A new species of Stenopsyche, with descriptions of larvae and females of some species associated by gene sequences (Insecta: Trichoptera)
Ji-Hua, Xu
Chang-Hai, Sun
Bei-Xin, Wang
journal article
Stenopsyche angustata
Martynov 1930
Figs. 5–6
Stenopsyche angustata
Martynov 1930
, 74–75, 109, textfigs. 15, 16; male; “W.
, Chin-Fu-San, 1909 (W.A. Maw)”; deposited in The Natural History Museum, London,
United Kingdom
. Larva and female described by
Hoang & Bae 2007
, 2–4, figs. 1a–h.
Body length
17.6 mm
. Length of each forewing 22.0 mm (n=5).
Body length 20.0 mm. Length of each forewing
23 mm
(n=2). Body yellowish brown.
Female genitalia
: Segment VIII in lateral view with tergum pentagonal and sternum trapezoidal; tergum in dorsal view somewhat bell-shaped, sternum in ventral view subrectangular, with posterior margin incised mesally. Segment IX slightly sclerotized, and somewhat fused with membranous segment X, in dorsal views segment IX widest at base and then tapered, posterior margin rounded. Vulvar scale in ventral view rectangular, posterior margin produced distally into small process. Segment X membranous, with pair of setose longitudinal sclerites dorsolaterally semicircular in lateral view and triangular in dorsal view; another pair of setose longitudinal sclerites ventrolaterally triangular in lateral view, shorter than the dorsolateral sclerites; apex divided into pair of distal setose lobes, each bearing cercus. Cerci small, nipple-like. Processus spermathecae in lateral view irregular, posterolateral angle excised.
Stenopsyche angustata
Martynov 1930
, female genitalia. 5A, left lateral; 5B, dorsal; 5C, ventral.
Larva (5th instar).
Body length
56 mm
. Head and pronotum strongly sclerotized.
: elongate,
6 mm
long and
3 mm
wide (n=8); in dorsal view tapered slightly from base to distal end. Ground color yellowish brown, with dark spots scattered over whole head capsule. Eyes black, each with yellow area around it. Labrum blackish brown, with 2 hair brushes at anterior membranous margin in dorsal view. Clypeus yellow, with anterior margin moderately smooth and round. Frontoclypeal apotome yellowish brown, with scattered black dots and black stripes. Mandibles dark brown, each with 4 apical teeth, left mandible with mesal brush of stiff hairs. Mentum semicircular, with anterior margin produced into small process, each posterolateral angle with bristle. Anterior ventral apotome triangular, as broad as mentum, about 1/10th as long as ventral ecdysial line. Pair of #18 setae near the posteroventral margin located posterior to base of ventral ecdysial line; distance from each seta to posteroventral margin shorter than distance of that seta to ventral ecdysial line (d1:d2 = 1:2).
: Pronotum strongly sclerotized, subrectangular in dorsal view, sinuate ventrolaterally in lateral view, ground color yellowish brown, with dark spots distributed in posterior half and lateral portions of pronotum and large black spot located just above insertion of each foreleg; anterior margin with scattered fine hairs and few bristles. Foretrochantins acute. Forelegs each having forecoxa with 2 small processes anteriorly, basal one straight, larger than apical one; apical tooth slightly curved; femur with 3 dark rings and black longitudinal stripe on outer side; tarsus with fringe hairs along lower margin from basal 1/3rd to apex; claw long and sharp, slightly curved downward with small finger-like ventral process. Mesonotum and metanotum membranous. Mesonotal setae arising in
2 and
3, with 1 setae in each setal area. Mid- and hind legs nearly equal in length, same color patterns as forelegs, but coxae without teeth, each claw long and sharp, curved downward with small ventral process.
: Almost uniformly broad, greenish grey in live specimens, brownish in alcohol, with scarce setae. Anal prolegs brown, stout, with few dark setae; claws hook-like.
Material examined.
: Shan-xi Province, Yi-cheng County, Da-he Town, Da-he, alt.
1207.8 m
, 111°55′56″E,
13 Sept. 2013
, light trap, collected by Sun Chang-hai, Xu Ji-hua & Wang Zi-wei;
5 males
2 females
. Same data except alt.
1180.8 m
, 111°55′56″E,
13 Sept. 2013
, collected by Sun Chang-hai, Xu Ji-hua & Wang Zi-wei,
8 larvae
(Fu-jian, Guang-dong, Gui-zhou, Guang-xi, Hong-kong, Hu-nan, Jiang-xi, Shaan-xi, Shan-xi, Si-chuan, Zhe-jiang),
The female genitalia of the species described in this article are slightly different from those of Vietnamese females (
Hoang & Bae 2007
). The vulvar scale of our females in ventral view has a posterior margin produced distally into a blunt process, but the vulvar scale of the Vietnamese female is incised distally. Larvae also show some variations in the color patterns of the frontoclypeal apotome and on the ventral surface of the head capsule.