Soricidae Author Russell A. Mittermeier Author Don E. Wilson text 2018 2018-07-31 Lynx Edicions Barcelona Handbook of the Mammals of the World – Volume 8 Insectivores, Sloths and Colugos 332 551 book chapter 978-84-16728-08-4 6870843 126. Tama Small-eared Shrew Cryptotis tamensis French: Musaraigne de Tama / German: Tama-Kleinohrspitzmaus / Spanish: Musarana de orejas pequenas de Tama Other common names: Tama Shrew Taxonomy. Cryptotis tamensis Woodman, 2002 , VENEZUELA : State of Tachira : Buena Vista , 7°27’N , 72°26’W , 2415 m ; near Páramo de Tama ; 35 km S , 22 km W of San Cristobal .” Cryptotis tamensis is in the C. thomas: group based on morphology, but genetic data are needed to validate this. Monotypic. Distribution. Tama highlands in SE Norte de Santander and NE Santander departments (NE Colombia) and W Tachira State (NW Venezuela); it might have a more extensive distribution. Descriptive notes. Head-body 79-87 mm, tail 34-38 mm, hindfoot 15 mm; weight 10-15 g. The Tama Small-eared Shrew is large. Pelage is chocolate brown above and slightly paler olive brown below. Forefeet are somewhat enlarged and robust, with long pointed claws. Tail is relatively long (42% of head-body length), unicolored brownish, and covered with short hairs. Eyes are diminutive, and ears are small and hidden under fur. Zygomatic plate is broad; interorbital region is narrow; and fourth unicuspid is reduced but still easily visible in lateral view of skull. Teeth are reddish, and there are four unicuspids. Habitat. Lower to high-montane wet cloud forests at elevations of 2385-3330 m. Tama Small-eared Shrews have been found in disturbed cloud forests and agricultural fields. Food and Feeding. No information. Breeding. A lactating Tama Small-eared Shrew and two pregnant females (one with one embryo and the other with two) were captured in March. Activity patterns. No information. Movements, Home range and Social organization. No information. Status and Conservation. Classified as Least Concern on The IUCN Red List. Although the Tama Small-eared Shrew has a relatively limited distribution, there are no major current threats to its habitat, and it is found in El Tama National Park in Venezuela. Deforestation could be a major threat to the Tama Small-eared Shrew if it progresses as it is in surrounding regions. Bibliography. Quiroga-Carmona & DoNascimiento (2016), Woodman (2002, 2017b), Woodman & Péfaur (2008).