Diversity of Myxomycetes from Peru Part III: The high Andes and the altiplano Author Treviño-Zevallos, Italo 0000-0002-2406-7862 Universidad Tecnologica del Peru, Tacna y Arica 160, 04001 Arequipa, Peru & ifrant 01 @ gmail. com, https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 2406 - 7862 ifrant01@gmail.com Author García-Cunchillos, Iván 0000-0002-5830-7529 Universidad Tecnologica del Peru, Tacna y Arica 160, 04001 Arequipa, Peru & Real Jardín Botánico, CSIC, Plaza de Murillo 2, 28014 Madrid, Spain & ivangarciacunchillos @ gmail. com, https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 5830 - 7529 ivangarciacunchillos@gmail.com Author Basanta, Diana Wrigley De 0000-0002-7700-8399 Universidad Tecnologica del Peru, Tacna y Arica 160, 04001 Arequipa, Peru & Real Jardín Botánico, CSIC, Plaza de Murillo 2, 28014 Madrid, Spain & dwbasanta @ gmail. com, https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 7700 - 8399 dwbasanta@gmail.com Author Lado, Carlos 0000-0002-6135-2873 Universidad Tecnologica del Peru, Tacna y Arica 160, 04001 Arequipa, Peru & Real Jardín Botánico, CSIC, Plaza de Murillo 2, 28014 Madrid, Spain & Universidad Tecnologica del Peru, Tacna y Arica 160, 04001 Arequipa, Peru & lado @ rjb. csic. es, https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 6135 - 2873 * Corresponding Author & Universidad Tecnologica del Peru, Tacna y Arica 160, 04001 Arequipa, Peru lado@rjb.csic.es text Phytotaxa 2023 2023-11-03 624 1 1 92 https://phytotaxa.mapress.com/pt/article/download/phytotaxa.624.1.1/51265 journal article 10.11646/phytotaxa.624.1.1 1179-3163 10150721 172. * Trichia munda (Lister) Meyl., Bull. Soc. Vaud. Sci. Nat. 56: 327 (1927) Specimens examined. PERU . Ancash : Asunción , Chacas , route AN-107, km 75, 3332 m , 9º09′39”S , 77º23′05”W , 10 May 2018 , leaves of Eucalyptus globulus , Lado 26209 (MA-Fungi 97015). Bolognesi, Yanashallash, route PE-3N km 59, 4636 m , 9º52′01”S , 77º04′40”W , 20 May 2014 , leaves of Festuca sp. , Lado 23683 (MA-Fungi 95355), leaf of Senecio canescens , Lado 23689 (MA-Fungi 95359). Huallanca, Chiquian, route AN-1263 towards Huallanca, km 28, Abra Cuncush, 4580 m , 10º05′45”S , 76º56′29”W , 15 May 2018 , leaves of Senecio candollei , Lado 26739 (MA-Fungi 97509). Huallanca, Abra Yanashaya, route AN-1279, km 60, 4677 m , 9º51′31”S , 77º04′44”W , 16 May 2018 , leaves of Senecio bolivarianus , Lado 26843 (MA-Fungi 97609). Huaraz, Independencia, Piruruyoc, route AN-14, km 119, 4015 m , 9º33′51”S , 77º35′44”W , 9 May 2018 , leaves and branches of Eucalyptus globulus , Lado 26122a (MA-Fungi 96926), Lado 26127b (MA-Fungi 96931). Independencia, Huaraz, trail to Llaca lagoon, km 1 at the juntion to route AN-139, km 15, 3826 m , 9º28′54”S , 77º28′01”W , 9 May 2018 , leaves of Nordenstamia longystila , Lado 26135 (MAFungi 96939), leaf litter, Lado 26149c (MA-Fungi 96955), Lado 26152 (MA-Fungi 96959). Independencia, Huaraz, Cojup ravine, route AN-139, km 17, 3825 m , 9º28′51”S , 77º26′59”W , 9 May 2018 , leaves of Nordenstamia longystila , Lado 26159a (MA-Fungi 96966). Independencia, Huaraz, route AN-139, km 12,5, 3690 m , 9º29′29”S , 77º28′24”W , 9 May 2018 , leaves of Alnus acuminata , Lado 26186d (MA-Fungi 96994). Huari, route AN-111, km 104, Antamina, 4565 m , 9º38′14”S , 77º02′37”W , 9 May 2018 , leaf of Werneria nubigena , Lado 23696 (MA-Fungi 95366). Chavín de Huantar , Tambillos, route AN-110, km 37, east entrance of Chavín tunnel, 4348 m , 9º41′10”S , 77º14′24”W , 14 May 2018 , woody debris, Lado 26664 (MA-Fungi 97440), Lado 26671a (MA-Fungi 97446) . Arequipa : Caylloma , Tuti , crossing Tuti town , 4543 m , 15°28′29”S , 71°22′35”W , 27 May 2017 , on leaf litter of Baccharis sp. , Treviño Myx 92 (HSP) . Ayacucho : Lucanas , Abra Condorcenca , route PE-30A, km 99, 4130 m , 14º39′39.3”S , 74º18′43.1”W , 27 Sep 2012 , leaf litter of Asteraceae, Lado 21896 (MA-Fungi 94669) . Cusco : Canchis , Marangani , Aguas Calientes , route PE-3S, Km 1137, 4057 m , 14º27′01”S , 71º04′36”W , 22 Apr 2016 , leaves of Puya sp. , Lado 24634 (MA-Fungi 95905), leaves of Baccharis sp. , Lado 24643a (MA-Fungi 95911) . Huancavelica : Huancavelica , Ascensión , route PE-26, km 91, 6 km south of Chuñaranra , 3908 m , 12º49′18”S , 75º03′58”W , 24 Apr 2017 , leaf litter of Polylepis sp. , Lado 25192 (MA-Fungi 96376) . Junin : Huancayo , El Tambo , route 108, km 17, 1 km southwest of Acopalca , 3790 m , 11º59′38”S , 75º06′49”W , 27 Apr 2017 , leaves of Puya sp. , Lado 25371 (MA-Fungi 96534) . Moquegua : Mariscal Nieto , Torata , Pontón Cuellar , route PE-34D, km 69, 3815 m , 16º59′54.8”S , 70º41′54.7”W , 7 Oct 2012 , twigs and leaf litter of Baccharis glutinosa , Lado 22172a (MA-Fungi 94723, USM). Torata , Chillihua , route PE-34D, km 88, 4580 m , 16º54′55.9”S , 70º38′52.9”W , 7 Oct 2012 , leaf litter of Parastrephia lepidophylla , Lado 22196a (MA-Fungi 94744) . Notes. The material studied shows a wide variability in the size of the sporophores, ranging from 0.3 to 1.5 mm in total height, even within a single collection (e.g. Lado 26135 ), unlike what is reported in the literature, varying from 1-1.5 mm ( Lado & Pando 1997 , Nannenga-Bremekamp 1991 , Poulain et al. 2011 ). Besides, Lado 25371, 24634, and 25192 collections have comparatively paler capillitium spirals and yellowish spores.