WING POLYMORPHISM OF RHIPIDOTHRIPS BRUNNEUS WILLIAMS, 1913 (THYSANOPTERA: AEOLOTHRIPIDAE Author Moradi, A. Author Alizadeh, M. Author Mirab-balou, M. Author Pourian, H. R. text Far Eastern Entomologist 2024 2024-10-31 509 11 14 journal article 10.25221/fee.509.3 2713-2196 14658849 77A78768-94B8-47C5-A6B0-5FA959FE0D18 Genus Rhipidothrips Uzel, 1895 Remarks. Up to the present, four Rhipidothrips species have been recorded from Iran ( Mirab-balou, 2018 ): R. unicolor zur Strassen reported from Canary Islands and Iran ( Khuzestan province ), R. flavus Tunç from Türkiye and Iran ( Golestan and Hamedan provinces), R. gratiosus Uzel from Southern areas of the western Palaearctic, California, Türkiye and Iran (Azarbaijan-e-Sharghi, Fars , Kerman , Golestan , Hamedan provinces), and worldwide R. brunneus Williams.