An updated review of the genus Toxorhina Loew, 1850 (Diptera, Limoniidae) from Yunnan, China with a description of a new speciesAuthorLv, Hanhuiying Laboratory of Biohazard Monitoring and Green Prevention and Control in Artificial Grassland, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Institute of Grassland Research, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Hohhot 010010, China & Shandong Engineering Research Center for Environment-Friendly Agricultural Pest Management, College of Plant Health and Medicine, Qingdao Agricultural University, Qingdao 266109, ChinaAuthorXu, Yuanyuan Engineering Research Center for Environment-Friendly Agricultural Pest Management, College of Plant Health and Medicine, Qingdao Agricultural University, Qingdao 266109, China & Guangxi Key Laboratory of Agric-Environment and Agric-Products Safety, National Demonstration Center for Experimental Plant Science Education, Agricultural College, Guangxi University, Nanning 530004, ChinaAuthorLiu, Shulin Engineering Research Center for Environment-Friendly Agricultural Pest Management, College of Plant Health and Medicine, Qingdao Agricultural University, Qingdao 266109, ChinaAuthorLi, Linghui Engineering Research Center for Environment-Friendly Agricultural Pest Management, College of Plant Health and Medicine, Qingdao Agricultural University, Qingdao 266109, ChinaAuthorLin, Kejian0000-0002-8531-8506Key Laboratory of Biohazard Monitoring and Green Prevention and Control in Artificial Grassland, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Institute of Grassland Research, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Hohhot 010010, ChinaAuthorZhang, Xiao0000-0002-8054-0968Shandong Engineering Research Center for Environment-Friendly Agricultural Pest Management, College of Plant Health and Medicine, Qingdao Agricultural University, Qingdao 266109, ChinatextZooKeys20242024-06-241205191204journal article29886110.3897/zookeys.1205.1178076af25ad8-6ada-4c5f-a06a-fbe27e26526c31CA30DA-E778-4046-B479-5F1705D4FC9AToxorhina
Xu, Lv & Zhang
sp. nov.Figs 4
5Type material.Holotype
Yunnan Province
Lushui County
Pianma Town
2123 m
a. s. l.
26.0142 ° N
98.6272 ° E
6 July 2013
Xuankun Li
light trap
3 ♂♂
; same data as for holotype;
Prescutum and presutural scutum dark brown with edges of prescutal suture and both sides of caudal edge darker (Fig.
4 C
). Pleuron dark brown. Wing with cell d open by absence of m-m. R
ending slightly before end of basal section of R
, m-cu before fork of M by about 1 / 3 of its own length. Gonocoxite with 1 gonostylus. Gonocoxite dorsally with three brownish-black, stout preapical setae, and a blunt lobe at inside of base; the lobe with nine stout setae. Interbase elongated, rod-shaped. Tip of aedeagus bifid with arms short and divergent.
pianmicasp. nov.A
habitus of male, lateral view
head, lateral view
thorax, dorsal view (the arrows refer to the dark areas on prescutum and presutural scutum)
wing. Scale bars: 1.0 mm (
A, D
); 0.5 mm (
B, C
4 A
). Body length
4.4–4.9 mm
(excluding rostrum), wing length 4.5–5.0 mm, rostrum length 2.7–3.0 mm, halter length
0.6–0.7 mm
Head (Fig.
4 B
). Dark brown. Setae on head dark brown. Antenna with scape pale brown, pedicel and first flagellomere brown, remaining flagellomeres pale brown. Scape short cylindrical, with dark brown setae. Pedicel globular, with dark brown setae. First flagellomere oval, remaining flagellomeres cylindrical; terminal two flagellomeres longest with pale brown verticils. Rostrum about 3 / 5 of length of wing, brown with dark brown setae.
Thorax (Fig.
4 C
). Pronotum brown. Prescutum and presutural scutum dark brown, with edges of prescutal suture and both sides of caudal edge darker. Postsutural scutum dark brown, paler in middle area. Scutellum dark brown with side and caudal edges black, paler in middle area. Mediotergite brown with side edges brownish-black. Pleuron dark brown (Fig.
4 A
). Coxae yellow with bases brown; trochanters yellow; femora brown with bases paler; tibiae brown; base of fore tarsus brown, remaining tarsi missing. Setae on legs brown. Wing (Fig.
4 D
) pale brown, without stigma. Veins brown. Venation: Sc ending slightly beyond origin of Rs; sc-r a great distance before tip of Sc; R
ending slightly before end of basal section of R
; distal section of R
approach M
1 + 2
toward tip; CuP curved suddenly at middle; cell d open by absence of m-m; m-cu before fork of M by about 1 / 3 its own length. Halter yellow.
Abdomen (Fig.
4 A
). Segments 1–6 brown with caudal edges darker, segments 7–8 dark brown.
Hypopygium (Fig.
). Tergite 9 dark brown with dark brown setae, posterior margin with two large translucent areas on both sides (Fig.
5 A, E
). Gonocoxite brown, conical with tip round (Fig.
5 A, B
); dorsal face with a few sparse brown setae at outside, three brownish-black, stout preapical setae (Fig.
5 A, F
), and a blunt lobe at inside of base, this lobe with nine stout setae (Fig.
5 A, G
); ventral face with numerous brown setae at inside (Fig.
5 B
). Gonostylus brownish-yellow, curved inwards at basal 1 / 3; the basal 1 / 3 stout with a longitudinal groove, distal 2 / 3 slender with tip round; outer side of basal 1 / 3 with outwardly curved spine (Fig.
5 A, B, H
). Interbase pale brownish-yellow, elongated, rod-shaped, about 10 times as long as wide; tip inflated and round (Fig.
5 A – D
). Parameres dark brown, medially arched fused, distally connecting to base of interbase (Fig.
5 C, D
). Ejaculatory apodeme dark brown except pale base, rod-shaped (Fig.
5 C, D
). Aedeagus dark brown, stout at base, tip bifid with arms short and divergent (Fig.
5 A – D, I
pianmicasp. nov.A
male hypopygium, dorsal view
male hypopygium, ventral view
aedeagal complex, dorsal view
aedeagal complex, ventral view
posterior margin of tergite 9, dorsal view
preapical setae gonocoxite, dorsal view
setae at base of gonocoxite, dorsal view
gonostylus, dorsal view
tip of aedeagus, ventral view. Scale bars: 0.1 mm (
A – E, H
); 0.02 mm (
F, G, I
Etymology.The species is named after the type locality, Pianma Town.Distribution.China
Behavior.The species can be attracted by light.Remarks.
The new species is similar to
simplicistylaAlexander, 1967
in having similar wing venation, but can be separated by the brown abdomen with segments 7–8 darker (Fig.
4 A
), the gonostylus conspicuously curved with a spine at the basal 1 / 3 (Fig.
5 A, B, H
), and the interbase with the tip inflated (Fig.
5 A – D
). In
, the abdomen is brownish-black, the gonostylus is very gently curved with a spine near the middle, and the tip of the interbase is not inflated (
Alexander 1967