Serpulids (Annelida: Polychaeta) from the Eastern Pacific, including a brief mention of Hawaiian serpulids Author Bastida-Zavala, J. Rolando text Zootaxa 2008 2008-03-07 1722 1 61 journal article 1175­5334 Pseudovermilia conchata ten Hove, 1975 ( Figures 9E–F ) Pseudovermilia conchata ten Hove, 1975: 88–92 , figs. 139–141, 168, pls. 6a–d, 8e, h–i. Type locality: Off Long Point Light , Santa Catalina Island , California , USA . Material examined. Five specimens: California ( USA ), LACM-AHF 1094–1095 , holotype and two paratypes (33º24’0–30”N, 118º21’30–33”W, 0.4–0.5 km off Long Point Light , Santa Catalina Island , small boat trawl, sand, brachiopods shells, 42–134 m , Sept. 29, 1941 and June 25, 1952 ) ; LACM-AHF s.n. ( 33º15’50”N , 118º11’20”W , 8–9.6 km off south-eastern end Santa Catalina Island , Velero III, sta. 1188, gravel, rock, 290–310 m , Sept. 29, 1940 , as Ditrupa sp. ); USNM 52036, paratype (33º00’20’N, 118º33’10”W , off Willow Cove , San Clemente Island , sand, broken shells, 120–170 m , March 18, 1939 ) . Diagnosis. Tube white, with longitudinal ridge forming denticulate crest. Opercular peduncle smooth, white. Operculum with fleshy, bulbous part and distal, yellow horny cap; last with up to 18 internal septa, sometimes horny cap with spine on top ( Fig. 9E ). Thoracic membrane short, extending to second thoracic chaetiger. Collar with hooded (limbate) chaetae, with bundles of few chaetae. Thorax with “ Apomatus ” chaetae occurring from second chaetiger onwards. Thoracic uncini with anterior bifurcate tooth ( Fig. 9F ). Habitat. Depth: 42–310 m . On brachiopod shells. Distribution. Only known from California ( USA ) (ten Hove 1975 ).