Multigene phylogeny and morphology reveal Phaeobotryon rhois sp. nov. (Botryosphaeriales, Ascomycota) Author Fan, Xinlei The Key Laboratory for Silviculture and Conservation of Ministry of Education, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing 100083, China Author Hyde, Kevin D. International Fungal Research & Development Centre, The Research Institute of Resource Insects, Chinese Academy of Forestry, Bailongsi, Kunming 650224, China & School of Science, Mae Fah Luang University, Chaing Rai 57100, Thailand Author Liu, Jiankui School of Science, Mae Fah Luang University, Chaing Rai 57100, Thailand Author Liang, Yingmei Museum of Beijing Forestry University, Beijing 100083, China Author Tian, Chengming The Key Laboratory for Silviculture and Conservation of Ministry of Education, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing 100083, China text Phytotaxa 2015 2015-04-15 205 2 90 98 journal article 10.11646/phytotaxa.205.2.2 1179-3163 13639818 Phaeobotryon rhois C.M. Tian, X.L. Fan & K.D. Hyde , sp. nov. MycoBank MB 811599; Facesoffungi number: 00596, Fig. 2 Differs from Phaeobotryon spp. by its globose, unilocular fruiting body, size of conidia (22 × 11 μm in average) and host. FIGURE 2. Phaeobotryon rhois (BJFC-S1007, holotype).A, B. Habit of conidiomata on a twig. C. Transverse sections through conidioma. F. Longitudinal section through conidioma. D, E. Conidiogenous cells, immature and mature conidia (arrows pointing to process of conidia maturity). G. Colonies on PDA at 3 days (left) and 30 days (right). Scale bars: A = 1 mm; B = 0.5 mm; C, F = 40 μm; D, E = 20 μm. Etymology :— rhois , referring to the host Rhus typhina L. Holotype :— BJFC-S1007 . Original description :—pathogen on twigs and branches of Rhus typhina . Sexual morph: Undetermined. Asexual morph: Conidiomatal stromata immersed in bark, erumpent slightly from surface of the bark, separate or aggregated, globose, dark-brown to black, unilocular, up to 380 μm diam, wall consisting of 4–6 layers of dark-brown cells textura angularis . Ostiole in the center of the disc, inconspicuous, at the same level as the disc surface, surrounded below disc by lighter entostroma, (17.2–)18.9–21.3(–22.8) μm ( x = 19.6 μm, n = 20) in diam. Locule single, globose, (180–)240–360(–380) μm ( x = 330 μm, n = 20) in diam. Conidiogenous cells formed from the cells lining the inner walls of the locules, hyaline, smooth, inconspicuous. Conidia ellipsoid to oblong or subcylindrical or obovoid, smooth to verruculose, moderately thick-walled, guttulate, ends rounded, initial hyaline, aseptate, becoming brown, 1-septate when mature, (19–)20–25 × 10–12 μm ( x = 22 × 11 μm, n = 50). Culture characteristics :—colonies were originally white, and produced dark green to black pigments after 7–10 days. Texture felty with appressed mycelial mat and fluffy aerial mycelium in the centre, edges smooth. Colonies covering the 90 mm diameter Petri-dish after 3 day in the dark at 25 ºC. Habitat/Distribution :—known from twigs and branches of Rhus typhina in China . Material examined :— CHINA . Ningxia Province :Yinchuan City, Yongning County, Wanghong Town, Nongsheng Village, 38°22’97.02” N, 106°21’44.89” E , alt. 1101 m , on twigs and branches of Rhus typhina ( Anacardiaceae ), 26 July 2013 , Xin-lei Fan & Hong Fan (BJFC-S1007!, holotype ), living culture CFCC 89662 = CCTCC AF2014017; Yinchuan City, Yongning County, Wanghong Town, Nongsheng Village, 38°22’98.13” N, 106°21’43.77” E , alt. 1107 m , on twigs and branches of Rhus typhina ( Anacardiaceae ), 26 July 2013 , Xin-lei Fan & Hong Fan (BJFC-S1008, paratype ), living culture CFCC 89663 = CCTCC AF2014016.