New records of Bembecinus COSTA 1859 (Hymenoptera, Crabronidae) from the Palaearctic region with description of a new species from Yemen Author Schmid, C. text Linzer biologische Beiträge 2009 2009-08-30 41 1 759 766 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5276271 0253-116X 5276271 Bembecinus schlaeflei SCHMID - EGGER D i s t r i b u t i o n: Morocco . R e m a r k: The species was known by a single male from Morocco only (SCHMID- EGGER 2004). The new examined male agree in all details with the type specimen. The female was unknown and is described below. D e s c r i p t i o n a n d d i a g n o s i s o f f e m a l e In the key of SCHMID- EGGER (2004), the female of B. schlaeflei keys out at B. decoratus GUICHARD (Nr. 37a). It agree with B. decoratus in color pattern and morphology and can be distinguished as follows: Basal third of clypeus and space above clypeus black, narrow yellow band on inner eye margin (clypeus black with some yellow in baso-medial part in B. decoratus ), clypeus in profile flat (somewhat bulged medially in basal third in B. decoratus ). Bembecinus decoratus is known from the Arabian Peninsule. Female of B. acanthomerus MORICE from Morocco has an all yellow clypeus and large yellow spots on propodeum laterally (propodeum all black in B. schlaeflei ). R e c o r d s: Morocco : 3 and 11.6.2007 Tizi n Tinifit 1500 m NN (Schlaefle).