A survey of Phrurolithidae spiders from Jinggang Mountain National Nature Reserve, Jiangxi Province, China Author Liu, Ke-Ke College of Life Science, Jinggangshan University, Ji'an 343009, Jiangxi, China https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7822-3667 liukeke_1986@126.com Author Luo, Hui-Pu College of Life Science, Jinggangshan University, Ji'an 343009, Jiangxi, China Author Ying, Yuan-Hao College of Life Science, Jinggangshan University, Ji'an 343009, Jiangxi, China Author Xiao, Yu-Xin College of Life Science, Jinggangshan University, Ji'an 343009, Jiangxi, China Author Xu, Xiang College of Life Science, Hunan Normal University, Changsha 410081, Hunan, China Author Xiao, Yong-Hong College of Life Science, Jinggangshan University, Ji'an 343009, Jiangxi, China text ZooKeys 2020 947 1 37 http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.947.51175 journal article http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.947.51175 1313-2970-947-1 A6378B16EE564DB18DD1C073CA10D366 620410E1410750108017137D5A202453 Alboculus Liu gen. nov. Diagnosis. The new genus differs from other Phrurolithidae by the oval PME without a layer of black pigment around the eye cup (Figs 1A, D , 3A ) (vs. with layer of black pigment around eye cup), posterior eye row slightly procurved (Figs 1A, D , 3A ) (vs. straight to recurved), lacking distinct longitudinal and radial stripes on the dorsal carapace (Figs 1A, D , 3A ) (vs. black longitudinal or radial stripes present), and lacking a chevron-shaped marking on the abdominal dorsum (Figs 1A , 3A ) (vs. with at least two chevron-shaped markings). Males of this genus can be easily distinguished by the lack of a dorsal tibial apophysis on the palp (Figs 2A-C , 6A, B, D ) (vs. palpal tibia with dorsal tibial apophysis) and the well-developed terminal apophysis of the bulb (Figs 2A-C , 6B-D ) (vs. absent). The female of this genus has the glandular appendages slender (Fig. 3C, D ) (vs. relatively short and thick) and the spermathecal tail of epigyne distinct (Fig. 3D, E ) (vs. without a spermathecal tail). Figure 1. Alboculus zhejiangensis (Song & Kim, 1991) comb. nov., male A habitus, dorsal view, white arrows show the light-coloured, oval posterior median eyes B same, ventral view C same, lateral view, black arrows showing the long trichobothria on metatarsi II and IV D carapace, dorsal view, white arrows show the light-coloured, oval posterior median eyes, black arrow shows the long trichobothrium on metatarsus II E right leg I, prolateral view, black arrows showing the dark annulations. Scale bars: 0.2 mm ( A, B ), 0.5 mm ( C, E ), 0.1 mm ( D ). Type species. Otacilia zhejiangensis (Song & Kim, 1991). Etymology. The genus name is formed from two Latin words albus and oculus , alluding to the light-coloured posterior median eyes; the gender is masculine. Remarks. The type species O. zhejiangensis was first described by Song and Kim (1991) as a new species of Phrurolithus based on a single female specimen from Tianmu Mountain, Zhejiang province, China. Recently, it was transferred to Otacilia by Zamani and Marusik (2020) . It is interesting to compare the three specimens of this species, clearly recognised by differences in morphological characters with the type species of Otacilia and Phrurolithus . Males of this genus differ from Phrurolithus festivus (C.L. Koch, 1835) by lacking a layer of black pigment around the PME (Figs 1A, B, D , 3A ) (vs. PME with black pigment), and having a single tibial apophysis (Figs 2A-C , 6A, B, D ) (vs. present two tibial apophysis). Although the male of Otacilia armatissima is unknown, male Alboculus species differ from Otacilia males (e.g., Figs 7A , 9A , 13A , 15A , 18A ) by the procurved posterior eye row (vs. recurved), and by the dorsal scutum covering the entire dorsal surface of the abdomen (Fig. 1A, C ) as opposed to a narrow scutum only extending to approximately half the abdomen length in Otacilia (e.g., Figs 7A , 9A ). The females clearly differ from these two type species ( O. armatissima and P. festivus ) by the slender glandular appendages (Fig. 3C, D ) (vs. relatively short and thick [Figs 8D , 10D , 12D , 14D , 16D , 19D , 21D ]) and the spermathecal tail of epigyne (Fig. 3C, D ) (vs. without the spermathecal tail [Figs 8D , 10D , 12D , 14D , 16D , 19D , 21D ]). Figure 2. Alboculus zhejiangensis (Song & Kim, 1991) comb. nov., male palp A palp, prolateral view B same, ventral view C same, retrolateral view D femur, prolateral view E same, ventral view F same, retrolateral view. Scale bars: 0.2 mm ( A, B ), 0.1 mm ( C-F ). Abbreviations: dTA - distal tegular apophysis, E - embolus, FA - femoral apophysis, RTA - retrolateral tibial apophysis, SD - sperm duct. Figure 3. Alboculus zhejiangensis (Song & Kim, 1991) comb. nov., female A habitus, dorsal view, black arrows show the light-coloured, oval posterior median eyes B same, ventral view C epigyne, ventral view D same, dorsal view, black arrow shows the detail of spermathecal tail. Scale bars: 0.5 mm ( A, B ), 0.1 mm ( C, D ). Abbreviations: B - bursa, CD - copulatory duct, CO - copulatory opening, CT - connecting tube, FD - fertilisation ducts, GA - glandular appendage, SP - spermathecae. Description. Small, body length 1.8-2.8 mm. Eyes : AME rounded, PME oval, light-coloured, without black pigment, anterior eye row straight, posterior eye row procurved. Each chelicera with three promarginal and two retromarginal teeth. Femur I with wo spines, tibia I with five pairs of ventral spines, metatarsus I with three pairs of ventral spines. Abdomen without dorsal scutum in females, covering entire dorsum in males. Male palp : femur with large ventral extension; tibia with long, sharply-pointed retroventral tibial apophysis, without dorsal apophysis; bulb without median apophysis or conductor; sperm duct long, reaching middle part of the tegulum, narrowed near base of embolus; base of embolus slightly narrowed, embolus very small, hook-shaped, directed antero-prolaterally, embolus accompanied by thick, short distal terminal apophysis (TA) (larger than embolus). Epigyne with clear copulatory atrium medially; glandular appendages slender, located on anterior of connecting tubes; spermathecae rounded, with clavate-like tail. Distribution. China (Map 1 ) (Zhejiang and Jiangxi Provinces) Map 1. Distribution of Alboculus zhejiangensis (Song & Kim, 1991), comb. nov., in China. Figure 4. SEM micrographs of Alboculus zhejiangensis (Song & Kim, 1991) comb. nov., male chelicera A frontal view B detail of promargin, frontal view C posterior view, slightly retrolateral. Abbreviations: PES - promarginal escort seta, PRS - promarginal rake setae, RES - retromarginal escort seta, SS - slit sensillum, WS - whisker setae.