Vespertilionidae Author Don E. Wilson Author Russell A. Mittermeier text 2019 2019-10-31 Lynx Edicions Barcelona Handbook of the Mammals of the World – Volume 9 Bats 716 981 book chapter 56755 10.5281/zenodo.6397752 45351c32-25dd-422c-bdb2-00e73deb4943 978-84-16728-19-0 6397752 337. Fea’s Tube-nosed Bat Murina feae French: Murine de Fea / German: Fea-Rohrennase / Spanish: Ratonero narizudo de Fea Other common names: Ashy Tube-nosed Bat Taxonomy. Harpiocephalus feae Thomas, 1891 , Biapo, Karin Hills, Myanmar . See M. tubinaris . Limited genetic data suggest M. feae may be closelyrelated to M. beelzebub and M. annamitica ; see also M. jaintiana. Typically treated as a synonym of M. aurata , but is now considered a distinct species. Includes populations of South-east Asia previously placed in M. tubinaris that were separated in 2011 as M. cineracea , but subsequently found to refer to M. feae . Monotypic. Distribution. N & E Myanmar , N Thailand , N Laos , N Vietnam , and E Cambodia ; may also occur in NE India . Descriptive notes. Head—body 32: 8-48 mm , tail 28:2-41- 6 mm , ear 8- 2-15 mm , hindfoot 5-1-8- 4 mm , forearm 27- 5-36 mm ; weight 3-2-6- 4 g . Fur 1s long and silky; dorsally dark grayish (hairs dark grayish brown to blackish for basal two-thirds, with bufty gray band and dark gray-brown tip, some hairs appearing browner); ventrally paler silvery gray (hairs with dark gray or black basal three-quarters, and silvery white tips). Dorsal pelage extends sparsely onto wings, uropatagium, thumbs, and feet. Face is sparsely haired except long protuberant nostrils, which are naked. Ears are short, broad, and evenly rounded, with smoothly convex anterior margins, lacking notch on posterior margin, with broadly rounded tip; tragus is long, narrow, and tapering toward pointed tip. Wing attaches to base of claw on the toe. Skull has slightly domed braincase with distinct concavity in rostral profile; sagittal crest is weakly developed. C' is higher than P* and P? is about half P* height; mesostyles of M' and M? are poorly developed; C, exceeds height of P, and P; talonids of M, and M,are about equal to their trigonids. Chromosomal complement has 2n = 44 and FN = 50 ( Vietnam ). Habitat. Hill evergreen forest in Thailand ; mixed forest and montane evergreen rainforest in Laos . Recorded at elevations of 360-1230 m . Food and Feeding. No information. Breeding. No information. Activity patterns. Calls are a steep FM sweep with an average start frequency of 170-1 kHz (161-180 kHz), end frequency 50-7 kHz (34-66 kHz), peak frequency 132-9 kHz (102-1-148-1 kHz), and duration 2-5 milliseconds (2:4-3-4 milliseconds). Movements, Home range and Social organization. No information. Status and Conservation. Not assessed on The IUCN Red Lust, as it 1s included in the Little Tube-nosed Bat ( M. aurata ), which is listed as Least Concern. Bibliography. Csorba et al. (2011), Francis & Eger (2012), Kruskop & Eger (2008), Maeda (1980), Nguyen Truong Son et al. (2015), Soisook (2013), Soisook, Thaw Win-Naingng et al. (2017).