula, Turkey , Iran to Middle Asia (CATPAL 1: KABAK 2003: 431 , the record from Italy , KABAK l.c., not confirmed by VIGNA TAGLIANTI 2004 , and supposingly referring on A. europaeus MATEU 1980 ). After having seen a very large series (about 135 specimens ) from its whole range I confirm a large variability in external characters in geographical respect, though the construction of the median lobe including internal sac is constant in specimens from different regions. The Israeli specimens differ only in a somewhat stronger reduction of the reticulation of upper surface which makes the specimens a little more shiny. A thorough investigation could show that several taxa ( A. schmidti KIRSCHENHOFER 1988 , described from Tadzhikistan , and A. baderlei KIRSCHENHOFER 1988 , described from Turkmenistan ) belong to A. reticulatus SCHAUM. First records for Georgia , Israel , and Lebanon .