A taxonomic revision of the genus Xylota Meigen (Diptera: Syrphidae) in Korea Author Jeong, Soo-Hyun Author Han, Ho-Yeon text Zootaxa 2019 2019-08-29 4661 3 457 493 journal article 25863 10.11646/zootaxa.4661.3.3 81a32fc3-9362-4ec2-b507-54859001f1e0 1175-5326 3446340 28EFDB26-4C37-4DA9-ABBB-122083EE396B Xylota filipjevi (Stackelberg) (Korean name: gal-saek-heo-ri-kkot-deung-e) Figs 1D , 2D , 4 J–N, 9I–L, 13G Species new to Korea Zelima filipjevi Stackelberg, 1952: 327 (type locality: Russia , S. Primorskij kraj ; holotype , ZISP) Xylota filipjevi Violovitsh, 1986: 140 , 142 (in Siberian key); Hippa, 1978: 63 (illustration); Mutin & Barkalov, 1999: 492 (in Russian Far East key) Diagnosis. This species can be distinguished from the other Korean Xylota species by the following characteristics: 1) anterior 1/2 area of anterior anepisternum bare; 2) baso-dorsal 2/3 of metabasotarsomere dark brown ( Fig. 4K ); and 3) abdominal tergites 2 and 3 brownish contrasting well with its predominantly black body coloration ( Fig. 4J ). Description of Korean material. MALE . Body length 10.9–12.6mm ; wing length 8.8–10.1mm ; brown to dark brown species. Head black; face with dense white pollinosity; posterior 1/4 of frons anterior to eye contiguity with yellowish pollinosity ( Fig. 1D ); area anterior to ocellar triangle (vertical triangle anterior to ocellar triangle) bare but posterior area covered with yellow pile ( Fig. 1D ). Thorax entirely black; scutum subshiny black with short appressed yellow pile, but posterior half sparsely with longer erect yellow pile mixed with short pile; anterior 1/2 of anterior anepisternum bare and posterior 1/2 covered with yellowish pollinosity; posterior anepisternum with yellow pile but without pollinosity; anepimeron covered with yellow pile; katepisternum moderately covered with yellowish white pollinosity, dorsal posterior area with white pile; notopleuron with yellow pile; scutal area anterior to wing base with yellow pile and few black pile mixed; postalar callus with long yellow pile; metasternum bare with yellow pollinosity. Wing hyaline except for dark brown pterostigma; halter with basal half of stem dark brown but posterior stem and knob yellow. Legs: femora dark brown to black; pro- and mesotibiae yellow with about apical half brownish; pro- and mesotarsomeres 1–3 yellow, tarsomeres 4 and 5 black; metatrochanter ventrally with elongated and sharp calcar (at least twice as long as basal width) ( Fig. 4K ); apico-ventral 1/3 of metafemur with two carinae covered with spinose setulae, remaining ventral area irregularly covered with spinose setae ( Fig. 4K ), antero-dorsally and postero-ventrally with long white pile but apico-dorsal 1/3 area with black setulae; metatibia dark brown with basal 1/3 yellow ( Fig. 4K ); dorso-basal 2/3 of metabasotarsomere brown but apico-ventral 1/3 yellow ( Fig. 4K ); metatarsomere 2 yellow, metatarsomere 3 dark brown, metatarsomeres 4 and 5 black ( Fig. 4K ). Abdomen about 3.5x longer than wide ( Figs 2D , 4J ), terga 2 and 3 more or less parallel-sided, dark brown and medially with vague elongated brownish tinged area; each of terga 2 and 3 with pair of inner facing triangular areas densely covered with white erect pile (other areas of terga with short appressed black and pale yellow pile mixed) ( Figs 2D , 4J ); tergum 4 dark brown, with short black pile and long yellow pile. Male genitalia ( Figs 9 I–L, 13G): surstylus with dorsal lobe twice as long as ventral lobe, long finger shaped and slightly bent ventrally in lateral view, densly covered with spinose setulae ( Fig. 9 I–K); ventral lobe of surstylus blunt but distinctly projected with apex setulose, ( Fig. 9J, K ); cercus cordated in profile with long pale pile ( Fig. 9J, K ); lingula indistinct ( Fig. 13M ); fenestra transversely elliptic in outline ( Fig. 9J, K ); spur of superior lobe reduced ( Fig. 13M ); superior lobe almost symmetrical, lateral arms of theca elongated, apico-ventrally crooked down with pointed apex, dorsally with 4–6 spinose denticles, apico-dorsal area microtrichiae with spears pile ( Fig. 9J, K ); aedeagus with ejaculatory hood medially with furrow in postero-ventral view, dorsally round ( Fig. 9L ); ejaculatory process short ( Fig. 9L ); ejaculatory apodeme apically enlarged and bowl shaped. FEMALE. Not examined but according to the original description: frons shiny black with gray spots laterally; terga 2 and 3 each with triangular maculae of lead color (bluish gray color) laterally ( Stackelberg, 1952 ). Material examined. SOUTH KOREA : Gangwon-do: 1♂ , Inje-gun , Girin-myeon , Mt. Jeombongsan 1424m peak from Sangeo-ri , 29.V.1999 , H.Y. Han et al .; 2♂ , Jeongseon-gun , Jeongseon-eup , Hoedong-ri , N37°25’59” , E128°33’49” , 7.VI.2011 , H.S. Lee , Y.B. Lee , D.H. Kim . Distribution. Korea (new record), Russian Far East. Remarks. The specimens of X. filipjevi collected in Korea agree with the identification key and genitalic illustration by Mutin & Barkalov (1999) . Xylota filipjevi and X. tarda show distinctly different appearance but appear to be closely related by sharing the following morphological characteristics: 1) lateral arms of theca of male genitalia apically crooked down; and 2) anterior portion of anterior anepisternum bare.