On species of the Elachista bedellella group (Gelechioidea, Elachistidae, Elachistinae) similar with E. rudectella Stainton, 1851 and E. graeca Parenti, 2002, with descriptions of five new species Author Kaila, Lauri 0000-0003-0277-1872 Zoology Unit, Finnish Museum of Natural History, P. O. Box 17, FI- 00014 University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland; lauri. kaila @ helsinki. fi Author Nupponen, Kari Espoo, Finland Author Sruoga, Virginijus 0000-0002-5687-8299 Institute of Biosciences, Life Sciences Center, Vilnius University, Saulėtekio Ave. 7, LT- 10257 Vilnius, Lithuania; virginijus. sruoga @ gmail. com (corresponding author) text Nota Lepidopterologica 2025 2025-02-25 48 103 136 journal article 10.3897/nl.48.142483 FFE78E2F-B00A-4D65-BB22-04328A24B18B Elachista graeca Parenti, 2002 Figs 8–10 , 37 , 48 Elachista graeca Parenti, 2002: 150 . Type locality: Greece , Itea. Holotype in MIZT (not examined). Material examined. BULGARIA1 ♀ ; Tuzlata ; 41.748 ° N , 24.767 ° E ; 5 May 2002 ; J. Junnilainen leg.; RCJJ ; • 17 ♂ ; Kresna ; 41.717 ° N , 23.152 ° E ; 31 May – 2 Jun. 2002 ; J. Junnilainen leg.; L. Kaila prep. 5480; RCJJ , MZH ; • 3 ♂ ; same locality; 31 May – 2 Jun. 2002 ; J. - P. Kaitila leg.; L. Kaila prep. 3395, 3998, 3999, 4431, 4433, DNA sample 16938, 16939 Lepid Phyl. ; RCJPK , MZH ; • 3 ♂ ; Kresna Gorge, above the tunnel, 250 m ; 41.4741 ° N , 23.0929 ° E ; 26 May 2012 ; J. - P. Kaitila & B. Wikström leg.; DNA samples 23240, 23241, 23244 Lepid. Phyl. ; RCJPK ; • 1 ♂ ; Struma river valley, Strubyani ; 41.755 ° N , 23.153 ° E ; 7 May 2013 ; J. Junnilainen leg.; RCJJ ; • 1 ♀ ; 5 km N Kresna , 600 m ; 41.717 ° N , 23.152 ° E ; 26 May 2010 ; O. Karsholt leg.; DNA sample 22111 Lepid. Phyl. ; ZMUC ; • 1 ♂ ; Ilindenci , drinking place upwards; 49.3911 ° N , 23.1500 ° E ; 15 May 2011 ; • 1 ♂ ; same locality; 18 May 2012 ; J. - P. Kaitila & B. Wikström leg.; DNA sample 23242 Lepid. Phyl. ; RCJPK , MZH . GREECE1 ♂ ; Peloponisos , Arkadia Vitina ; 37.66 ° N , 22.18 ° E ; 24 Jun. 1981 ; P. Grotenfelt leg.; L. Kaila prep 4569; MZH ; • 1 ♂ ; Aráchova , 10 km E Delfoí , 1000 m ; 38.465 ° N , 22.598 ° E ; 3 Oct. 2000 ; K. Mikkola leg.; L. Kaila prep. 4538, DNA sample 20949 Lepid. Phyl. ; MZH ; • 1 ♂ ; Macedonia , 15 km W Leptokaria , Olympos , 750 m ; 40.051 ° N , 22.434 ° E ; 21–23 May 2001 ; J. Junnilainen leg.; L. Kaila prep. 4103, DNA sample 16940 Lepid Phyl. ; RCJJ ; • 3 ♂ , 3 ♀ ; Macedonia , Xerolimni , 15 km W Kozáni ; 40.30 ° N , 21.66 ° E ; 21–23 May 2003 ; J. Junnilainen leg.; L. Kaila prep. 5481; RCJJ , MZH . NORTH MACEDONIA 1 ♀ ; Ohrid , Galičica , 1400 m ; 40.964 ° N , 20.835 ° E ; 15 Jun. 2015 ; DNA sample http://tun.fi/NH.526 J. Junnilainen leg.; RCJJ . Diagnosis. E. graeca is similar to several other Elachista species with the forewing mottled brownish grey with indistinct pattern. The size varies from fairly small to average-sized among Elachista spp. Among sympatric, related species E. rudectella is similar, but it has often clearer pale markings on the forewing. In the male genitalia the very broad and large cornutus distinguishes E. graeca from other species with more or less similar juxta lobes. The elongate uncus lobes with pointed apex are similar with those of E. nolckeni and E. rudectella . In E. nolckeni the uncus lobes are more slender, and in E. rudectella basally much wider. The cornutus is much smaller and strongly bent in E. nolckeni , and the shape of the juxta lobes is entirely different in E. rudectella . The female genitalia are similar to those of E. lagotara in the longitudinal folds of broad colliculum. However, the colliculum in E. graeca is short and bulbous compared to the long and banana-shaped colliculum in E. lagotara . Redescription. Wingspan 7.5–11.5 mm . Labial palpus slightly longer than diameter of head, off-white above, fuscous below. Head and neck tuft off-white, tegula basally grey, distally off-white, thorax and scape of antenna off-white, sometimes