Soricidae Author Russell A. Mittermeier Author Don E. Wilson text 2018 2018-07-31 Lynx Edicions Barcelona Handbook of the Mammals of the World – Volume 8 Insectivores, Sloths and Colugos 332 551 book chapter 978-84-16728-08-4 6870843 265. Neglected White-toothed Shrew Crocidura neglecta French: Crocidure de Sumatra / German: Vergessene WeilRzahnspitzmaus / Spanish: Musarafna descuidada Other common names: Sumatran White-toothed Shrew Taxonomy. Crocidura neglecta Jentink, 1888 , Sumatra ,” Indonesia . Formerly grouped with other small Cro- cdura (e.g. C. monticola or C. maxi ) of Sundaland, but recent phylogenetic reconstructions based on mtDNA and multiple nDNA genes show that they are only distant relatives; these molecular data place neglecta in a distinct clade that is more closely related to Indochinese C. attenuata ; this clade comprises other small shrews of uncertain taxonomic status from Borneo and Peninsular Malaysia and variously reported as C. cf. monticola , C. cf. maxi or C. cf. neglecta ; they differ by less than 4% sequence divergence at the cytochrome-b gene from Sumatran C. neglecta and may therefore prove conspecific with it. Monotypic. Distribution. Known definitely from two areas in N &W Sumatra (Mt Tujuh and Bukit Lawan), but if morphologically and genetically similar specimens from Borneo and Peninsular Malaysia prove to be conspecifics, its distribution might be more extensive across the Sundaland. Descriptive notes. Head—body 54-55 mm, tail 34-41 mm, ear 7-8 mm, hindfoot 9-8— 10-2 mm. No specific data are available for body weight. Small-bodied shrew with dark pelage, dorsal hairs tipped with brownish red, underparts somewhatlighter. Hairy feet. Relatively short, hairy, cylindrical tail, with long bristle hairs along its proximal 10 mm. Habitat. Primary and secondary rainforest. Altitudinal range 160-1600 m. Food and Feeding. Feeds on invertebrates but no precise data are available. Breeding. No information. Activity patterns. No information. Movements, Home range and Social organization. No information. Status and Conservation. Not assessed on The IUCN Red List as a separate species from the Sunda White-toothed Shrew ( C. monticola ), which is classified as Least Concern. Thought to be not threatened because of its supposedly widespread occurrence in the Sundaland. Owing to revised taxonomy, now restricted to northern Sumatra and may be under threat by ongoing destruction ofits forest habitats. It is, however, present in at least two large protected areas (Gunung Leuser and Kerinci-Seblat national parks) but population densities and trends are unknown. Collection of additional specimens is needed to clarify the taxonomic position of similar, small-bodied Crocidura from Borneo and Peninsular Malaysia. If they prove conspecific, the current range of C. neglecta would be considerably more extensive. Bibliography. Chiozza (2016b), Demos et al. (2016), Esselstyn et al. (2013), Hutterer (2005b), Jentink (1888), Omar et al. (2013), Ruedi (1995).