Taxonomy and distribution of Taraxacum sect. Erythrosperma (Asteraceae) in Poland Author Wolanin, Mateusz Institute of Biology, University of Rzeszow, Zelwerowicza 4, 35 - 601, Rzeszow, Poland Author Klichowska, Ewelina Institute of Botany, Faculty of Biology, Jagiellonian University, Gronostajowa 3, 30 - 387, Krakow, Poland Author Jedrzejczyk, Iwona Laboratory of Molecular Biology and Cytometry, Department of Agricultural Biotechnology, Bydgoszcz University of Science and Technology, Kaliskiego 7, 85 - 796, Bydgoszcz, Poland Author Rewers, Monika Laboratory of Molecular Biology and Cytometry, Department of Agricultural Biotechnology, Bydgoszcz University of Science and Technology, Kaliskiego 7, 85 - 796, Bydgoszcz, Poland Author Nobis, Marcin Institute of Botany, Faculty of Biology, Jagiellonian University, Gronostajowa 3, 30 - 387, Krakow, Poland text PhytoKeys 2023 2023-04-05 224 1 88 journal article 1314-2003-224-1 026C9306DB885DC4BE018A8ED6921203 2. Taraxacum brachyglossum (Dahlst.) Raunk., Dansk Exkurs.-Fl., ed. 2: 257. 1906. Taraxacum erythrospermum subsp. brachyglossum Dahlst., Bot. Not., 1905: 170. 1905. Basionym. Type . Sweden , Stockholm , Bergian Bot. Garden, sunny lawn, 4 June 1904 , H. Dahlstedt ( lectotype , selected by G. Haglund and designated by Doll 1973: 53, in S) . Description. Plants usually small-sized, 5-10 cm tall. Leaves dark green, somewhat glossy, almost glabrous or with few barely visible hairs, approximately 3-8(-10) cm long and (1-)1.5-2.5(-3.5) cm wide, usually are 3-4 times longer than wide, blades narrowly oblanceolate, usually broadest in upper 1/3, with 4-5 pairs of lateral lobes; lateral lobes opposite to remote, lateral lobes of the inner leaves narrowly triangular, recurved, the ends somewhat bent, distal margin usually entire, lower lobes slightly dentate, somewhat convex, proximal margin usually entire, often with a distinct tooth at the base; lateral lobes of the outer leaves triangular, entire, usually with a distinct tooth at the proximal margin base; interlobes usually toothed; terminal lobe of the inner leaves tripartite, often shortly lingulate and entire on the margins; terminal lobe of the outer leaves triangular or tripertite and shortly lingulate; petioles unwinged, mode-rately purplish. Scapes as long as or shorter than leaves, somewhat hairy. Capitulum often partially open, 1.5-2 cm, dark yellow, outer strips blackish-violet; inner bracts dark green, glaucous, usually with lumps or small cornicules; outer bracts usually 12-15, broadly lanceolate, usually 7-9 mm long, 2-3 mm broad, greyish-purple, with a narrow white hyaline margin (ca. 0.1 mm broad), spreading to erect, moderately corniculate; stigmas greyish-green, pollen present. Achenes brownish-red, spinulose above, 3.3-3.7 mm long (incl. the 0.8-1.2 mm long, narrowly conical cone), rostrum 7-9 mm long, pappus white. Flowering period. April-May. Habitat. Species associated mainly with thermophilic rock grasslands, occurring most often in pastured or trampled places. Moreover, this species is sometimes found in dry and sunny ruderal habitats such as railway tracks or mine slags. T. brachyglossum was reported in plant communities accompanied by species characteristic to the Sedo-Scleranthetea , Festuco-Brometea and Molinio-Arrhenatheretea classes. In Krakow-Czestochowa Upland (Olsztyn place) this species grew in a rock grassland together with Acinos arvensis , Allium montanum , Alyssum alyssoides , Arenaria serpyllifolia , Artemisia campestris , Asperula cynanchica , Briza media , Carex caryophyllea , Centaurea stoebe , Dianthus carthusianorum , Erysimum odoratum , Euphorbia cyparissias , Helianthemum nummularium subsp. obscurum , Hypericum maculatum , Jovibarba sobolifera , Libanotis