Tortonian teleost otoliths from northern Italy: taxonomic synthesis and stratigraphic significance Author Lin, Chien-Hsiang D39077E1-7025-4118-B258-C4A896E63E2A urn: lsid: zoobank. org: author: D 39077 E 1 - 7025 - 4118 - B 258 - C 4 A 896 E 63 E 2 A & Corresponding author: chlin. otolith @ gmail. com; r 97 b 41028 @ gmail. com Author Brzobohatý, Rostislav A354D828-3D07-46F5-9D27-4F9D7B208F12 Email: rosta @ sci. muni. cz & urn: lsid: zoobank. org: author: A 354 D 828 - 3 D 07 - 46 F 5 - 9 D 27 - 4 F 9 D 7 B 208 F 12 Author Nolf, Dirk 6BCC71A0-1BEE-4BC0-BDFC-D070609DEFAB Email: dirk. nolf @ scarlet. be & urn: lsid: zoobank. org: author: 6 BCC 71 A 0 - 1 BEE- 4 BC 0 - BDFC-D 070609 DEFAB Author Girone, Angela B4212D22-1D1B-48E9-8ABB-C1D1E05573EF Email: angela. girone @ uniba. it & urn: lsid: zoobank. org: author: B 4212 D 22 - 1 D 1 B- 48 E 9 - 8 ABB-C 1 D 1 E 05573 EF text European Journal of Taxonomy 2017 2017-05-23 322 1 44 journal article 22102 10.5852/ejt.2017.322 2922dbf4-12ec-49d4-ac36-565434419f51 2118-9773 3829305 Coelorinchus robustus ( Robba, 1970 ) The material of C . robustus known from the literature ( Robba 1970 : pl. 10, figs 4–6, pl. 11, figs 1–2; Nolf & Steurbaut 1983 : pl. 5, fig. 11; Brzobohatý 1995 : pl. 2, figs 1–2; Lin et al . 2015 : fig. 3(12)) as well as our material ( Fig. 8 L–M) all consist of huge adult otoliths. At a first glance, they resemble those of large Coelorinchus caelorhincus (Risso, 1810) (see Fig. 8A ) a lot, but, apart from the extraordinary size of the specimens, the cauda is much longer in C . robustus , the posterior tip of the otolith is slightly directed upwards, and the collicula are wider and closer to each other at the collum, sometimes they are even fused together dorsally. One of the otoliths of C . caelorhincus figured by Lin et al . (2015 : fig. 3(12)) exhibits the aforementioned features, suggesting much closer similarities to C . robustus than C . caelorhincus .