Molecular phylogeny and character-mapping support the synonymy of Cordobia and Gallardoa in Mionandra (Malpighiaceae) Author de Almeida, Rafael F. Universidade Estadual de Goias, Quirinopolis, Goias, Brazil & Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, United Kingdom & Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana, Feira de Santana, Bahia, Brazil Author de Morais, Isa L. Universidade Estadual de Goias, Quirinopolis, Goias, Brazil Author Pellegrini, Marco O. O. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, United Kingdom Author van den Berg, Cassio Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana, Feira de Santana, Bahia, Brazil text Plant Ecology and Evolution 2023 2023-10-04 156 3 352 364 journal article 2032-3921-3-352 7D09149FCEB5581CB1C0A69FD037DA34 Mionandra argentea Griseb. (Grisebach 1874: 101) Fig. 3 Cryptolappa argentea (Griseb.) Kuntze ( Kuntze 1898 : 27) - Type: same as for Mionandra argentea . Aspicarpa argentea (Griseb.) Nied. ( Niedenzu 1912 : 58), nom. illeg. - Type: same as for Mionandra argentea . Cordobia argentea (Griseb.) Nied. ( Niedenzu 1913 : 41) - Type: same as for Mionandra argentea . Gaudichaudia argentea (Griseb.) Chodat ( Chodat and Vischer 1917 : 204) - Type: same as for Mionandra argentea . Janusia argentea Griseb., nom. not validly publ. Peixotoa cordobensis Kuntze ( Kuntze 1898 : 28) - Type: ARGENTINA - Cordoba • 1891; fl., fr.; Kuntze s.n. ; holotype: NY; isotypes: F, NY. Type . ARGENTINA - Cordoba • in fruticetis Sierra de Cordoba , prope La Higuera ; 1872; fl.; Lorentz s.n. ; holotype : GOET; isotypes: CORD [CORD00005912], K [K000427020] . Figure 3. Mionandra argentea . A . Shrubby habit. B . Detail of a floral shoot showing the partially connate stipules in the node and the sessile 1-flowered cincinnus with a long-pedicellate floral bud. C . Flower in frontal view. D . Flower in lateral view showing the sepals involute along margins. Photographs A-B by Etienne Lacroix-Carignan; C-D by Andrea Cocucci.