pyrenaica , Medicago falcata , Phleum phleoides , Pilosella officinarum , Pimpinella saxifraga , Poa compressa , P. pratensis , Potentilla arenaria , Sanguisorba minor , Sedum acre , S. sexangulare , Silene otites , Stachys recta , Teucrium botrys , Vincetoxicum hirundinaria . In Pieniny Mts (Jaworki) we reported this species in a pastured rock grassland accompanied by: Achillea millefolium , Arabis hirsuta , Arenaria serpyllifolia , Briza media , Campanula rotundifolia , Carex flacca , C. montana , Cerastium holosteoides , Convolvulus arvensis , Coronilla varia , Cruciata glabra , Cynosurus cristatus , Euphorbia cyparissias , Festuca rubra , Fragaria vesca , Galium mollugo , Geranium columbinum , Jovibarba sobolifera , Juniperus communis , Knautia arvensis , Leontodon hispidus , Linum catharticum , Lolium perenne , Lotus corniculatus , Medicago falcata , M. lupulina , Phleum pratense , Pilosella officinarum , Pimpinella saxifraga , Plantago lanceolata , P. media , Potentilla neumanniana , Prunella vulgaris , Prunus spinosa , Ranunculus polyanthemos , Salvia verticillata , Sanguisorba minor , Sedum acre , Taraxacum parnassicum , Thymus pulegioides . Somatic chromosome number. 24 ( Malecka 1969 ; Wolanin and Musial 2017 ). General distribution. Widely distributed European species reported in France, Ireland, Great Britain, Italy, Switzerland, Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, Austria, Croatia, Poland, Norway, Finland, Sweden, Romania, Croatia, Moldova, Ukraine and Estonia ( Marklund 1938 ; Van Soest 1967 ; Doll 1973b ; Tutin et al. 1976 ; Tacik 1980 ; Fedorov 1989 ; Mosyakin and Fedoronchuk 1999 ; Nikolic 2000 ; Uhlemann 2003 ; Wendt and Ollgaard 2015 ). Distribution in Poland. Scattered localities in S Poland, quite frequent in W part of Lesser Poland (Fig. 10B ). Specimens examined. CF11 - Nysa ( Ślask ), May 1849 , M. Winkler (WRSL); DE84 - Kusieta , grassland on rock (path), 50°46'06"N , 19°16'16"E , 13 April 2014 , M. Wolanin (003395 UR); Kusieta , grassland on rock, 50°46'03"N , 19°16'15"E , 12 April 2016 , M. Wolanin (003486 UR); Olsztyn ( Gora Zamkowa), grassland on rock outcrop, NW exposure, 50°44'55"N , 19°16'30"E , 13 April 2014 , M. Wolanin (003360, 003454 UR); Olsztyn , grassland on rock, 50°44'55"N , 19°16'36"E , 12 April 2016 , M. Wolanin (003487 UR); Olsztyn near Czestochowa , Gora Brodla hill, grassland on rock, 26 April 1975 , B. Baczynska , I. Fibich (017332, 117445 KTU); DE85 - between Olsztyn and Przymilowice , grassland on rock, 50°45'10"N , 19°17'05"E , 13 April 2014 , M. Wolanin (003419, 003316 UR); Przymilowice , grassland on rock, E slope, 50°45'22"N , 19°18'14"E , 13 April 2014 , M. Wolanin (003317 UR); Przymilowice , sandy road, 50°45'19"N , 19°17'48"E , 13 April 2014 , M. Wolanin (003303 UR); DE86 - Lutowiec near Mirow , grassland on the SW slope of a calcareous rock, 50°47'40"N , 19°27'19"E , 14 April 2014 , M. Wolanin (003390 UR); DE94 - Gora Sfinks hill, grassland on rock, 50°44'15"N , 19°16'17"E , 12 April 2016 , M. Wolanin (003497 UR); DE95 - Suliszowice, grassland on SW slope of calcareous rock, 50°40'19"N , 19°21'24"E , 13 April 2014 , M. Wolanin (003290 UR); DE96 - Bystrzanowice, parking lot close to road No 46, 50°42'25"N , 19°31'03"E , 20 April 2016 , M. Wolanin (003413 UR); DF05 - Przewodziszowice, grassland, 1983, D. Kospanik (037425 KTU); Zarki near Czestochowa , pine forest, 1994, G. Pompa (058136 KTU); DF06 - Kroczyce, grassland on SW slope, 50°34'18"N , 19°31'47"E , 1 May 2013 , M. Wolanin (003264 UR); Gora Zborow (Kroczyce), grassland on rock, 50°34'21"N , 19°31'49"E , 1 May 2021 , M. Wolanin (003589 UR); Lutowiec , grassland on NW slope below calcareous outcrop, 50°37'42"N , 19°27'15"E , 14 April 2014 , M. Wolanin (003361 UR); Mirow , grassland below calcareous rock, E slope, 50°36'51"N , 19°28'34"E , 14 April 2014 , M. Wolanin (003377 UR); Mirow , path near castle, 50°36'53"N , 19°28'51"E , 14 April 2014 , M. Wolanin (003389 UR); Rzedkowice , path on S slope of calcareous rock, 50°34'31"N , 19°29'07"E , 14 April 2014 , M. Wolanin (003403 UR); Kroczyce, path on SW slope, 50°34'20"N , 19°31'48"E , 1 May 2013 , M. Wolanin (003277 UR); close to Jaskinia Gleboka near Kroczyce, old excavation, 50°34'31"N , 19°31'26"E , 1 May 2021 , M. Wolanin (003588 UR); DF12 - Miasteczko Ślaskie , ruderal square close to railway track, 50°29'14"N , 18°55'14"E , 3 May 2016 , M. Wolanin (003491 UR); DF26 - Podzamcze (Ogrodzieniec), to the left of the castle, fissure in calcareous rock, 50°27'15"N , 19°33'03"E , 1 May 2013 , M. Wolanin (003339 UR); Ryczow (Kolonia Podzamcze), calcareous rock, fissure in NW side, 50°27'05"N , 19°33'14"E , 12 April 2014 , M. Wolanin (003408 UR); Centuria near Ogrodzieniec, sandy road between pines, 6 June 1975 , T. Tacik (570164, 570165 KRAM); DF36 - Pustynia Bledowska , 29 April 1977 , H. Trzcinska-Tacik (392440 KRAM); DF37 - near the village Klucze, sandy roadside, 23 May 1955 , T. Tacik (392459 KRAM); DF41 - Ruda Ślaska , on top of mine dump, 50°15'33"N , 18°50'25"E , 2 May 2016 , M. Wolanin (003499 UR); DF45 - Sosnowiec (Maczki), sandy roadside, 50°15'29"N , 19°17'08"E , 2 May 2016 , M. Wolanin (003490 UR); Sosnowiec Maczki, between railway tracks, 28 August 1979 , A. Sendek (027734 KTU); Sosnowiec Maczki, sandy square in the valley of the B. Przemsza , 9 May 1978 , A. Sendek (034398 KTU); DF56 - North of the Trzebinia (near the Myslachowice village ), sandy location at pine forest edge, 27 April 1952 , T. Tacik (575844 KRAM); DF68 - Nielepice, fissures on top of calcareous rock, 50°06'20"N , 19°42'23"E , 12 April 2014 , M. Wolanin (003407 UR); DF69 - Krzemionki Debnickie , dry grassy slopes, 8 May 1925 , Zablocki (169651 KRAM); Las Wolski, Przegorzaly , calcareous rocks, 4 May 1954 , T. Tacik (439037 KRAM); EE72 - Miedzianka hill near Checiny , grassland on rock, 50°50'47"N , 20°21'37"E , 11 April 2016 , M. Wolanin (003485, 003496, 003540, 003542, 003561 UR); EE82 - Grzaby Bolminskie , field road, 50°48'59"N , 20°21'17"E , 22 April 2016 , M. Wolanin (003409 UR); EG34 - Jaworki (Pieniny), pastured grassland on rock outcrop, 49°24'16"N , 20°32'36"E , 10 April 2014 , M. Wolanin (003344 UR); Jaworki (Pieniny), pastured grassland on calcareous rock outcrop, 49°24'15"N , 20°32'37"E , 10 April 2014 , M. Wolanin (003340 UR); Jaworki, grassland on rock, SE slope, 49°24'19"N , 20°32'37"E , 10 April 2014 , M. Wolanin (003284 UR); FC99 - Olendry, 52°23'07"N , 22°56'01"E , 25 April 2016 , M. Wolanin (003541 UR); FE92 - Kamien Lukawski , path on SE slope, 50°41'04"N , 21°47'10"E , 23 April 2016 , M. Wolanin (003550 UR); Kamien Lukawski , path on loess slope, 50°41'04"N , 21°47'10"E , 19 April 2019 , M. Wolanin (003584 UR); GF00 - Szozdy, sandy road near railway track, 50°34'40"N , 22°56'11"E , 13 April 2019 , M. Wolanin (003579, 003582 UR) . Notes. Species distinguished by dark green leaves with side lobes narrowly triangle and bent downwards, outer phyllaries relatively wide, greyish-purple, narrowly bordered, and often a fully flowering capitulum partly-opening and dark yellow. Species morphologically variable; in specimens found in very dry, rocky habitats, the side lobes of the tripartite terminal lobe are very often positioned upwards, which often helps in their identification (Figs 13 , 14 ). Figure 13. Variation in leaf shape in T. brachyglossum ; locality - Kusieta ( M. Wolanin 2016 UR). Scale bar: 5 cm. Figure 14. Taraxacum brachyglossum ; locality - Kusieta , 2016, photo by M. Wolanin.