intermixed with pale grey scales; flagellum grey dark grey, annulated with paler grey rings. Foreleg dark grey with tarsal articles distally white, legs otherwise off-white, tibia and tarsal articles basally variably dark grey. Forewing with basally pale and distally brownish grey scales giving a mottled appearance, and sometimes irregular pattern such as elongate, indistinct grey patch in the middle, or traces of paler costal and tornal spots near apex of wing. Fringe concolorous with forewing, with dark grey fringe line. Hindwing grey with concolorous fringe. Underside of forewing dark grey with yellow margin, underside and fringe otherwise pale grey. Adults of Elachista spp. 1. E. afghana Parenti , ♂, holotype; 2. E. multipunctata Sruoga , ♂, holotype; 3. E. multipunctata Sruoga , ♀ (Tajikistan, Kondara); 4, 5. E. multipunctata Sruoga , ♀ (Tajikistan, Vanch); 6. E. phantasma Kaila & Sruoga , sp. nov. ♂, holotype; 7. E. granicorna Kaila & Sruoga , sp. nov. , ♂, holotype; 8. E. graeca Parenti , ♂ (Bulgaria, Ilindenci); 9. E. graeca Parenti , ♂ (Bulgaria, Kresna); 10. E. graeca Parenti , ♀ (Greece, Macedonia). Male genitalia . Uncus lobe tapered towards pointed apex, 1.5 × as long as broad at its broadest point, with a few short setae distolaterally, incision separating uncus lobes 0.8 length of uncus. Spinose knob of gnathos oval, 1.7 as long as broad. Valva 3.7 × as long as broad at its broadest point in the middle; costa strongly convex medially, distinctly emarginated in its distal third; sacculus basally bent, slightly concave beyond middle; cucullus somewhat curved and weakly bent towards costa. Digitate process small, about 1 / 7 length of valva, distally slightly dilated, blunt and setose. Juxta lobes widely separated from each other with U-shaped incision, medially produced forming lobes a little longer than wide, base of incision between juxta lobes strongly sclerotized; median and lateral margin straight; distal margin round, with a few short setae; lateral process short and broad; lateral margin concave; median plate with dorsally directed median sac. Vinculum small, with short narrow saccus strongly bent ventrad. Phallus about 0.6 × as long as valva, straight, 4 × as long as broad at its broadest place near base, otherwise almost parallel-sided; caecum short, round; vesica with one large cornutus formed as small tooth arising from large sclerotized plate; length of cornutus 0.4 × of phallus. Female genitalia . Papilla analis membranous, somewhat tapered towards nearly round apex; ventrally connected with inverted Y-shaped sclerotization. Apophysis posterioris about 1.5 × as long as papilla analis; apophysis anterioris gradually formed from tergum 8, basally wide, approximately 0.5 × as long as apophysis posterioris. Ostium bursae round, dorsal wall sclerotized. Colliculum bulbous, 4 / 5 as long as apophysis posterioris, with longitudinal folds. Remaining part of ductus bursae 3 × as long as colliculum, membranous, with small internal spines, especially towards corpus bursae. Corpus bursae oval, with small internal spines. Biology. Host plant unknown. The species has been collected at an elevation of 1000 m (the only reported mention). Based on collection data, the species has more than one generation per year. Distribution. Bulgaria , Greece , Croatia ( Parenti 2002 ), North Macedonia ( new record ). Remarks. Association of male and female is confirmed by DNA barcodes. The present authors are unable to unambiguously define which is the actual type locality, as there is more than one locality called Itea in Greece . The most likely site is 38.44 ° N 22.42 ° E , Delfoí, Itéa. Some paratypes and other material examined are also from Delfoí region. DNA barcode information. Maximum intraspecific divergence distance 0.31 % (n = 8) (DNA samples 16938, 16939, 16940, 20949, 22111, 21242, 23244 Lepid Phyl., DNA sample http://tun.fi/NH.526 ). Nearest neighbor is E. atrisquamosa with 4.91 % divergence.