A revision of the Larainae (Coleoptera, Elmidae) of Venezuela, with description of nine new species Author Maier, Crystal A. text ZooKeys 2013 329 33 91 http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.329.4961 journal article http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.329.4961 1313-2970-329-33 Nebilinagena doylei Kodada & Jaech , 1999 Figs 5, 54, 55, 56, 57 For complete species descriptions and genitalia illustrations, see Kodada and Jaech 1999 . Material examined. VENEZUELA: Bolivar State: "SE-Venezuela, Bolivar State; Quebrada Wiwiparu, the stream; near Paratepui village, which; crosses the tourist pathway to Mt." "Roraima, ca. 1000m a.s.l.; 31 Jan 1999; T. Derka & R. Reilmaier, lgt." (1 Holotype NMW). "VENEZUELA: Bolivar State; 6°5'14.1"N , 61°23'55.8"W 400m; Piedra de la Virgen, 31.vii.2008; leg. A. Short, M. Garcia, L. Joly; AS-08-056, small forest stream" (4 specimens SEMC). "VENEZUELA: Bolivar State; 6°1'38"N , 61°23'41.1"W , 690m; Along La Escalera; 31.vii.2008; leg. A. Short, M. Garcia, L. Joly; AS-08-059; rocky stream" (4 specimens SEMC). "VENEZUELA: Bolivar State; 06°04'54.7"N , 61°23'52.7"W , 509 m; Along La Escalera, Highway 10; 14.vii.2010; leg. Short, Tellez, & Arias; VZ10-0714-01C" (2 specimens SEMC - frozen tissue collection) "VENEZUELA: Bolivar ; Municipio Gran Sabana; El Pauji. 25/IV/2004 al 02/V/2004 J. Camacho; J. Perozo, Col." " 04°28'66"N , 61°35'38"W ; 880msnm." (9 specimens MALUZ). "Loc. VEN-16-2010, canyon; of the Rio Yuruen above; Uruyen village, Venezuela; Bolivar Province" "NP Canaima, 5°42'26.0"N ; 62°28'13.7"W , alt. 658m; a.s.l. 16.i.2010; leg. T. Derka & M. Svitok (11 specimens CKB). Diagnosis. Neblinagena doylei can be distinguished from Neblinagena prima by its range, which does not overlap with the range of the latter. Additionally, in Neblinagena doylei the pronotal longitudinal carinae are entire and the oblique furrow of the pronotum forms a 30° angle relative to the median longitudinal furrow (Fig. 57), whereas in Neblinagena prima the pronotal lateral carinae are obscured anteriorly and the oblique furrows form a 45° angle relative to the median longitudinal furrow (Fig. 61). Neblinagena doylei is also slightly larger than its congener. Intraspecific variation. This species varies slightly in size (5.5-6.6 mm) and in coloration - from dark brown to black. Distribution and habitat. Neblinagena doylei can be found throughout the eastern part of Venezuela, in and around the Gran Sabana, in Bolivar and Amazonas States (Fig. 5). Specimens have been collected on flat, waterslide-like rocks in the La Escalera region. Associated species. This species is associated the Mount Roraima endemic species Roraima carinata . Other aquatic beetles collected at the same localities include: Notionotus spp., Oocyclus spp. ( Hydrophilidae ), and Macrelmis spp. ( Elmidae : Elminae ).